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Everything posted by DrumUltimA

  1. I guess I was primarily responding to In the sense that Cave Story being "retro" wasn't the "point."
  2. I don't consider the original cave story retro, despite the music and graphics. It was just what he had available to program. It would have been retro if it's "antiquity" was part of the concept of design (think bit trip on wii). But from what I understand, I don't think it was.
  3. fuck. now i have to buy a 3DS. Screw you guys.
  4. Hey guys, thanks for all the feedback! I worked super super hard on this remix, I'm glad everybody seems to be enjoying it. Once again thanks to Tony (Prince of Darkness), snappleman, audiofidelity, my mom lol, and everyone else who helped me through this one! This remix references a lot of different things... one of which being one of my earlier remixes. Can you find it?
  5. a funny related anecdote-- I made a shitty chiptune version of one of my band's tracks, and my mom called me today how she thought the "midi" version of the track sounded so funny. oh, mom...
  6. but that's the thing-- people DO THAT!!! we should complain about this in an IRC chat
  7. When I was a kid, the faithful day came where it was time for me to choose an AOL username. I had ten characters to work with, so I wanted to pick something that reflected things I was interested in within that limitation. I had just started playing drums, and I loved video games--my favorite at the time being Final Fantasy III, which I would play at my friend's house. So I put Drum and Ultima together, and made it look fancy. At the time, those two things represented me. They still do.
  8. btw, huge THANK YOU!!! to everyone who bought my band's CD!! I was really happy to have sold everything I came there with. Thanks guys!!
  9. Just got back. I have to sleep. mag is over :[
  10. There are two or three used video game stores in the area where I go to school (Lawrence, KS). I just want every system. That's all!
  11. So, now that it's all over, I'm coping. This is how I'm coping: Enjoy
  12. The winners are all posted now! http://www.youtube.com/symphony
  13. Hey guys, just thought I'd follow this up-- I just got an email from YouTube, and unfortunately I was not selected. The winner from my category was Su Chang, the chinese guhzeng player. Thanks to everyone who supported me though! It was a wild ride, and hopefully I'll have better luck next year!
  14. this. this. this. this. this. I might take you up on that... except I didn't bring my long running pants >
  15. it clipped too many times for me to be okay with subbing this... but maybe i'll try a new one and sub that!
  16. I don't have my marimba here! maybe when I'm back at school...
  17. I like 'em low and bassy. I hate regular clarinet but I love bass clarinet. As for playing? probably vibes.
  18. Nothing special, but I just recorded another improv video. This time, based on Mabe village from Link's Awakening, inspired by our own Benjamin "chth" Briggs. Sorry bout the clipping EDIT: MY BAD this is pre-sword koholint!
  19. what about Israfel's "Glass Cage" remix? Granted there was a little more to that source theme, but he managed to make a full-fledged remix out of it.
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