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Everything posted by zircon

  1. I see your Ophelia shennanigans, and raise you Magebane domination. To be fair, our Pyro did the level 1 Kongor thing, which probably tipped the scales, but the score was fairly even for the first half of the game. They were just never able to kill me. At the end, I killed their pro Puppet Master in two hits
  2. How about a little more information about the game? Is this PC, Xbox 360, PS3? Is it a demo only? Beta? Alpha? A mod? Come on, man.
  3. But what I'm saying is that for many remixers, myself included, you're not going to get anything out of our files. Even when I go back to load my own projects from a few years ago I can't tell what the hell is going on because I didn't make them for other people to look at, I'm missing samples, they're disorganized, etc. They're no help to ME, much less other people. And that's why I've been doing the aforementioned screencap videos to make a timeless record of what went into the mix, along with my own comments. So far, people have found those very helpful. Yes but frankly I don't think that is analogous here. How often do you hear people saying "I have this great idea, but don't know how to implement it?" I hear that all the time. Everyone has musical ideas. On the other hand, how many people say "I'm a production whiz and know how to implement all of my ideas. I just don't have any ideas to begin with?" I don't know of anyone like that. If you look at the VAST majority of remixes we get, the most glaring problems are typically related to production, not arrangement. It's relatively uncommon that we tell someone they had amazing production but had no idea what they were doing when it came to arranging the song. I'll be the first to say that I learned a LOT from guys like tefnek and Unknown, when I collaborated with them. I'm just really skeptical that having a few unorganized MIDI scraps and 90% missing plugins will have the same effect. No, it's not really beside the point because for many people, production is what they need help with. I get emails every day from people asking me for advice, and 95% of them are production-related. The other 5% are business-related. Nobody asks about arrangement, velocities, or automation. If I share a project file and you can't see my synth settings, my EQ settings, my compressors, my limiters... then what help is that going to be? There's no problem with exporting single tracks that used sampled instruments. What I meant was that if you buy Reason Pianos and use it in a project, it would be unethical to then give everyone who wants to look at your project a copy of Reason Pianos for free. Anyway, this is certainly not a bad idea, but there are two big issues. One is that it's a big pain to export everything separately, ESPECIALLY if you're using FL (which would be.. hundreds of ReMixers) since it doesn't really handle audio or MIDI in "tracks". It took hours to set up the files for that remix compo. Plus, what does it really do? You can't tell HOW the person made the loop. Yeah, it's kind of interesting as a novelty, but listening to BT's remix packs didn't do much to help me improve, for example. What DID help (and inspire) me was watching tutorial videos or collaborating with more experienced mixers. I'm 100% for this. I love the fact that I can go find Bladiator's sheet music, and I wish MIDIs or sheet music were available for other solo piano tracks. However, this wouldn't apply to all remixes, since many with electronic elements have so much "garbage" MIDI data that it would be confusing to anyone looking at it. Also, same with point A, it's an enormous pain to export anything from FL as a MIDI due to its nonlinear construction of patterns. To all: please don't misunderstand my intentions. I've always wanted to do as much as possible to help ReMixers to get better and to hopefully inspire people in any way I can. I just don't think that project files or exported tracks are a practical or effective way of doing that. I really believe that video demonstrations (tutorials, walkthroughs) are most useful - basically any way for the original artist to explain HOW they got a sound, WHY they picked it, why it works, any interesting story behind it, and so on. And all that being said I still support the idea of sharing project files that *can* be exported with all components (free samples, soundfonts, Reason stuff, etc.)
  4. I'm not quite sure what the problem you're having is. First of all, what is your actual buffer setting, in samples + ms, in FL? 256 = 4ms and is generally the lowest I would go, but I have no problems with 512 samples / 8 ms. In what situations are you getting the stuttering problems? Is it only when you use sounds from the keyboard, or simply any VSTi? Can you try using another sound card with the exact same project and see if you still have the problems?
  5. Yes, there is a single, extremely simple reason. It is logistically impossible to export everything you used in a project. Take Reason for example. Unless you're using "vanilla" Reason with absolutely no refills, you'd have to share your refills (which could be hundreds to thousands of MB) in order for people to be able to load your project. Not only is that impractical, it's illegal, since you're giving away something that you bought. Now take a program like, say, Cubase. You could be using hundreds of sounds from many libraries. Chances are they're not just simple WAVs; they're VST plugins which you can't share even if you wanted to (they must be registered/authorized, possibly attached to a dongle, etc.) Nobody in this thread for example could load any of my projects. Even if you have, say, Zebra 2, Kontakt 4, my SPECIFIC VERSION of T-Racks, ArtsAcoustic Reverb, Guitar Rig 4 and FM7, are all the library mappings and filepaths going to be the same? Are you going to have my custom tools? No. The fact of the matter is that this will never be possible or practical unless the projects use only program default sounds OR 100% free plugins/sounds that don't require installation or authorization. The best way for people to share their projects and give some insight would be, IMO, to record screencap videos and actually show people how sounds were made, what various sequences look like, the structure of their mixer channels, that kind of stuff.
  6. Why is he a semi-carry? He has no steroid skills and bad AGI gain. Also, why is he a disabler? His silence is no better than Blood Hunter's silence. The spell itself is more powerful overall but AFAIK he has only a single disable on a long cooldown, far worse than BH's disabling capability.
  7. Yeah, looking at his skills he actually looks ridiculously OP. At level 6 he can do 740 magic damage, at range, through Doom & LvlX Death alone. PLUS a long silence. That's just stupid, since he can also auto attack and possibly use his fire dot as well.
  8. Doombringer is an interesting hero. He doesn't really seem like a carry at all, but he has what looks like quite outstanding farming. He has some great nukes but the mana costs are pretty low. So what is his role?
  9. I don't think it's really fair to host the OCReMoved tracks which were literally just arrange album rips. It gives credibility to the ripoff artists, which I think is unfair - people might assume that Munisho made the Bloody Tears mix when it's actually from a doujin arrange. If you're going to host them it should be REALLY clear where they're originally from.
  10. Did you guys notice he also wrote all the music and did all the sound design?!
  11. Well, having just now played as new Zephyr in a game where we were generally outplayed (but where I matched the farm of their biggest carry), I think it's not TOO overpowered. If the enemy team is smart and spreads out, they will rarely get hit with the full brunt of it. It was hard to catch anyone dead center and heroes like Soul Reaper still eat Zephyr alive. New Chronos isn't overpowered. I think he's right where he needs to be. He's a bit more viable early now but his 3rd skill is arguably a nerf in some ways, since it takes 4 straight hits to stun, and it doesn't do nearly as much average damage until MUCH later in the game. The biggest improvement was the damage on leap, imo.
  12. Should move discussion to this thread: http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=27438 Now that we're officially going.
  13. You can listen to the source here: And if you want to hear the rest of the soundtrack, it's available on my site (click sig) Glad you all are enjoying this tune as much as I did. Awesome stuff JM!!
  14. I really think the AOE boil just overpowered Hellbringer way too much. IMO it should be max of 3 chained targets at most at level 4, and/or smaller AOE. He really, really did not need that buff and even with nothing but the Lifevoid nerf he would still be an incredibly powerful character.
  15. I've actually never heard of a situation like the one you're describing. Basically you're sending in a demo and hoping for a deal. Not even the most draconian major record labels say that they basically own (for a limited time) your albums/demo... just because you submitted them for CONSIDERATION for a deal. That being said, the practical consideration is obvious, for a digital label. If you're selling your music on iTunes, they don't get a cut, and it's very, very hard to PULL your music and then somehow have the label resubmit it. It becomes a big mess. What you should be able to do though is sell physical or digital copies through CD Baby's main website. I don't mean use their digital distribution service, which goes to iTunes, I mean the service that they provide right on cdbaby.com. *This* could potentially be removed at any time by you so it shouldn't be an issue to the label.
  16. The S2 heroes are fine; maybe you don't like them because you're just not used to them. Which in particular do you have a beef with? Especially with all the recent + upcoming patches, most heroes are in the upper tiers and potentially viable in competitive AND pub play.
  17. I get the impression this is less of an arcade and more of a bar-style setting with games right there at the bar itself. D&Bs is like a bar/restaurant attached to an arcade.
  18. To respond to the above, not to be a know-it-all, but just want to have the correct information out there... The fact that FL can automate nearly anything isn't unqiue. What is unique is that you can use virtually any kind of data for automation with FL's "Peak Controller" and "Formula Controller" tools. These let you convert audio data or generate pure code to control any parameter. You can also apply formulae to standard automation. So, for example, you could have your modwheel modulate any parameter for any VST logarithmically, if you wanted, or cut the modulation value in half, or cut it into one third and multiply by 10, whatever. Compared to Cubase, I honestly have to say that FL probably doesn't have any loop-editing or manipulation features that make it particularly stand out from Cubase. Ableton Live is superior to both in that department. FL does have the better overall workflow for using oneshot samples and *creating* loops, but I've actually been frustrated on more than one occasion at how FL deals with changing tempos, stretching, etc. It's getting better but remember that FL was a drum machine app first and didn't even have audio importing and time manipulation until later.
  19. * Cubase has better auto plugin delay compensation. * Cubase has better support for scoring to picture, as well as a notation view. * Cubase supports streaming audio from the hard drive, FL Studio does not. * FL has a more advanced mixer in terms of routing (completely free routing to any channel, from any channel, free sends, etc.) * Creating "tracks" in FL is faster as audio and MIDI tracks are by default integrated into a single "channel". Creating a sampler, its component audio track and MIDI track would take several steps in Cubase, whereas in FL it literally takes only one.
  20. No, of course Demented Shaman isn't support. Obviously it was all our fault that we lost, you didn't do anything wrong. Regarding playing "seriously", there's nothing wrong with playing to win. Being competitive is nothing more than doing just that. Games are fun. As a rule of thumb, they're more fun when you win and less fun when you lose. I shouldn't have to defend playing to win because that's how the game is designed. Some people confuse being serious and/or competitive with being a dick, and I like to think that I'm not. I don't ragequit, I don't do anything to spite my team, I don't insult or belittle my team, and I admit when I make mistakes.
  21. Haha, yeah, Fei has always had the most style (IMO.) No fireballs, no fancy energy stuff, no teleports, no limb extensions, just punches and kicks. Well, flaming kicks. I just hope the ultra is as useful as it is cool-looking.
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