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Status Updates posted by DarkeSword

  1. -Dan accidentally clicked "report" instead of reply. Here's the message he meant to post:

    "Ok. I undestand you. I'll think about it and contact you when I have the cash. Thx"

  2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0h8szu3Me2w

    You ought to arrange this song for woodwind quintet. I think it's right up your alley.

  3. 5 songs is fine, that's like an EP.

  4. Alright, but even so, advertising something in such a manner is rude and will not be tolerated on the forum.

  5. As cute as your doggie is, your sig graphic is too tall. Needs to be 250px or less. Please adjust accordingly. Thanks.

  6. Asking for free copies of commercial software is not allowed on this forum.

  7. Begoma added. In the future, please use PM.

  8. Can you change your sig? It's 700KB; way too big.

  9. Cash, you don't have to make a new birthday thread every day.

  10. Concrete Man is the most important thing right now.

  11. Cool man. Enjoy.

  12. Don't get on my case because I'm putting an end to a thread that isn't going anywhere. Nobody was interested in your pretentious bullshit, and you turned a thread about a very specific topic (rap in the VGM community and the etiquette between artists) into some stupid soapbox crap about society's ills or some other such nonsense.

    Also: post your thread in the right place. It belongs in PPR, not Community.

  13. Don't post flamebait.

  14. Dood, waiting for your GMRB remix.

  15. Dunno if you saw this yet, but I'd like to get competition runners using the new calendar function: http://ocremix.org/community/topic/40805-introducing-the-competitions-calendar/

    1. MindWanderer


      Hm... I did see that, and in fact already submitted this RWS round to it. Not sure if you get notifications for that, or if they didn't go through or something.

    2. DarkeSword


      The events are approved!

  16. Dunno if you saw this yet, but I'd like to get competition runners using the new calendar function: http://ocremix.org/community/topic/40805-introducing-the-competitions-calendar/

  17. Hey man I've been listening to your Chaotix remix NONSTOP. IT'S TITE, YO. (b¯^¯)>

  18. Hey man, your sig graphics stacked up end up being 290px. Gotta keep it at 250px and under, please. :)

  19. Hey man, your sig is too tall. It needs to be 250px or less. Please edit it accordingly. Thanks. :)

  20. Hey man, your sig is too tall. The combined height of sig graphics has to be 250px or less. Can you put the graphics next to each other instead?

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