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Everything posted by DarkeSword

  1. I like how everyone is just talking about me. I'll get it done. And yes, I do owe it to everyone to finish it up. Stop trying to defend me Nabeel. The only person qualified to answer these kinds of questions on my behalf is me. Got a lot of art for the final release last night, which basically means no more excuses.
  2. When did you get so foul-mouthed? Seriously, tone it down bro.
  3. Put this on for judging and kept getting distracted by people IMing me about other things. Let it go on repeat for about an hour. Really solid stuff man. Love the texture, especially those gating synths in the background; you are a man after my own heart. This kind of reminds me a bit of Gitaroo Man near the end. Really solid. Love it. YES
  4. Nintendo is not going to refuse to sell a game because the gameplay is similar to one of its own franchises. That is stupid conspiracy theory bullshit. xD
  5. You're really over-thinking it. It has nothing to do with Zelda.
  6. I liked this a lot during the WCRG. Mixing is really interesting but I think that it's got a pretty unique sound. It certainly doesn't sound bad, just different from your typical mixing. Great arrangement; really evolves throughout the piece. Love the high bell sounds. Awesome stuff. YES
  7. Hey can I get in on this? I have an old Volcano Valley instrumental from the Genesis version of 3D Blast that would work well on a hip-hop album.
  8. I love the DWD soundtrack; I played this game constantly when I was younger. Too much of a cover in terms of arrangement, and then the sequencing is really not good at all. Articulations are really "blah." There's no swing to this. Everything is the same velocity, timing is rigid. Solo section doesn't cut it either. Lots of odd note choices that don't fit with the chords; not sure what's going on there to be honest. Needs a lot of work. NO
  9. Not much more to say than this. The distortion gets really heavy at points and I'm just not feeling it. Drums at points are sitting in a really weird place in the mix too. Gonna side with the NOs here. NO
  10. There were slutty women back then and there are classy women now. Pictures like this seem clever at first glance but upon closer examination they're really pointless.
  11. I think the reverb sounds fine. There's a lot of it, but things don't get lost inside it, which is usually the worst thing that can happen with a lot of reverb. Really creative arrangement here; lot's of interesting glitch effects and processing. Very nice. YES
  12. Just gonna echo what other judges have said. Love the arrangement, but I think you need to fix up the production, specifically compression, dynamics, and balance. See other judges' crits for more info. Hope to see this on OCR soon. NO (resub)
  13. I really don't see a problem with cutting and pasting backing vocals. Is it really detracting so much from the mix that it warrants a NO vote? Not in my book no. This is a pretty creative arrangement and I like the sax performance. Nice work. YES
  14. I can help you with hosting. We'll keep it in the same place as the Mega Man stuff.
  15. I edited your first post in this thread. If you're going to make a thread about some obscure play style for a game, you need to be more descriptive than "i heard about it and does anyone else want to try it?" Don't just assume people know what you're talking about. Anyway good luck with your challenge.
  16. Very nice. Good variance throughout, just fantastic beats and soundscape, really solid. Arrangement is a bit liberal, but it's still well within what I'd call a ReMix. Sounds good to me! YES
  17. I don't think that sexism in games is keeping women from playing video games. If a woman actually cares about sexism in video games, she probably already plays video games.
  18. So's mine, but Dudeshep (the one in all the marketing for the ME series) falls into the whole "male power fantasy" thing we've been talking about. Badass soldier, gets lots of tail, etc. Also, not really sexist. xD
  19. It's not a conscious thing, but we do identify with these kinds of concepts. You see it a lot in comic books. Superman, Batman, Spider-Man, Wolverine; all of these characters feed into this whole, subconscious "it would be cool if I could do that" mentality. It becomes more pronounced in video games because well, you can do the things that a guy like Commander Shepard does. You are doing those things when you play the games. I also want to...not really dispute...but question the idea that a lot of folks in this thread are throwing around: that lots of women don't play video games. Where exactly is that idea coming from? Because it seems very much like an outdated stereotype. This is purely anecdotal, so I'm not talking about majorities or anything and I'm not going to say "most" women play, but I will say a lot of women play video games; RPGs and puzzle games in particular. And not just JRPGs or MMOs. Single player WRPGs like Dragon Age are very popular with women because things we generally see in "chick flicks" like relationships and social interactions are integrated into the gameplay. I see a lot of girls and women in video game fandoms; Zelda, Sonic, Final Fantasy, etc. A lot of classic stuff that's been around for decades. Just some food for thought.
  20. Jade from Beyond Good & Evil, probably. Intelligence, confidence, resourcefulness, etc.
  21. Guys, try to get back on topic instead of going back and forth with "that's not what you SAID, your arguement doesn't WORK because you said THIS."
  22. Or I could just kick you out. Seriously guys, this is a pretty good topic to be discussing, but if all you people are going to do is post here saying shit like "this is a stupid topic why even bother talking about it" or you're actually just going to be sexist, then you need to think twice before hitting that Submit Reply button. Stay on topic and don't be a dismissive ass about it.
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