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Everything posted by DarkeSword

  1. MAKOOOooooooooooooo I like Kotoha more but Mako is pretty jawesome.
  2. Considering how bloodied and bruised they get in the show, they don't offer much protection. But as for the visors, it's important to have them tinted because of all the explosions. Look, the point is the design, not the practicality. Don't try to apply real world logic here. Sentai is meant to be a spectacle.
  3. I'm sure if djpretzel wants to include these specifically OCR inspired characters as mascots, that's his call.
  4. Don't give me that 'certain point of view' crap. Obi-Wan Kenobi is a son of a bitch.
  5. What's to realize? The numbers game isn't what the prophecy is about.
  6. Canon. Specifically C-Canon. And maybe T-Canon. I've read the Darth Bane novels (Path of Destruction and Rule of Two) which heavily feature the philosophies of the Sith and their beliefs about power and controlling the Force, both during and after the New Sith Wars. Incidentally, those books are written by Drew Karpyshyn, the lead writer for the first KotOR video game, as well as Mass Effect. If you like KotOR, give those books a shot. They're quite accessible in that the time period they take place in is only covered in one other story, the Jedi vs. Sith comic miniseries (also worth reading). It's a very "fresh" era, and you don't really have to have followed any other Expanded Universe stuff to get into them. Vaapad, Mace Windu's fighting style, is discussed at length in Shatterpoint, a Clone Wars novel that focuses on Mace (and is actually a Star Wars version of Joseph Conrad's Heart of Darkness), and a Star Wars one-shot comic that takes place during the Clone Wars about Mace Windu challenging Sora Bulq, one of his former masters and lightsaber instructor who'd fallen to the Dark Side. T-Canon example of a non-Sith Dark Jedi: Asajj Ventress, the dual-lightsaber wielding apprentice of Count Dooku (Darth Tyranus). In the original Clone Wars animated series, Dooku specificially tells Asajj that she is not a Sith, despite being apprenticed to a Sith Lord, and he refuses to train her as a Sith.
  7. Don't buy electronics at Wal-Mart. Hell don't buy anything at Wal-Mart.
  8. Actually it's a big stretch; if you have to do a whole lot of timewarping to get two songs to fit together, it doesn't really indicate that the songs are the same. A much better example is the Sonic 3 Credits Theme/Strangers in Moscow mashup.
  9. http://www.ocremix.org/forums/forumdisplay.php?f=29 Please check out our Guides and Tutorials forums.
  10. Okay so we didn't do a catchup marathon on Saturday, mostly because Ashamee and I had already caught up with episode 9 by Thursday night, and Tensei and Douli caught up sometime before Saturday as well. Plus I was having IRC troubles. Episode 10 is out though, and it's pretty badass. ShinkenGreen focus episode!! Jii on a motorcycle!! Damn Good, So Good, DaiTenkuu!! This show really just keeps getting better and better. Remember guys, if you're still interested in watching, it's never too late to grab everything and start up. We have a grand old time watching.
  11. Er...yes and no. He used a fighting style called Vaapad, the 7th form of lightsaber combat. It's not really "using" both sides of the Force, but it's a style that requires extreme amounts of focus and self-control, because it's very easy to succumb to the Dark Side due to the inherent viciousness of the style. As for a Dark Jedi vs. a Sith, the difference is usually in how they use the Force and what they know about it. The Sith have a very specific philosophy about power; a Dark Jedi is just a Jedi that's off the rails.
  12. Uh, no. Just because you kill all the Sith, that doesn't mean you've destroyed the Dark Side of the Force. The Dark Side of the Force is still there, and any Jedi can still fall. And besides, all Sith are Dark Jedis, but not all Dark Jedis are Sith. Sith is a special classification of Dark Jedi.
  13. I remember that. That was a cool gametype.
  14. I like it because it's fun. Plus it has some pretty good music.
  15. A bunch of terrorists crash fuel-loaded airplanes into two skyscrapers in New York City, killing thousands of innocent people is congruous to an administrator removing a sub-forum where people post hate-filled invective about his staff from his website's message board? Aside from the fact that I don't really agree with invoking 9/11 when talking about deleting a sub-forum, the situations don't really parallel each other, unless you're just talking about the resulting outrage. In any case, we made no secret that UnMod was going to be deleted. We'd been talking about it for months, and people knew. They just didn't think we were serious. That said, it was still a surprise when it actually was deleted. Fallout was expected. After all, we'd been dealing with an inordinate amount of nonsense for nearly a year. We knew people would be angry and complain vehemently, but I personally was honestly surprised with how vicious and depraved some of the stuff that was posted got. There was absolutely no justification and no excuse for some of the things said. In the end though, it was just a bad decision to delete Unmod while most of the site staff was attending Magfest, because we didn't have "all hands on deck" to deal with the inevitable backlash. I was one of the main proponents for the deletion of Unmod, and I argued heavily that the forum should actually be deleted completely and replaced with a new one rather than just renaming it, but deleting it without preparation (i.e. the way it actually went down) was not the way I'd have done it.
  16. When OCR switched from phpBB to vBulletin, the banlist didn't transfer correctly. As a result, all of the people who'd been banned previously were no longer banned. Once a few people discovered that, they spread the word and all started posting again. Larry and I starting going back and banning everyone who'd been banned before again, and people got angry about this, so they started using alt accounts to spam the forums. This was about a week before UnMod was deleted. UnMod was deleted on a Saturday night during MagFest. Most of the site staff was in attendence, partying up and generally having a good time, save for me and Smoke (who was a moderator at the time). Once the forum was actually deleted, there were only two moderators available to deal with the subsequent fallout, which was pretty bad. There was a lot of spam in General Discussion that night, and not just whiney threads; there was some really vile, abusive stuff being posted, particularly about pixietricks, who was a judge at the time. Most of this was coming from a stream of alt-accounts that were being banned as soon as they posted something, but it was still a massive amount of garbage coming through. There was one particular graphic that was being posted over and over again that featured some pretty hateful, abusive comments. Smoke and I tried to delete and ban as soon as we could, but we were still getting used to the new forum software, which had only gone live a week before. The worst part about that night for me was that someone had written an image-embed script and made it so that if any of the site staff loaded the image that was in a post, they'd see some innocuous brain-teaser (it worked by checking the client's hostmask), whereas everyone else would see the previously mentioned abusive graphic. I realized that this was happening about 10-15 minutes after the first usage of it, and connected to OCR via proxy so that I could moderate the forums properly; using a proxy would prevent me from seeing the harmless image and show me what everyone else was seeing. After about 10 minutes of non-stop editing, deleting, banning via proxy, I realized that I was spending my Saturday night--hell, the last couple of months--on one of the most worthless endeavours ever: trying to moderate childish, ignorant, hateful people with an unbelievable sense of entitlement. That night showed me the absolute worst the community had to offer. I shut off my computer and decided to watch kung fu movies with my dad instead. The next day, I resigned from all of my staff positions on OCR. I went off on a tangent for a little bit, so to get back to the point: people were banned because they did some bad shit. Mostly spamming and harassment.
  17. The Melancholy of Suzumiya Haruhi. It's very good, but very odd. Forget about the hype; just watch it for what it is.
  18. That's been around for quite a while. And, hey, I liked FMA. :\
  19. OC ReMixes are still there. Hover the mouse over "Tune In" up top and a menu will appear. You can click "OCR Radio" to get streaming remixes.
  20. Yeah I don't see how not caring about special features makes a person a moron. !?
  21. No they can't. You know people actually investigate before doing these kinds of things, right? In any case, this thread has basically turned into Mythrill's Conspiracy Theory Hour, so we're done.
  22. I'm not confusing anything. xD I'm a Muslim, and I'm of South Asian descent. I don't have to volunteer any of that information when in a job interview. But someone looking at my last name, which is "Ansari," can make an assumption that I'm Muslim. And they could discriminate.
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