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Everything posted by DarkeSword

  1. That stuff was fixed in SP1.
  2. It has nothing to do with Arc the Lad.
  3. There's no reflex-based gameplay. Everything is turn-based, even the battles. It's actually pretty simple once you get into the swing of things. Don't play with CPUs though. They're cheap.
  4. via email from the bleck Vote Now! Number One! Number Two! Number Three! Number Four! Number Five! Number Six! Number Seven! Number Eight! Number Nine!
  5. No, just come into the IRC channel. If people give you crap for being new, talk to an OP about it. People are supposed to be welcoming in the chan, and as long as you're not being a jerk or something, there shouldn't be any problem.
  6. Try Evernote. As for whiteboards in OneNote, you have to set up a shared workbook or a live sharing session. It's in the Share menu.
  7. CPUs are cheap. Get some people to play with you.
  8. On my hard drive? I need people to send me their mirror information again.
  9. Hey guys, let's not decide that a thread is over before it starts. Offending posts removed. I am like Kirby, because I love to eat. I'm actually pretty hungry right now.
  10. Don't put the Jedi on a pedestal. Remember: a lot of them were just shot in the back by Clone Troopers because of Order 66. It's like, "Oops, didn't see that one coming, did you General?"
  11. Nah. Does everyone play one class in WoW? No way. People like variety and not everyone's gonna be interested in playing as a Jedi.
  12. Well this is the Old Republic. Jedi aren't hunted down, and Darth Bane won't institute the Rule of Two until 2500 years later.
  13. Something weird happened when I merged a post into this thread.
  14. There are plenty of people in the GFFA that got along just fine without being Force-users, and there plenty of Star Wars fans who are far more into the pilots, scoundrels, and bounty hunters of the universe than the stuffy old Jedi. I'm very excited about this, because I really love the Old Republic Era of Star Wars, and this one is taking place about 3500 BBY, which means it's a relatively unexplored era of the Star Wars timeline, giving them a lot more breathing room in terms of story and design. That means they have plenty of leeway to make non-Jedi classes compelling.
  15. 1. I've met djpretzel, zircon, Liontamer, palpable, pixietricks, harmony, and uhh...I think that's it. The thing is, I met them all IRL after I became a judge. Knowing someone IRL doesn't really factor into becoming a judge these days. 2. Love? Ha. Try lots and lots of judgehate.
  16. Percussion is a little quiet and weak; coulda been meatier. I like the soundscape; very big, very full. Sometimes too much so, but it doesn't linger. Nice embellishments and arpeggios. Sound design is pretty interesting. There's a lot of reverb here. Not bad, not bad at all. Good take on the source, fun to listen to. Not feeling those drums though. This could use more work I think. Focus on percussion and some sound balance issues. NO but definitely resub.
  17. The percussion is great but when the synths came in and stayed like that for the whole song, I was disappointed. It's like, a very generic detuned sawtooth sound everywhere; it never really feel like the sound got BIG in this mix like it should have. Everything was building up to something that never arrived. I'd like to see some more interpretation and variation. Build more, give us a HUGE anthemic section that really gets people feeling it. Focus in on a hook and exploit it. NO
  18. Man, you're really good at playing this song. xD I gotta agree with my fellow brown Js. The arrangement here is pretty much the same as the original done piano solo. I also don't think the strings add anything to the mix; rather, they're distracting, especially when they have that sharp release. You need to add more interpretation like you did after that key change. Take that idea and run with it. NO, but definitely resub
  19. Yikes, those lyrics. D: Very nice. I love the huge sound. Very awesome atmosphere. YES
  20. Starts off sounding like Mitsuda. Weird. xD Nice interpretation of the main Valkyrie Profile theme. Descending piano is very pretty, and the vocals and rumbling wind pad really create a great atmosphere. Nice depth, good direction. Very cool. YES
  21. Big fan of Ace Attorney here, let's see if you can bring it to the table. Great groove, great sound, but I'm really not sure about that flute as the lead. Its airiness is contributing to the hiss you've got with the swirly pad that's pervading the track so there's some white-noisiness to this. Not a bad thing, just interesting to note. Certainly an interesting take on the source material. Great interpretation. I like it. YES
  22. The opening sounds empty; you've got this reverb on the percussion that sort of pushes it back and gives it a dry, small room sound; not sure if it works here. Your horn synths lack definition, but that's a minor gripe. I think you're relying too much on your bell's delay effect to fill in the spaces (and I realize saying that makes me a hypocrite, but whatever). Anyway, I like the percussive breakdown in the end; it's pretty good. Overall a nice groove, but I think you need to take a look at your overall soundscape and try to fill it out. It sounds empty, yet confined, as if it's all being played in a very small room by not enough people. NO, resub
  23. The kick and hats are too much; EQ those down a little. Otherwise it's a nice track. Percussion is a little repetitive, but nothing dealbreaking. YES conditional
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