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Everything posted by DarkeSword

  1. http://www.childsplaycharity.org/ Child's Play is back again this year with tons of hospitals and updated wishlists. Buy some games and toys for sick kids! DO IT! YOU WILL FEEL HAPPY!
  2. You can still jump over the railing and go around. The second door is not a spawn door. He shows absolutely no maturity when it comes to this stuff. Did you see him yesterday in the IRC channel? He was whining and acting like a little baby, constantly calling Wes an idiot.Look, I agree that it's a shitty tactic to sticky-camp that particular door. I think it should be against the rules. But that doesn't mean I'm going to start yelling and screaming in the IRC channel, constantly whining about how nobody banned the players doing it. The point is that technically it's not against the rules yet, so we can't ban players for doing it until we make it against the rules; and if we want to make it against the rules, that's fine, we'll talk about it. But there's no reason to start that all-caps whining bullshit Atma was doing last night, calling Wes an idiot, begging for admin powers, saying "SO MANY PEOPLE HAVE IMED ME COMPLAINING." Why people are complaining to Atma, of all people, is totally beyond me. As for the new rule, how's this: Don't sticky-camp a door you can't go through. BLU can't go through the second door on RED's spawn. It's got a NO sign on it, so that means NO STICKIES. Fair enough?
  3. I think we should make that particular door a no-camp zone.
  4. Wheeeee. This is great. I totally dig the beats and all the harmonic choices you made. Very groovy and certainly an interesting meld of different songs. Dynamic and fresh! Super exciting! Yes!
  5. Definitely not a fan of that blaring brass stuff around 1:20. The accented articulation sounds out of place. This piece is also mixed really quiet. Aside from that I think the arrangement is great; very expansive, though the soundscape is sparse at times. I could have done with a fuller sound, but I like it. YES
  6. Is it bad that everytime I hear this song I think of Okkusenman? Not much to add here. Smart writing + nice production = win. I love the slower sections. Nice work. YES
  7. Pretty good. Personally I don't think that there's any glaring emptiness. There's a clarity here, even when there's a lot going on in the soundscape; nice balance. That percussion solo is sick and the syncopation in the end section is pretty wild. Nice work. I like it. YES
  8. *link removed* UPDATED
  9. I don't remember what the exact quote is, but Duke Ellington criticized music critics, saying that they concentrate too much on what ought to have been done, rather than what was actually done. It's better to get your crits in there before the piece is done. Hit the WIP.
  10. Honestly, it seems to me that you're not looking for PC RPGs but JRPGs. You're better off getting her some PS1 and PS2 games. PC RPGs are generally a different breed of game; heavily based on the western D&D paradigm. It might be worth checking if she can just emulate PS1 games; barring that just get her a PS2 and buy her like...the .hack games or something.
  11. Um, no? I need peoples' mirror information again.
  12. That stuff was fixed in SP1.
  13. Yeah, get some friends. xD
  14. It has nothing to do with Arc the Lad.
  15. There's no reflex-based gameplay. Everything is turn-based, even the battles. It's actually pretty simple once you get into the swing of things. Don't play with CPUs though. They're cheap.
  16. via email from the bleck Vote Now! Number One! Number Two! Number Three! Number Four! Number Five! Number Six! Number Seven! Number Eight! Number Nine!
  17. No, just come into the IRC channel. If people give you crap for being new, talk to an OP about it. People are supposed to be welcoming in the chan, and as long as you're not being a jerk or something, there shouldn't be any problem.
  18. Try Evernote. As for whiteboards in OneNote, you have to set up a shared workbook or a live sharing session. It's in the Share menu.
  19. CPUs are cheap. Get some people to play with you.
  20. On my hard drive? I need people to send me their mirror information again.
  21. Hey guys, let's not decide that a thread is over before it starts. Offending posts removed. I am like Kirby, because I love to eat. I'm actually pretty hungry right now.
  22. Don't put the Jedi on a pedestal. Remember: a lot of them were just shot in the back by Clone Troopers because of Order 66. It's like, "Oops, didn't see that one coming, did you General?"
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