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Everything posted by DarkeSword

  1. Not really related to Ouya, but Apple does a better job of curating games that are worth playing.
  2. I'm taking a break from running any compos until 2014. Fall is too hectic for remixers and I have a lot of other OCR projects I need to put my attention towards. I'd also recommend just doing a straight up tournament, not a gauntlet-style compo.
  3. Hey, look. I know that people have their own personal issues with iTunes or whatever (I personally don't purchase music on iTunes either), but as I said before We'd like nothing more than to offer the album through as many venues as possible, but this is the nature of licensed work. We're going to continue to try to put the album out on other storefronts if it's possible, but right now it's not really up for discussion.
  4. You guys should be joining the compos anyway, even without the prospect of album opportunities. Compos are a great way to hone your skills. iTunes is the plan right now, but we may go with other channels as well. Since this is a commercial album licensed by Capcom, there are some guidelines we're required to follow which give us a couple of things we have to consider when selecting avenues of sale.
  5. I can answer this since I'm the director of the album. The main thing with this album is that since it's Mega Man, we wanted to get a bunch of remixers who were familiar with the material and able to deliver their work in a timely manner. I also personally looked at a bunch of artists I had good experiences working with before. Fortunately for us, OCR has been running fairly large Mega Man based compos for the past couple of years (like the Grand Robot Master Remix Battles and the Wily Castle Remix Gauntlets). This gave us a great big pool of artists to approach for the album; artists that knew and liked Mega Man music, and also were proven to be able to put together solid tracks in a short amount of time. Larry and I then compiled a list of artists we thought would be a great fit, and then we divided the list into stages based on things like musical ability and availability, and then emailed and contacted our first stage of remixers to fill out the roster, then the second stage, and finally third stage. Once we exhausted that list (the list was fairly large but many artists declined, citing unavailability), I posted a thread in Recruit & Collaborate to fill out the rest. I want to point out that many of the artists we approached came to our attention primarily because of the Mega Man compos, and I'm really glad to have a lot of fresh faces on the album. I also want to stress that–and I know Metal Man was joking but I want to say it anyway–this wasn't a case of "oh I'll just pick my friends to do this." Availability and efficiency were big factors here, and a lot of "big names" were approached later rather than sooner, because we had a good idea of their availability (or rather, lack thereof).
  6. Music is up. Tallies and scores will be updated sometime this week.
  7. You guys have never heard the Jam Project version of this song? I posted that video in the WCRG thread from 2011.
  8. http://youtu.be/HFKtYCcMWT4 This is the track for round 9. You might have heard it before.
  9. Music's up after a lot of screaming and expletives about someone putting "Break Man" instead of "Proto Man" in their file name and me missing it.
  10. I'm not really feeling the arrangement here. There's about 1 minute of material that's just looped for 3 minutes. It's literally copy-paste stuff going on here. There isn't even any kind of breakdown in the middle to change things up. Energy level stays the same throughout the piece. I'm not really feeling any dynamics. Things get worn out really fast. NO, resub
  11. I saw these at Prime. They look really cool. Although I will still continue to say "WTF?!" to all the people who nay-say the 3D on the 3DS. 3DS's 3D display is absolutely amazing, and I never play my 3DS without having that shit turned all the way up. If you "can't get the 3D to work" or some ridiculous thing like that, I really don't know what to tell you.
  12. I haven't been home yet. Had a red-eye flight Monday night from Seattle to Chicago to Newark and took the train down to Rutgers University (where I work) to do a half-day. At work until 5 and then getting a ride home and then probably just crashing. Music for round 7 will go up after I get some actual sleep (very little sleep in the past 24 hours and running on caffeine right now) and voting will be extended to whatever day of the week is appropriate. Please don't post off-topic stuff like memes in here.
  13. http://youtu.be/JXrqr4OKASM Sorry at pax this is this weeks song
  14. Sure, but that's absolutely not what he was doing in his track.
  15. The biggest problem with your track was that the percussion was basically just hi-hat and conga drums, and maybe a ride cymbal every once in a while. Where's the kick? Where's the snare? The congas were really quiet and that exposed the hi-hat, which was just this dinky little "tch" sound over and over again.
  16. Dudes, seriously. If your picture is stretching your post beyond the normal width of a post, it's too big.
  17. The Submissions Guidelines section of the first post is updated to reflect guidelines for Block 3.
  18. No, don't PM me. PM DragonAvenger. I don't manage the queue from inbox. I have no inbox access. Also, just to reiterate, if you're not a judge (or site staff), please don't answer questions.
  19. Only one ally theme per week. There is no "use as many sources as you want" option in this block. One Robot Master theme, one Ally theme, one Gauntlet theme.
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