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Everything posted by DarkeSword

  1. Round 6 music and Round 4 tallies are up. Scoreboard will be updated after I do Round 5 tallies.
  2. Final block of remixes is a little tougher. You must use three themes. Check the first post for details. I will pretty things up later tonight.
  3. Hey I am out at a friend's place for a get together. I will update sources but it will be very barebones.
  4. Hence my displeasure. I hate that line so much.
  5. And Affleck as Batman will be far from the worst issues of a Superman/Batman movie.David Goyer writing, Zack Snyder directing, and Frank Miller consulting? This movie is going to be awful.
  6. No. The Balance and Ruin Kickstarter was a lot of work and it's still ongoing. It'll be a long time before OC ReMix is ready to organize and manage another crowd-funding effort.
  7. I know that. But I still enjoy the game from a gameplay perspective. I just felt that it would have been better if the story content carried the player all the way through to level 60. As much as I liked flying across the screen as my demon hunter, I just wanted more plot and story to keep me motivated.
  8. I thought the story was fine. I'm not looking for literature here, but as a framing device for the game play and environments, it was pretty good. My only real issue with D3 was that there wasn't enough story content to get me all the way to level 60. I like the game a lot but I wanted a narrative to keep me going. Playing through the same storyline over and over again wasn't really my cup of tea.
  9. Voting for round 4 closes in about 25 minutes. Get 'em in!
  10. He said he didn't actually answer the question. Then he proceeded to say more things without actually answering the question. Asking someone when they started composing is not the same as asking "a piano how long have people been playing it." That's not creative, that's ridiculous. The question isn't all that dull either. It's a prompt for artists to share how they got their start in putting music together—the actual act of putting music together, i.e. composition. Having music just running through your head all the time isn't composition. Organizing those ideas and presenting them in some way, either by scoring a piece on paper, producing it electronically, performing it in a consistent way, or any other similar manner; that's composition.
  11. You still failed to answer the question. Humming tunes in the womb isn't composition. Just sitting around all the time and having musical ideas forming in your head isn't composition. Composition isn't just having ideas, it's transferring those ideas into a medium that can be communicated and shared with other people, whether you're writing sheet music or guitar tabs, or making a recording of your ideas, or simply performing those ideas consistently over and over again. You're throwing down more melodramatic silliness like "musicomania" and Spider-Man characters when the question can easily be answered with something like "I was in high school when I wrote my first piece for solo piano." Anyway, to answer the question, I got my start with composition in high school. I used it as a way to try to understand music theory more in an effort to improve my skills as a trumpet player, and ended up switching entirely over to composition after I left high school.
  12. Example: (Robot Master vs. Zero [X4, Command Mission])
  13. Sanderson is a huge fan of the site and we actually met him at Connecticon. It was super cool. I was actually crazy excited to meet him because he's my favorite author.
  14. Music is up. Voting for Round 5 goes to Saturday. Voting for Round 4 is still open until Tuesday. Please make sure you vote in the correct threads. Thanks.
  15. I have the following files. Army of Metools - SilvernixSP - Heat is My Forte (Heat Man vs. Bass & Treble).wav Capitals of Science - Trism - A little Bass to get you through the Knight (Knight Man vs Bass & Treble) 2.wav Concrete Men 2.0 - Ghetto Lee Lewis - Farewell to Loneliness (Quick Man vs. Ballade).wav Energy Tank - Zach72 - Heart of Enka(Drill Man vs. Enker).wav Flying Dog Platform - Sir_NutS feat. Jivemaster - Conflicted (Splash Woman vs. Bass & Treble).wav Hard Men 2.0 - ectogemia - Stone Cold Metal (Cold Man vs. Enker).wav Robot Master Royalty - ladyWildfire - Tempestuous (Tornado Man vs. Ballade).wav Rush Riders - Cosmic Sounds feat. timaeus222 - Crystal Lake (Crystal Man vs. Bass & Treble).wav The Average Joes - Garpocalypse - The Underwater Adventures of Shadedog (Shade Man vs. Ballade).wav The Gobots - DrumJ8 - Detrusian Bliss (Needle Man vs. Enker).wav The Handsome Devils - Phonetic Hero - Does Anybody Really Even (Tengu Man vs. Enker).wav The Robutt Masters - therex feat. Tuberz McGee and Kuolema - Killer Beets (Ground Man and Enker).wav
  16. 50 minutes to go. These are the files I have so far. Capitals of Science - Trism - A little Bass to get you through the Knight (Knight Man vs Bass & Treble) 2.wav Concrete Men 2.0 - Ghetto Lee Lewis - Farewell to Loneliness (Quick Man vs. Ballade).wav Energy Tank - Zach72 - Heart of Enka(Drill Man vs. Enker).wav Flying Dog Platform - Sir_NutS feat. Jivemaster - Conflicted (Splash Woman vs. Bass & Treble).wav Hard Men 2.0 - ectogemia - Stone Cold Metal (Cold Man vs. Enker).wav Robot Master Royalty - ladyWildfire - Tempestuous (Tornado Man vs. Ballade).wav Rush Riders - Cosmic Sounds feat. timaeus222 - Crystal Lake (Crystal Man vs. Bass & Treble).wav The Gobots - DrumJ8 - Detrusian Bliss (Needle Man vs. Enker).wav
  17. Since there's no remix actually posted for feedback, and the original poster is just being incredibly immature, I'm locking this thread.
  18. You weren't asking for fairness. You were asking for preferential treatment. What if I tell you the sources early, and then it turns out that everything that was preventing you from mixing on Sunday was cancelled? Or, what if (and this is far less likely) you're just lying about not being around? You get the extra day while everyone waits? That's not fairness. Everyone gets a week to work on their remix, give or take an hour or two. A whole week. That's already enough time for nearly everyone competing to work with, as proven by the fact that we have only had one single drop this entire competition. I also just want to point out that it should be very clear at this point that I don't appreciate people making jokes about my integrity (i.e. "you can tell me but pretend you didn't it'll be our secret hahaha"). There are a precious few close friends who can joke around with me like that. It's cool. I'm not mad. I just wanted to be very clear and very emphatic that that kind of stuff is absolutely not allowed.Also, just to add something. I was talking to Prophecy the other day and I mentioned something to him that I should probably mention here: everyone has been really good about making a serious effort to play by the rules this year. I've been getting lots of questions about what is allowed and what isn't allowed in terms of collaborations and other stuff, and it's really nice that everyone is trying to play fair and be a good sportsman. I've had some isolated incidents in past years where people would conduct themselves in a very unsportsmanlike way, and I'm both happy and relieved that I don't really have to deal with any of that crap this time around. Every team is making a serious effort to deliver an entry every week (three straight weeks of full submissions so far!) and there's so much great music coming out of this competition. People are being really supportive of newer remixers too. This year's WCRG is going really well.
  19. I agree with everything Lyrai said about Arena maps. They are the absolute worst.
  20. I'm not going to do that, and if you ask for something like that again, even jokingly, you'll be disqualified from the competition.
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