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Everything posted by DarkeSword

  1. Final Fantasy: The 4 Heroes of Light Every town theme is in 3/4 time also.
  2. Tried out Wii U at NYCC today. NintendoLand (Metroid Blast) and NSMBU. The screen on the Gamepad is gorgeous.
  3. That has nothing to do with PC or console. That's weapon accuracy thing.
  4. This whole mix is just on auto-pilot the whole way through. Plucked string is supposed to be in the background, so why is it the loudest thing? It's also completely exposed by itself like that. Everything sits around the same range; there are no low/bass parts, just strings in the middle and flute in the middle. Everything gets mashed up because you just layer the parts over each other without any attention given to balancing the instruments. There's also not nearly enough material here to justify it being nearly four minutes long. Needs a lot of work. NO
  5. Drums feel oddly dry and exposed, especially that snare sound. Actually seems a lot louder than everything else going on in the piece. Lead that comes in at :39 feels really weak. Kind of a buzzy, weak, phased thing that sits in the background. Leads should lead, not sit in the background of the soundscape. Drums actually feel on auto-pilot the more I listen to this. Sometimes things change intensity but those drums are still chugging away, all loud and stuff. :\ There's kind of a punchiness that pervades the track too. Everything besides the weak buzzy synth lead sounds like it's being plucked or played extra hard; your synth stabs, pizz strings, and piano. Arrangement is alright but overall the percussion really makes this piece feel like it's plodding along. Needs some more work I think. NO
  6. Sounds are pretty basic but I think they're used well. Arrangement plods a bit but the medley keeps things kind of fresh. Nice blend. I think Larry and Vinnie are right about things needing to be more dynamic though. The energy level throughout this mix is pretty static. I don't really get those big highs and lows. There's a bit there things cut out around 1:35, but even that's still mostly the same. I think some bigger builds could help this piece really stand out. Take a look at what other Js have said and see if you can fix this up a bit. NO, please resub
  7. That bit with the brass around 1:47 is really killer. It's got a great PlayStation-era Capcom sound, like something straight out of Mega Man Battle & Chase. Great adaptation of the source. Nice guitar performance too. Good arrangement. Not ground-breaking but really nice in a straightforward way. YES
  8. Reverb is really muddying this piece up a lot, especially during the fast sections where the syncopation should really be exposed. The timing issues in the performance also bring this piece down and some instances really stick out. Arrangement is nice though. NO, resub
  9. I like it. It's got this really cool kind of menacing vibe to it. Even though it's actually kind of a downtempo four-on-the-floor, it doesn't really plod. I get a really good sense of energy. I like all the little synth and string embellishments throughout the track. Really nice work. YES
  10. Voting is live and new matchups are up. Due time for mixes on Sunday is 5PM, due to my own lateness today. I will be out most of the weekend because I am attending New York Comic-Con. Mixes will be up late Sunday night.
  11. New music is available in the first post. Voting threads will be up later.
  12. I'm here. Sorry. Was spending time with the brothers and lost track of time. Music and matchups will be up shortly, with a time adjustment for next week's due times.
  13. Nah, don't worry too much about the story. It wasn't very strong in the first game anyway, and you can glean all the important bits from BL2's quests and dialogue.
  14. You should put a "current news" section in your first post near the top.
  15. Smash is out but I still need: Super Street Fighter 4 Arcade Edition version 2012 Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3 Tekken Tag Tournament 2 Soul Calibur V King of Fighters 13 Pokemon Black/White 2
  16. I'm taking my time with this game so I'm only around level 20. I was playing last night and discovered that you can actually get some pretty good stuff from the slot machines in Moxxi's. Got three vault symbols and it gave me one of these guys.
  17. Matchups are live for X Bracket round 3. Because of the delay in posting the match-ups, remixers will be given an extra hour, meaning that mixes are due by 3PM EDT on Sunday, rather than the normal 2PM.
  18. Sorry guys, I was out doing groceries. I'm going to get music and new match-ups up as soon as possible.
  19. Longshoreman (Brazil) is the best one. I love that remix.
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