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Everything posted by DarkeSword

  1. Oh also before I forget, I'm really impressed with this first round of remixes. Great job guys.
  2. I think the musical notes look really bad in your sig design. Also your text looks like it's using font smoothing but you're trying to use pixel fonts. They end up blurry. Look at the badges; all the text is clear, sharp pixel fonts with very little in terms of effects. Don't use serifed fonts either. Using so many blending options on fonts like for the remixer's name doesn't look good either. I don't know why anyone uses embossed text anymore. Don't go overboard with that kind of stuff. Also there are jpeg artifacts all over the maverick official art. City backgrounds don't look good either; there's a little too much noise on top of them too. Don't put a one pixel black border around the sig either; put a white one pixel border that's one pixel inside the border and change the layer from Normal to Overlay, Screen, or Soft Light. Nana's badge is the bracket-neutral badge for the entire tournament. There will probably be one more badge for the final round but I didn't decide who I want it to be yet.
  3. Please make your thread titles something that actually has to do with the topic, not just a vague feeling like 'curious.'
  4. Inadvertently made voting threads for non-battles. Those threads are gone now. There should only be 4 battles to vote on this round. Edit: I agree on Prophecy's track. Had to check 2-3 times to make sure I had the whole wave file.
  5. Remixes are up in the first post and voting is live in the social group. Please make sure you all adhere to the voting guidelines in the first post, as well as the Competitions Code of Conduct outlined in the stickied thread in this forum. Please note that voting ends on Saturday, not Sunday, at 2PM EDT. Make sure you vote. Remixers should also keep in mind that match-ups for round 2 will be devised by scrambling the pool of winners from round 1. Please don't bother trying to predict the outcome of your battle in order to get a jump on next week's remixing.
  6. Badges are up. Art style this year will be heavy saturation, annoyingly vibrant colors. Try to work in a swoop like in the badges.
  7. I have 10 out of 16 remixes. There are still 4 minutes to go.
  8. Badges are not the same as sigs. The badges are the 200x200 images I make for the brackets. I'm going to make the logo and bracket badges. I just want people to hold off on making sigs so that they can match the visual style I come up with.
  9. Everything is going to be consistently styled. Logo, badges, etc.
  10. I was playing around with some ideas last night, but scrapped a lot of it. Going to try again tonight.
  11. Too laid back for what I'm looking for, but thanks anyway.
  12. That's right. This time around you won't be guessing who you're up against next round just by looking at how the voting is going. Once votes are tallied, winners are placed in a pool and I will generate the match-ups again based on that pool of winners.
  13. Doing something new this year. Match-ups in bracket will be scrambled every round.
  14. Any track, although I prefer tracks that are SPECIFICALLY from those games. So say, the Dreamland theme from Kirby would be okay for Smash Bros., but Master Hand's theme would be better.
  15. Hey guys. Posted about this a while ago in the Recruitment forum but I didn't get a lot of response. We really need tracks for this project and I'd like to get the music done in a very short time. I know you guys can bring really great music really quickly so I'm putting out an open call. The Apex 2013 album is an official album produced by OC ReMix for the Apex 2013 event here in NJ on the weekend of Jan 11-13. It is, as I'm told, the largest Smash Bros. Tournament event in North America. There are more games that will be featured there: Super Smash Bros. (mikeaudio) Super Smash Bros. Melee (radiowar) Super Smash Bros. Brawl (darkesword) Super Street Fighter 4 Arcade Edition version 2012 (neblix) Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3 (phonetic hero) Tekken Tag Tournament 2 (jason covenant) Persona 4 Arena (darkesword) Soul Calibur V (oa) King of Fighters 13 (willrock) Pokemon Black/White 2 (theguitahheroe) I need ONE remix from EACH game. Primarily high energy, groove-based. I have Radiowar doing Break the Targets from Melee, and I'm going to be doing the main theme from Brawl. I really need other mixes though, and I need them FAST. Like, in two weeks fast. Hit me with your best shot guys.
  16. I was very disappointed in the shutting down of Tabula Rasa. Seems like Guild Wars is the only thing NC really has going for it.
  17. X bracket matchups are live. Check the first post under "Brackets" to see who you're matched up with. Mixes are due next Sunday at 2PM EDT.
  18. No, it's not simultaneous. Zero bracket mixes from the 9th - 15th, with mixes due on the 16th. You have plenty of time to remix.
  19. No, Zero starts on the 9th. I took everyone's dates that they PMed me into account.
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