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Everything posted by Blake

  1. I just want to warn you, the Ogre bead farming takes forever. A lot of my guildies are working on their upgrade quests, and the bead farming takes days, apparently. In short, bring a friend who can DPS, especially if you're prot spec. Apparently not in DM North
  2. Holy CRAP I finally did a successful 45min Baron run last night. It was exhilarating(however you spell it). That objective truly epitomizes teamwork. Me (the tank), a priest, two mages, and a rogue totally owned it up with 15 minutes at the abom gate. So yeah, to my despair I received a quest AFTER the 45min Baron quest. I looked on thotbott and there are THREE MORE QUESTS after this one. Man this tier .5 chain is fucking long and expensive. However, I already accomplished two of them; now I just gotta farm Ogre beads and then do some other shit.
  3. Though it pissed me off to no end when I used to grind, it's true.
  4. It's same for both sides. It's not like choosing a certain faction determines your behavioral traits.
  5. Wow this is awesome. I really like the way you changed the progressions. You've honestly turned it into a great jazz improv song, bended to your will. Great stuff.
  6. I ran four 45 min Barons last night and didn't succeed in one of them, but DID however pick up a Skullflame shield and my legplates of valor. Anybody have some tips for finishing this 45 min Baron? And another question about tier .5 quests. Do you HAVE to upgrade your legs, shoulders, AND boots before you can upgrade your chestpiece and helm? Cuz I have all of the valor pieces except the boots (damn they never drop). Btw I'm a warrior.
  7. Wow this is NICE. Good debut mix. Make more musics please. EDIT: Outside of this, are you publicly recognized? Because judging from this, you are extremely talented- in production, arrangement, and all out thrashing. You should totally put together some solo VG Moosicks shows.
  8. I didn't know this song was OCR. Just stumbled upon it. I encourage anybody who hasn't heard this to listen, because it is the awesomes.
  9. I have a couple questions about Garritan Personal Orchestra, vs the 2nd edition. Why is the original GPO cheaper on every site I go to than the 2nd edition GPO? Is GPO 2nd Edition some sort of expansion pack that requires the original GPO? Answers to my question are greatly appreciated, and fast ones too
  10. Wow man good stuff. Good luck.
  11. I just realized how bad I am at timpani writing, but how lazy I am to learn it. I can't wait to buy GPO. For some reason what I've heard from comparitive demos of GPO and EWQL samples, GPO would more fit my style of writing. I'm glad DZComposer stuck in the disclaimer that not all trance or rock songs are that simple in structure. I've been playing trumpet in band for approximately 8 years now and that is the majority of "theory" experience that I've acquired. It's good to listen to orchestral music, but don't listen to classical composers all day and try to mimic them. Listen to all kinds of orchestral music until you become familiar with some often-used textures and tricks, and use that to create your OWN style. Also, orchestral music may be the most complex "genre" to write, so it tends to get ripped apart the most. There are so many different aspects that need to have attention paid to. However, I've noticed that orchestral instrumental performance and orchestral composing is the biggest attraction for elitests, know-it-alls, connoisseurs, whatever you want to call them. Some like to have you copy classical theory by the dot and will not be satisfied until you do so. Don't let these people destroy your goal. However, you must also focus on taking advice and not getting angry and dismissive. Keep in mind that you would be "new". Never get cocky either, as it halts improvement. Instead, be confident. Too many people take music in as a competition, especially orchestral, from what I've seen in real life. "I know more than YOU do! Therefore you know nothing." Remember it's an artform about you, not about being better than the other guy. Anyway take this with a grain of salt. I really don't have nearly enough experience or talent as an orchestrator to be preaching those things, but they're the fundamental practice of anything that requires improvement.
  12. Holy shit. Reuben Kee, this is beautiful. This makes my spine tingle, LOTS. Let's not just say this SOUNDS like it was professional made, it WAS professional made. Reuben Kee, you sir are professional. Plus many emotional moments, GOOD emotional moments, and as DJP would say, "money" scenes. Man. OCReMix just becomes more and more legitamite for great music with mixes like Dragonsong, Pillar of Salt, and this.
  13. Bumping this thread. For anybody who hasn't heard this yet, DOWNLOAD IT. Epic.
  14. Congrats Pixie and BGCircles. You have made us all proudz.
  15. I'll agree that a shirt whose arms are above your elbows and doesn't hang low below the waste is more presentable than letting a shirt that is too large for you just hang and stuff. SO MEDIUM, not for semi-formal, but good for us growing teenagers.
  16. This is veyr well crafted, great on the ears, and nothing sticks out, epitomizing "blend". I lovez tha harpsichord . Anyway, this mix makes me happy. Five stars. In this case Light Culbs.
  17. It's nice playing with other servers. A lot of alliance in Frostmane that do BG's are stuck-up, but a lot of dudes from the other servers are much more gung ho. In AB last night the lumber mill was captured and being defended by at least 8 horde and a pally, warrior, and I just rushed into our suicide with some mass whirlwind and sweeping strikes. We were able to weaken them enough that with the help of only two reinforcements we were able to cap the lumber mill. Unfortunately we lost ten seconds after.
  18. Wtb [Days of Summer] for ReMix.
  19. I absolutely love Yasunori Mitsuda and would like to accept invite.
  20. This a HILARIOUS video, and I'm mighty impressed wth people's ability to work together to make something so cool, no matter how NERDY it is. WoW WEDDING: http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=6724632215622439110&q=WoW Good soundtrack too.
  21. Woohoo Zircon liked my track .
  22. This game is quite awesome. I just don't know how to view my trading nations yet.
  23. step 1. Get a job and save up. If you're working 2 jobs just to support yourself, try to go to a garage sale or something, or Ebay (sorry I said it). Maybe somebody can recommend a really really good deal here. step 2. Learn some prior knowledge I suppose: http://www.superfi.co.uk/index.cfm/page/pages.cfm/id/25 any miscellaneous pages about turntables, look at buyer's guides, etc. http://www.russandrews.com/article-Turntable-Guide-ttintro.htm step 3. Practice turntable use. (Or look at guides or find a tutor.) This is exactly what my friend is doing for his turntable. It's pretty common sense. If you don't have experience, practice. If you don't have money, well, yeah.
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