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Everything posted by Blake

  1. Though it's listed in the site now, it doesnt seem to direct link to anything. http://www.midishrine.com/dritidet/psx/Star_Ocean_the_second_story/kamikaze.mid
  2. You guys think Nascar is fun? I don't either. But my dad is a huge Nascar fan, and he is in love with any racing game, especially Nascar. He says it's extremely fun because he likes racing, but to me it's just a simulated ride going in circles. But he doesn't get why I like adventure games or FPS's. Because I like being put in a position that is usually beyond this relatively mundane world, or just being put in a situation I find more interesting.
  3. It took me a long time, but i told myself "IM NOT GOING TO LOOK THIS UP." After much frustration, I cooled myself down and try to really focus, and was able to get it. I was satisfied after that. I almost thought that block problem in the ice mansion was impossible. But I tried again and wow...it was possible.
  4. Ok I live about a micrometer west of Seattle. Apparently on your map it's in the watter. YOU FORGOT TO DRAW A TINY PENINSULA. Don't tell me that little green fill-in accounts for it either. But yes hippies does accurately name a lot of people in Seattle.
  5. Yea try to switch up those hats with some ride for variation, save one type for certain sections. Overall MORE CYMBALS and FILLZZ. And I agree with the guitar needing more treble. Whether you wanna go with the electronic feel, pseudo dnb feel like in the AV soundtrack, turn down the mid-lows on the guitar. This is really high energy, but MOAR!
  6. From the get go I'm digging the beat. And I like the useage of what seems to be the game's SFX. Not much variation between the two series of verse and chorus. Overall nice to listen to.
  7. I'm really digging that phat synth once the song picks up. I'd prefer some addition to the rhythmic backing, aside from that synth. More harmonies would be appreciated. It's good that you switch leads from that icy synth to that more warpy one. Overall, short but sweet. People seem to not like fadeout intros but happen to be a fan of them. Nice stuff, I might use this as driving music.
  8. Water temple seemed way too easy, especially compared with its OoT counterpart. But yeah the ice dungeon's block puzzle drove me NUTS. I wish there were more of those. That's what makes the game fun to me.
  9. Is that the one where they make it in front of you with dry ice? If so, that's probably worth more in delectability than any of your other presents. Good stuff. Their ice cream is damn good.
  10. Getting lots of stuff doesn't mean you're spoiled. To not value your belongings would make you spoiled. If that were the case, there would be one person in the world who really wasn't spoiled because relative to other, less fortunate cultures, we all are spoiled by having a lifestyle stable enough that we can post on an internet forum. Though I like to mention that I AM being spoiled every so often because I'm trying to be modest to the fact that my mom is such a great mom. But a lot of people in these threads probably have a large circle of good friends that have given them presents as well. I got about 7 presents from other family members, and I believe 4 from my friends. EDIT: oh the presents 100 dollar gift card best buy HP Pavilion with Athlon 64 Dual Core 4200 and a gig of ram. My comp is archaic compared to this. Pants Dress Clothes A cool hoodie ten dollar gift certificate to Cold Stone (ice cream restaurant) And miscellaneous money/ X-mas cards.
  11. A true innovator who will be immortalized as long as music exists in our world.
  12. Grats Bahamut. You are a good sir, and thanks for helping me out with Calculus every once in a while.
  13. WWF Royal Rumble- YOKAZUNA FOR THE WIN. Oh, and River City Ransom is brilliant, especially with another person.
  14. I got a bitchin comp, amd athlon 64 dual core 4200 and a gig of ram. Can someone tell me why Oblivion runs like a charm while WoW runs at 8 fps? Apparently Blizzard can't. http://forums.worldofwarcraft.com/thread.html;jsessionid=DCE76E7F3D24879140F73730973C1DC2?topicId=55827670&sid=1&pageNo=10
  15. I think its loads better then Half-Blood Prince. When I heard that one, I thought it was crap. Of course its grown on me now, and it just seems natural. I'm hoping the same happens with this one. On another note, any idea as to what the hell the title is referring to? I may be remembering wrong, but isn't like something Hallow the town where his parent's lived when they were killed by Voldemort? Oshit epic battle.
  16. Woodland Critter Christmas is probably the most fucked up of anything on TV. It's brilliant.
  17. Thanks for the file. Couldn't find this ANYWHERE on the net so thanks for your skillz. My brand new shiny comp is awesome, and I had been dying to remix this after hearing it in the game. It made me so sad. EDIT: Both the fact that I couldn't find the song, and the song itself. That part of the game I was just
  18. Probably, but I wish there weren't so many rupee chests sometimes.
  19. You've found a blue rupee! (5). But your wallet is full, so let's put it back. You've found a blue rupee! (5). But your wallet is full, so let's put it back. You've found a blue rupee! (5). But your wallet is full, so let's put it back. You've found a blue rupee! (5). But your wallet is full, so let's put it back. FUCK. I wish the rupee chests said rupee on them or something so you don't have to open them, hoping for a key.
  20. The man speaks the truth. I randomly read this for no reason. I wasn't really into sci-fi books. But Ender's Game is a damn good book. I can't explain it.
  21. Yeah I'm just now realizing how much Navi sucks.
  22. WOW. That's like a heart attack waiting to happen.EDIT: Ok not really. But either way I can't wait to try it.
  23. In the upcoming WoW live action movie, they should make Kelsey Grammer a Draenai. He was so good as beast.
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