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Everything posted by watkinzez

  1. Yah, if you're going to do an ending like that, it needs more of a segue, longer fade crossover. Everything else is cool though. As for a title, needs something like 'Trippin Tree Roots', except less bad.
  2. That was the piano version of the overworld theme, correct? In that case, an arrangement of it would be no closer than arranging Hyrule Field, or even the main Zelda jingle. I'm guessing what you really want is a Dhsu style cover.
  3. Oh, come on. It's Vampire Hunter Dan. How can it not be awesome?
  4. There's something like 5 different 'introduction' Midna voices of which one is chosen to play at the start of each text box; the same system from the past Zelda games. Banjo's voices were only one syllable long and strung together.
  5. The only problem with VA is if its done poorly, as it often is in English localisations, it can kill a game. However, games like Dragon Quest VIII and Final Fantasy XII have proved to have excellent VA. Looking back I still think any sort of voice acting would have hurt the game. Why? Think of any game similar to Zelda that has voice acting and tell me its a better game. Beyond Good and Evil. Highlighted the emotion in the story; probably the best use of voice acting in a game I've ever heard.
  6. That's all of you added, including the post 1st of December people not on the front page (*cough*update please Arek*cough*).
  7. More recent observations. Awesome boss subtitles are back! Also, some parts of this game are just screaming for voice acting. I understand it not being a feature here, but next time, please.
  8. Wii code: 3960 3332 5420 0903 Better not have missed the boat.
  9. Yeech.. that's what happens when you chop sentences in half without correcting the grammar. Thanks Walan. But no, I haven't spelt realises wrong.
  10. Wha?!?!? It's still the 7th. Kangaroo land gets it a day before you. Or two days if you factor in time zones.
  11. Bumpage for the PAL people. 3 hours in, and my main impression is normal world ugly, twilight not so ugly.
  12. Revised, spoiler free Saria. Saria NINTENDO 1998 Saria is a supporting character in The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. A childhood friend of Link, she is one of the Kokiri tribe, a group of fairy folk whose beliefs state that they will die if they leave Kokiri Forest. The beginning of Link’s adventure caused a separation between the two early on in the game, with Saria giving him the Fairy Ocarina as a memento. The two could communicate telepathically by playing Saria’s song. As a Kokiri, Saria is protected by the father of the forest, the Great Deku Tree. His existence keeps the forces of evil at bay in the forest. The Kokiri, being an ageless race, never grow old, keeping their childlike physique through different time periods. Saria’s role in Link’s quest is to give help and advice as much as she can; perhaps her friendship is more important than Link initially realises. It is presumed that Saria’s story lives on in the world of Hyrule; one of the towns in Adventure of Link is named after her. As a character, Saria has only appeared in Ocarina of Time, but Saria’s Song has recently appeared in Super Smash Bros Melee. Quote: “Oh, you're leaving.” Source: The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time characters Wikipedia page Games Saria has appeared in: NINTENDO 64 The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time (1998)
  13. It is only plurals of nouns that drop the final "s," thus: I'm editing with this in mind. Oh, so that's why I see shop stores/films that look oh so wrong? Turns out most of us can't decide which to use. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Apostrophe#Possessive_forms_of_nouns_ending_in_s
  14. Ah, that direct feed looks a lot better than what was released before. Animation could still be loosened up though.
  15. Yep. NoppZ is back. Is there any way to get the stuff you've been working on during hiatus? The remixer profile webpage is long dead.
  16. Heh, wouldn't have expected that.
  17. It runs on WMP. All I did was change the tags so they'd show up in the folder it was stored in. But regardless.. use something else. Anyways- unsurprisingly, house and Snapp's songs are the best ones yet.
  18. That music is from the 2005 demo, just listen to recent videos, the overworld music is different. Wha? Show me one please. The overworld music was in the E3 2006 Cube trailer (the one that started with Link jumping out of the way of a horse).
  19. Love how they put spoiler warnings on videos at the site. No shit Sherlock. Liking that too. But is that thing at the beginning of the video across the lake the twilight, or a rather poor waterfall?
  20. So we will have a voice of reason on OCR. Whew..
  21. People suspect that be the Song of Healing. Yeah, it follows the same note progression, but is it the same notes?
  22. Mixes that do stuff unexpected with the source tune are always great.
  23. Kondo and Toru Minegishi (did the battle music for Majora's Mask). Who were the guys in Wind Waker? Kondo bossing around some second fiddle guys right? Kondo and the aforementioned Minegishi, with Kenta Nagata (Animal Crossing) and Hajime Wakai (Lylat Wars, Pikmin). The latter's musical style seemed to seep into the soundtrack most.
  24. Kondo and Toru Minegishi (did the battle music for Majora's Mask).
  25. The only case I have that even closely resembles that is the tin that Serenity came in, and even then a normal DVD case was inside. That won't stick out further when put on a shelf with normal games/DVDs, will it?
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