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Everything posted by watkinzez

  1. The genre of zyko. No other description is valid. And indeed, I am digging it.
  2. They're good lads, really.
  3. Liar. This isn't improvised. It can't be. It's not possible. Awesome Christmas present, Sam.
  4. You people and you always being late. Merry Christmas midday.
  5. I seem to remember the Substance port on Xbox didn't sell an amazing amount, hence why Snake Eater never made the jump. Course, it didn't release simultaneously.
  6. I think its loads better then Half-Blood Prince. When I heard that one, I thought it was crap. Of course its grown on me now, and it just seems natural. I'm hoping the same happens with this one. On another note, any idea as to what the hell the title is referring to? I may be remembering wrong, but isn't like something Hallow the town where his parent's lived when they were killed by Voldemort? Hollow. I'll stop before my life disappears. EDIT- So, is mid 07 a fair release prediction? Can't remember when book 6's name was unveiled.
  7. As far as I know, there isn't any difference in hyphen usage. That's just me not using them out of personal taste, I suppose. So throw them in. I started using full stops later on for Bros. etc, so no difference there either.
  8. Yay, posting from Wii. Now to go back to the not so incredibly squashed Firefox browser.
  9. OMG the title sucks i hate it
  10. He's rich. Oh, right. America.
  11. Heh, fair enough. I like to keep my expectations low.
  12. http://www.computerandvideogames.com/article.php?id=152528&skip=yes What was that about March?
  13. Now there's an anniversary to celebrate. Congrats.
  14. Whoa. For something I'll never use, the weather channel has some effort put into it. Back to bowling.
  15. Not sure if it's available worldwide, but the Prince of Persia trilogy is available to buy for half the price of a normal game here. Hence Wii version= even more of a rip off than normal.
  16. How do they do the ball rolling thing minigame whatnot on the GC? Monkey Ball stylez! Probably easier too.
  17. To lovers of this song (should be all of you) and fans of Beyond Good and Evil, Jericho, a member of the game's community has made a . Thankfully this goes goes against the grain of most fan videos in terms of quality- extremely talented editor. Does great work, and this is no exception.I also highly recommend his other videos of the game- , usings BT's The Great Escape, and , with Filter and The Crystal Method's (Can't You) Trip Like I Do (also includes the ever awesome Psychonauts).
  18. The pause and trombone restart at 1:54 totally makes this song and is so Mazedude. The solo over the already impressive improvisational music is just so bouncy and fun. One man band style. That's where this mix excels. Plus, it's a Follin tune, and that can only mean good things.
  19. So, what happened to JAXX? He did good stuff. I like his 'thin' guitar trademark in his remixes, it makes for good background music as well as closer listening. A bit low fi, but the aim was clearly in that direction.
  20. Hey, this one ain't so bad. Sure, it'd have no chance of passing these days, but the beat generates some interest. Short, but that's probably for the best- novelty couldn't carry this song another two minutes. It doesn't suck.
  21. Ah, that's the one. Knew it reprised a previous tune in the game, couldn't remember which.
  22. What the hell is Psycho Underpants doing on page 28? Slalomcide? Mud Mix? Space Grind?
  23. 151 gives an error message, so.. no? *Heart rate slows down*
  24. I've passed that section of the game, and I'm sure it was the same source tune. Just a different arrangment by Minegishi. What I was getting at is when someone does an arrangement, it could be completely different that the original's tone. You could make some metal guitar wank out of the tune (not that I have any idea how that'd sound). Arrangements just take the source tune, and not necessarily the mood. Hence the Hyrule Field theme and the tune you requested are really the same thing in that sense. You want the mood of the source intact, without much change. That's a cover.
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