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Red Shadow

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Everything posted by Red Shadow

  1. when oh when will we ever get earthbound?
  2. an easy way to cut down on cpu usage is to export whatever pieces of the track you'd consider "finished" to their own wav files, and then reimport 'em to layer back behind where-ever you had initially put them
  3. considering ive had a wii since launch and have added plenty of people to it for mii herding purposes i still fail to see the trouble
  4. exactly what makes it so grossly different, just because it's on a video game console? god forbid you have to move your hands when youre playing video games
  5. the echo on the percussion really stood out to me for whatever reason not in a bad way
  6. the trick is to refrain from telling them where its from until you get them to listen to it
  7. large prime numbers is indeed the one
  8. basically its a waste of everyones time
  9. yeah i went ahead on mine and changed tan^2 on the left to sec^2-1 and worked from there etc etc
  10. yeah it should have been sin instead of sec >:[
  11. for some reason im still not seeing it aggravates the hell out of me because these are damned easy i end up getting sin^2xcos^2x on the right wth
  12. im finding myself too dumb to prove this, send help: Tan^2x(sec^2x)=tan^2x+cos^2x-1
  13. a friend and i considered getting on the a/v team or whathaveyou senior year so we could broadcast this we ended up leaving the school prior to that, though
  14. theres some neat stuff here, too of particular note are the .xm files they extracted from keygens
  15. you mean your first LEGAL drink, right? ;]
  16. Hi there this is my kind of thread. From 8bp you definitely ought to check out x|k, lo-bat, goto80, and psilodump (my favorite artist, period, btw) Also if you hadn't noticed, virt has an album up on there now too. Get that one plus his first two on archive.org I also suggest herbert weixelbaum, and for those of you who don't know, shnabubula also made some chiptunes, which are quite good. I'll upload those somewhere and get back to you, considering his site is unavailable at the moment. Be sure to buy a copy of 8bp's 50th release too, because barring two tracks that I dont particularly care for, it's full of fantastic music. EDIT: Here's them Shnabubula tracks
  17. damnit why do your pressing quests always fall through :[ i want to pay you proper for this damnit
  18. I am just FEELING THIS. Awash in a pleasing feeling that I cant describe while I listen to it, and truthfully I don't know why.
  19. serious about that suggestion of mine btw guys
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