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Everything posted by SynthesizedStampede

  1. I use Winamp over here mainly because I need it to run ormgas. That and to me it seems that it runs videos faster than Windows Media. Ionno though, I'm considering of uninstalling it and just sacrificing ormgas for the sake of my PC, considering it's VERY old and only has 12 gigs of memory. Yes, you read that right: 12 gigs.
  2. Haha, those reviews are hellaaa funny. But I'm not sure whether this guy is truly a pessimist or just being that way cuz it's in his character to do so. Almost all those reviews have barely any positive things in them, then again, I didn't watch the Psychonauts one which he refers to in another one, and says that because of his review of that game he's not allowed to post anything good about games (yes that was a run-on sentence). Hope there was more!
  3. That. Was. Epic. Seriously, the arrangment and flow of the song went really well, and I like how you ended it with Samus' Appearance song again. Very nice. Overall, I'm not a music techie, so basically the only thing I can actually argue against are the quality of the samples. May have been what you were going for, but I like my instruments/samples sounding natural...if that makes sense. >_< Gosh I wish I new what I was talking about sometimes.
  4. I just posted to say that ChaosSorcerer, even though my ass is Catholic I still find your sig hilarious. Gosh, I think I'm gonna hafta go with Megaman.
  5. I agree with SwordBreaker, this one catchy sonuvagun haha. Since I'm not a music techie and just a listener, I can't really provide in-depth advice. I'm not sure about this one, but MAYBE you'd want to up the volume on the vocals a bit. Overall though, I really like what you did with the Corneria Theme here, it rocks my socks for real. But yeah, in my eyes the vocals fit perfectly, it's just that the timing for some lyrics are just a bit off, but that was already mentioned. I have a good feeling with this mix, it just needs some polishing up.
  6. Alright, my post may seem moot considering I don't really post much on the forums, but I still decided to give my two cents. As other people have mentioned, spending $15 on a blog just to have a blog associated with OCRemix just isn't worth it for me. However, I do agree that it will control the amount and content of the blogs that are made. It would prevent random people from just getting another blog to spout random stuff out of and will coerce bloggers to focus on those who actually paid the money which would mainly be the remixers themselves. My opinionated gripe here is that I would love to have a blog on OCRemix focusing on everything game-related (considering that I love to blog) for other gamers to read, especially someplace where I can post up opinions on remixes where people actually care. As much as I love praising them on other blogging sites, something tells me the majority of my visitors just don't understand what the Hell I'm talking about. Then again, there could be others who would only bash remixes, and of course that's just not good for the community on a whole. The price, of course, would prevent me from doing so, but in terms of the greater good I think the payment is justifiable...to an extent. Reason being that the worry of having random people blog about random stuff and moderation issues MIGHT be minimal. Assumptions in full effect, this is because (as mentioned before), there are so many other free blogging sites out there that there is no reason one would just come onto an OCRemix blog and spout news unrelated to gaming/remixes. When one would want to blog about games/OCRemixes, they would do so on their OCRemix blog; when one wants to blog about their life, issues, politics, etc...they have blogspot, xanga, hell even myspace to do that. So overall I think a blog would only help OCRemix, if it was paid for or not. If it was only available for remixers, it would be good news for normal folk like me as we can check up on upcoming projects and such; if it was available to every member, there's a possibility we can get something interesting out of it. I don't entirely approve of the payment, but at the same time I can see why it would be in effect. Two cents
  7. Wow, this is sounding reaalll nice, and by that I mean the acoustic mix. I like it so far
  8. O_O That was... ...so awesomely cool. Wow, even though it wasn't really a remix of any sort, that was just really, really sweet. haha
  9. DarkeSword has just proven with this mix that it IS possible to make good songs from recent games even better. For me, it's just raised the bar in my mind because I had previously thought songs from recent games already sounded TOO good to be re-arranged. Tattered Slippers, in short, is a wonderful and magnificent piece of work. I originally had never imagined Midna's Desperation to ever be played on something other than a piano (due to the original), but man, this mood of song just totally works out the instruments chosen. Favorite part though? At around 1:57 where the mood takes a drastic change and man. Just plain awesome from there on. Good stuff man, recommended download for all.
  10. Oh wow, I had to look up the source material for this because I had already forgotten how the Pokemon Red Rocket Theme sounded like. But after doing that, this is a really welcome mix. First off, it's a Pokemon mix, secondly it's just a nice remix in general. Like (if I can say what I want to say correctly) it feeds off of the source tune directly, while being different enough to be something completely new. However, I'm afraid to say that a lot of people might not find this mix very enjoyable, considering it took myself awhile too. But who knows, eh? Good mix.
  11. When I first listened to this mix, like the absolute first time, I wasn't really into it. To me, even though it was more upbeat and all, it just sounded much too similar to the original for me. After awhile though, it really started getting my attention, and I discovered that it had been one of my most played songs o_O. This song might not pull you in at first, but it's very catchy and will probably stick in your head for a good deal of the day, if not THE WHOLE day. But yeah, variation would have been nice, but damn just having a MM remix, and especially one of the Stone Tower Temple is already good enough. I guess I can summarize my thoughts by saying it wasn't too spectacular when I first heard it, but it grew on me and is enjoyable.
  12. Dudes. This mix is F'IN GOLD. On my trip to Hawai'i I played this song the most, turning it up on my iPod to the max and just bobbing my head as we drove around the island. It took me back and was just so damn awesome. If you're a Sonic fan, DEFINITE download, like, as in now. Go, click it. You won't stop listening to it: I've played it like 10 times in a row every other day for awhile and haven't gotten sick of it. The song just rocks THAT much.
  13. I admit, I was skeptical when I first read that it had vocals especially after hearing the first few seconds, but in the end they worked out pretty well. Like everybody else has mentioned, that single line "You know that oil and water don't mix" is just FIRE. Man punch. But other than this the lyricrism was decent, nothing too special, but at the same time you were trying to make a statement, so props for that. Yeah, I guess I was just expecting more burns, but it's all good, nice mix. My REAL only gripe about this mix? The way it ends. Man that was so abrupt and seemed unfinished. >_< Left me wanting more and had me checking to see if Winamp all of a sudden finished a download or something. But yeah, good mix, I recommend it to be downloadable, HOWEVER, just keep working on your flow and lyricrism. Wanna hear more from you man!
  14. I agree with Sengin: what's done so far seems to be all background type of stuff or sounds to be an intro to a more involving song. At around 1:25, that sound I'm assuming is supposed to be the main melody of the whole song. Possibly making that louder would help. I have to admit though the forest sounds are pretty sweet, and helps set the mood for this mix. Sounds decent so far, hope this gets some more work done on it.
  15. Wow, awesome for a WIP: left me wanting more . It's doing good, I think just a little more variation would help it in the future so it doesn't get repetitive.
  16. Hmm...I'm not an expert at music or anything, so I can't really say anything in the technical aspect. Overall though, it's sounding REALLY nice, however, the first tune sounds awfully like an MIDI of the same song on vgmusic. Nothing really wrong with that (unless you were the one that made it too haha), it's just something I've sorta heard the same thing already. Might wanna check it out >_< Anyways, I'm not really a fan of how it sounds right now, preferably the quality of the sounds. Gosh I totally wish I knew mixer lingo >_<. I guess I'm saying I'd wish the synths sounded more realistic? Okay, you know what, I'll stop trying and just say: this is a REALLY awesome piece of work and with some tuning up can possibly be my favorite mix of all time. Seriously, all the songs put together in this mix just sound so nice, but only if the sounds were of higher quality! Attempt at two cents. >_<
  17. I actually am really enjoying what I'm hearing. It left me begging for more haha. When it ended I was extremely disappointed but yeah, I'm really looking forward to this mix getting finished.
  18. Wow, this is a nice start to work with. Basically my only gripe with it so far is what you have already mentioned: too close to the original. I'm excited to see where this goes though, keep it up!
  19. Oh my...I haven't played Xenogears in my life and I'm a guy...and yet for some reason this song moved me to near-tears. It is a friggin' beautiful song and should be downloaded immediately. I remember downloading it awhile ago, but somehow lost track of it until I was just surfing around OCRemix. I'm really disappointed I lost it for awhile. *tear* Beautiful mix.
  20. Wow, this caught me off guard. But I must say it is AWESOME. I love it, personally, hopefully you continue with this.
  21. Superb. Never imagined Ice Cap to be remixed in this style and it worked out so damn well. Can't say much, but aw Hell, this remix is awesome.
  22. So...that was like the first time I had seen those screenshots and uh...crap that looks sweet. Haha Splash Garden makes a return? SWEET. No only if they could bring back Soft Museum with that awesome music haha. This game MUST deliver with music, the first one totally did.
  23. Man, I'm a NiGHTS fanboy myself, but I have to admit I'm skeptical about this game. I mean, the first one was near perfect for the type of game that is, replicating it in a sequel would be impossible. I don't know what else they could add without making up half-assed worlds, crappy rushed music, or anything else of the sort. A remake with better graphics woulda made me happy, but hey, can't please everybody can they?
  24. Hmm...this might seem interesting...
  25. Eh...just an update to my previous entry, nothing much more added to it, but bleh. Haha...here it is again... http://ic3.deviantart.com/fs15/f/2007/046/2/3/Eevee_Evolutions_by_UrbanEcho.jpg
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