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Everything posted by SynthesizedStampede
Oh snap, there's a Dota 2 topic on OC Remix? Well, I'm late. <3
Did you guys know that Space Jam goes with everything?
SynthesizedStampede replied to EC2151's topic in General Discussion
I really can't believe I watched all that. That was amazing though haha. -
Nostalgia vs Interpretation
SynthesizedStampede replied to Geeky Stoner's topic in General Discussion
I think nostalgia is what brought me here back in the day - you know, discovering all the awesome remixes to my favorite games - but then it just evolved into appreciating good music from a medium that I love. I just love good video game music in general...the ones that encapsulate emotion and feeling and what's going on the time. For awhile it really was just nostalgia. Then at one point I just started listening to all the new remixes that came out, and listened to the old OC Remix radio and realized "wtf have I been missing?". Eventually I just realized that I liked listening to effin' game music in general, and OC Remix was a segue for me to learn about songs I was previously unaware about. Believe it or not (and many people will probably rip my head off for this), but I haven't played Chrono Trigger or Xenogears, but because of OC Remix their soundtracks are probably my favorite two of all the video games out there. I think it starts out as nostalgia, but if you stick with it, you just end up liking everything about it. -
What baffles me the most about this is that someone is playing Twitch. I haven't seen a Twitch in AGES it feels like. But man, tough to win with that team comp. Easy to see how Twitch would faceroll with a Banshee's as well as going against a team with no dedicated tank. Dat Annie build. Too gud haha.
Hmm...I think you underestimate the power of free-farming or just farming in general. If the other team is actively ganking/pushing a 5v4 lane, it's not all that bad unless your team is inadequate or has horrible team composition or the other team has an awesome composition. Eh, I guess what I'm saying is that there's a lot of factors to consider to just assume that a 5v4 push or even 2v2/3v2 lanes are lost while you're farming. A lot of it, IMO, really depends on everyone else over the passive-farmer. Yes, they get gold for towers and team members killed while you're passively farming. But if your team is decent, they won't get them easy, and they might not even get those towers at all. If they're carry is occupied with this engage, then they're not last-hitting while you are. If your team is good their carry will walk away from the push without much gold due to not being able to get a kill, the tower, or a decent farm. Yet this whole time you're last-hitting to the best of your ability, pushing your lane, and are closer to that IE than the carry who didn't choose to farm. I agree with you that gold advantage plays a big component in winning games, but if both teams are about equal in skill level and aggression, then not a lot of gold are going to be made from careless kills/ganks and easy mistakes. Think about it: ten minutes in and somehow everyone is 0-0. The player with the most gold at this point would be the player with the highest CS. Mid or late game, however, I agree that farming isn't all that important IF everyone's doing pretty darn okay. If you have a player that's going 0/5/1, and is 2 levels behind the lowest level champ on the other team and your carry isn't 17/3/12 facerolling at this point, best be sure to tell that player to farm. Nothing else they can do. Especially if you're the carry. What the heck: are you doing trying to gank without your IE yet? You're not doing any damage because they've already bought Funfires and Warden's Mails to counter your currently-pitiful AD. Don't jump in there without your Deathcap. Oh, but that's right, you got Tibbers stun! Shoot, but they've farmed up to Banshee's and Merc. Treads. All of a sudden that one stun becomes obsolete and your skills barely scratch. Farm doesn't matter late game, but that seems to only be if you've already gotten your core and are doing pretty well. I guess if I was to make a point, I'd say that I agree that making gold is a big game-changer, and farming is the most reliable and safe way to do it.
Out of all the fantastic melodies of the Zelda universe, I'm surprised that the game over jingle from the original Legend of Zelda has gone untouched. YouTube Link: Game Over song It has a memorable tune and, in my opinion, can be really flexible. This isn't much of a Request as it is a "hey guys, maybe you can do something with this!" sorta thing.
Wheee a place to share my subpar skills! Need moar time learning how 2 color in Photshop T_T
So excited about the announcement of Borderlands 2. I played the PC version to death with a couple friends and am pretty sure we're going to get into this one as well. Hope they fix a few of minor gripes I had with the first one, such as having no minimap on the HUD or not being able to set your own waypoints.
The Wii Didn't Start The Fire
SynthesizedStampede replied to The Damned's topic in General Discussion
That was effin' sick. I don't know what else to provide to the conversation besides that fact. -
Hey, at least you're attempting to play the campaign on Brutal. For some reason in my mind I've made the steadfast decision to not even touch the campaign on that difficulty >_<.
Pretty fun game if you and a couple friends have some free time. STILL have to finish normal difficulty, because me and a friend always get torn up by infestations, even though I drop a couple beacons. Hate those large enemies that sends salvos of three bombs towards you too. Those guys are annoying.
Original link blew my mind as well. Nice find. Totaka's song is pretty crazy in terms of the methods they had to do to find the songs.
I played more of the normal game than the custom games tbh. Also played more Reign of Chaos than Frozen Throne. I wasn't too bad at RoC, but I never bought Frozen Throne until a few years after it actually released, so I was getting my ass handed to me pretty badly >_<.
What are some good songs to wake up too?
SynthesizedStampede replied to tidus9605605's topic in General Discussion
I used that as my alarm for a few months. Unfortunately, as much as I loved the song, in those few months hearing it as my "I don't want to get up but I'm going to" tone really got to me psychologically. Soon the song was connected to forcing myself to get up in the morning and putting me in a bad mood when I heard it. That whole, "you get sick of your alarm tone" definitely applies to me. In the same light, however, I suppose you can say I've used a lot of the upbeat, jolty stuff such as: "Catapult" ~ Beatdrop "Wicked Six" ~ Sixto Sounds "Scrambled Eggman" ~ BrainCells, Snappleman "Strike of the Devil's Axes" ~ CarboHydroM, LuIzA Among other video game songs such as the guitar version of "The True Mirror" from Baten Kaitos. In retrospect, the nature of those songs probably fueled my grumpiness when I woke up. Maybe I should try and stick with more gradual approaches... -
No one see the Last Airbender
SynthesizedStampede replied to The Vagrance's topic in General Discussion
Makes me sad hearing all this from people who have already watched it. I was trying so hard to stay interested in this movie, but bleh, looks like it's a massive failure. -
Have to agree with Zircon here. My friend bought Crystal Shards on the Wii's VC, and I could barely get into it. I played for around 30 minutes but hated hated hated how slow and sluggish it felt. I respected the power-fusing ability, which is a good idea, but IMO could have implemented much better. I hate to be the Kirby Superstar fanboy and everything, but Superstar definitely spoiled the series for me. For probably five years straight everytime I'd head to my cousin's house we'd pop the game in and run through the whole thing over and over again because the game's just so fun with two people. I just recently bought the game myself for my Wii and am having a blast with it. Epic Yarn was definitely NOT was I was expecting, but I'm not counting it out, simply because we have so little information on it. The art style looks fan-friggin'-tastic, but while watching the trailer I couldn't help but think, "dang Nintendo, why not just make a longer, more epic Kirby game with Superstar's style of gameplay?" Hoping for the best, expecting the worst.
Hmm...I was thinking whether or not I should start playing this game or go back to League of Legends. For awhile I've been yearning to play some sort of Hero arena games but the people I played LoL with over winter break are all busy now, and plus since school's started again it's hard to fit even one game into the schedule. :-\ I'll probably end up playing this once I get my mind set on it and I start chipping away at my huge backlog so I don't feel like I'm procrastinating on them haha.
New video! -Video Games and Moral Choices-
SynthesizedStampede replied to sephfire's topic in General Discussion
Love these vids Sephire. You always seem to explain everything in a manner that 's easy to comprehend and you propose some great ideas of your own. Can't wait for the next one, like always -
Yeah, I'm weak at the game but I'm glad to take part of a little community fun here and there
I play Audiosurf every now and then and surf OCRemixes as well. It's too bad that I pretty much suck at the game though >_<
What are you listening to?
SynthesizedStampede replied to PassivePretentiousness's topic in General Discussion
Just discovered DJ Whitesmith via the means of YouTube and vibin' to "Rumina".