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Everything posted by SynthesizedStampede

  1. Why cheat or even unlock things the old fashioned way when you can pay for downloadable content like extra costumes?
  2. Oh wow, I totally remember that thread way back when and contributing some art when I had a working scanner. Good times man, good times. But on topic... ...yeah, nitty gritty Pokemon would be interesting to see. I feel Team Rocket had hints of that, except since it was a kid's game they couldn't really make them as evil as they should have been.
  3. I play on USWest...and I haven't played in like forever because my usual partner in crime hasn't been online in like forever. Sadly, I solo my Mageazon through the acts .
  4. Yeah, that's quite a heartwarming project they got there . That other robot with the "Please call my family" is one of the cutest things I've seen. Jeebus, never thought I'd feel sympathy for what looks like cardboard and smiley faces.
  5. I actually felt that the part near the end where Piccolo and Goku were flinging energy balls at each other was the best part. While there was no insane speeds and flying, it was an adaption to the big screen that I felt was pretty well done as it was still fast paced and the effects were pretty awesome.
  6. Yeah, I'm surprisingly enjoying a couple of these songs...the Clipse one didn't sound too good IMO so I wasn't expecting much. I really like the Aesop Rock, Common, and Jay-Z one though.
  7. Because Cowboy Bebop is one of my favorite animes (yes, I haven't watched much), I'm just gonna wait til more press is released such as screens. I mean, if the screenshots we get are say, the same absurdity of "Dragonball Evolution", then I'm totally going to pass it up. However, if it does show some promise via screenshots, I'll still be willing to give it a shot. I'm just worried about the jazzy music of the anime the most. It gave it a sort of style and flair that made me fall in love with it, and the characters were very believable. Keanu Reeves as Spike may have hit a nerve for me, but Jet, Faye, Ed, and Vicious need to have great actors too for the movie to work. *crosses fingers*
  8. Gosh I really don't know what to say about this. It like manages to stay true to the original, but at the same time adding a groovy, funky, 80s twist in it. I like, very much. Ha, I wouldn't be surprised if me and my "crew" felt like using this in one of our bboy showcases later on in the future, it really is a funky tune. But man, yeah, it's like a mix you would find on a "Sonic & Knuckles HD" game, if you know what I mean. Remix is awesome.
  9. Finally someone tackles this song, I absolutely love the Saturn version of Volcano Valley. Can't wait to hear any updates and the finished product. Totally agree w/Sengin though: it sounds a lot like just some background music, but of course, this is video game BGM so well, I suppose it's supposed to sound like that a bit. But the actual song had a bit more flesh in it, and maybe there's something you can do with this mix that'll give it more substance. Eh...ionno. :-\
  10. What the heck, this reminds me of "The Forbidden Kingdom" for some reason. Not to be judgemental or anything, but it REALLY looks like it's going to imitate "great concept with nice source, but ruined due to a 'teenage hero'". Sorry to say but this looks REALLY stupid and NOTHING like Dragonball at all. It looks as if it's going to be another generic action movie but with the Dragonball name and same characters going on. And not to be racist or anything, but I would have preferred it if Goku was played by an asian actor, simply because that was my intepretation of Goku via the anime, and of course my interpretation of anything must come true.
  11. Gawd I want this mix to get finished so badly, I really like it! Like everyone mentioned before, you can't help but feel lighthearted while listening to this mix: it's very cheery. I can totally picture this song playing in a 2D remake of WW haha. Good stuff, wish I had the skills to help you out technically but alas, my talent is limited.
  12. That is so friggin' awesome on so many levels. Delivers.
  13. Whoa, thanks jmr. Now I TOTALLY feel late to the party. >_<
  14. Man, I think this is the first time that my family's had pecan, apple, and pumpkin pie all under our roof at the same time. I'm a happy man indeed . Good thing everyone couldn't finish the pies at the party we went to haha. But yeah, in terms of black friday (today), unfortunately I have to work at 3:15pm Pacific Time til 11:45 at night. *rolls eyes* Damn retail.
  15. Wait, there was an actual OCRemix Christmas album/project? :-\ I feel a little late to the party. Was it called "An Overclocked Christmas"? Because that's the only type of title that comes to mind when I think of an OCRemix Xmas album lol.
  16. Wow everybody, thanks for all the replies? We really appreciate all the recommendations. And with the recommendations of Myst, can't believe we totally overlooked that one. We were even talking about it in class and how the music definitely helped immerse the player within the game. Will definitely take a look into all the games mentioned so far. I'm actually playing through Beyond Good & Evil right now, and agree that the music is a pretty noteworthy part of the game.
  17. Hey all, I'm doing a project in one of my classes regarding sound and music in video games. We decided to split the topic down into three subtopics and one of the ones we chose were "music in video games that help set the atmosphere". So, considering this is a website dedicated to video game music, I'd figure it would be a good place to turn to for examples of great music that set the atmosphere. What I'm asking of all of you are just music in video games that you feel really set the mood and tone of the area/environment/cutscene to you. We already have some ideas such as Metroid Prime's Phendrana Drifts being a good "cold area mixed with technology" song, but want a larger variety of music, and well, we've only played so many games. What are examples of music in games that really set the atmosphere of the surroundings? Thanks in advance everybody.
  18. Awesome vid, and very timely on my part. In my Gaming Theory class we just finished comparing Shrek to Final Fantasy: Spirits Within and The Uncanny Valley was brought up. If I didn't have to go to work in the next five minutes I'd watch all your vids...heh maybe when I get back.
  19. Awww how could I forget this one? It didn't make me cry either, it just really makes you think. Its placement in the CD as being the second to last song also helps it have such an impact on you: up until this point the CD's been a flurry lot of political, controversial, and violent material, and you're expecting the CD to end that way. The man's an angry man, and you get that, and you think it's gonna end that way. Then BAM, the slow beat comes on, with a somber melody and you realize, "this guy's got a soft side" and it just hits you. Really good song, but on the long side of rap songs.
  20. Well, eh, I'm not sure about full blown crying but there are songs that sometime trigger an immense amount of nostalgia or just tug at my emotions so much that I can't help but get teary-eyed. One particular song is "Grey" by One Be Lo off of his R.E.B.I.R.T.H. album. Song has a kickass sax in it that makes me melt everytime I hear it.
  21. -The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening -NiGHTS into Dreams -Pokemon Snap All three games are relatively short, and aside from Link's Awakening, the latter two were basically "score attack" games. I absolutely LOVE score attack games if they're pick-up and play and not extremely hardcore like japanese scrolling sh'mups.
  22. Watched the first episode of Season 3, but had to skip episode 2 to do my homework. What I saw though got me reinterested in the series though, because after season 1 it sorta died off for me . And lol @ Peter going back in time and effin' everything up thinking he was "fixing" everything lol.
  23. Super Mario Bros. 3 Speed Run in about 10 minutes. I watched a YouTube video of a SMB3 Speed Run, said "Hey, I can do that", did everything the speed runner did, but sucked much more at it than he did lol.
  24. 0_0. Um...wow I can totally picture that second Lupin song in the original post being played at a bboy jam. For some reason when it was playing on Cartoon Network awhiles back I never realized this. *burns it onto CD and starts to break to it*
  25. Razor sharp playing cards as an alternative to the classic "throwing knife" in FPSes. No, I haven't seen a particular Mythbusters episode what are you talking about .
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