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Everything posted by SynthesizedStampede

  1. Seph, I love your videos because you address the problem AND attempt to provide an answer for that problem. A lot of people tend to complain and stop there, without trying to find a solution. Another good one, sir.
  2. Yeah, stuff like this doesn't hit me as fast as I think it should be. I mean, when it happened I was down because I *acknowledged* how much of an impact it had on other people, and not on me. But after a couple days, and watching some of his videos on VH1, it's like, "damn, the world just lost the best dancer it's ever had." I mean seriously, he was just so committed to his movements and put a lot of energy into every single jerk. Guy was phenomenal in terms of dancing, and I knew that before he passed, it just hits it home again that we won't see that again except in videos. That's a sad thing to swallow for me because dancing's become a big part of my life. I mean, I'm not to the point of tears, but seriously it's like "damn", someone great is gone, and they ain't coming back. That effin' crazy-ass moonwalk that he pulled...only gonna exist in videos and stories. That guy was crazy shit, and nobody will EVER match the energy he had in his videos and on stage.
  3. Quot'd again for emphasis haha. I saw that and was like, "damn, awesome".
  4. Rest in Paradise, King of Pop.
  5. Haha that was pretty cool. And if you liked that, you also might like this too... It's a show by ABDC winners Super Crew when they were in Korea for the R-16 International event. Show's revolved around Mario, but the whole things isn't like...ENTIRELY mario I guess... Oh and you might like this one from 0:17 to 0:34 haha. Sounds awfully familiar
  6. Ah, I see. I'll keep that in mind whenever I manage to play against another human again. I guess it didn't help that I played Warcraft 3 extensively before I even thought about starting Starcraft. They played so differently that I had to rewire my whole thoughts on strats and whatnot. Can't wait for the next OCRemix tournament though, and hope I get to play another newbie haha.
  7. Never thought I'd enjoy seeing one of my losses on youtube. I never really managed to play any normal games like these on b.net because there are money maps everywhere. Now I can finally see what I'm doing wrong.
  8. Haha it's alright Garian, we just played today and I lost both games anyway . Good stuff though haha.
  9. Hey Neko, I think I left a message on your page, but if you didn't get it I'll just post here. Is there any time that you are free in the coming week? I'm usually free around 2pm to 5pm Pacific Time on weekdays, and from mornings to 4pm on weekends.
  10. hey there neko, looks like we're playing each other in the first round of the starcraft tournament. when are you free?

  11. NOOO NEKOFROG??? *sad face* Losers bracket, yes? Haha, just kidding. Man, I'm gonna get owned
  12. Hey, I'll actually sign-up right now. SynthesizedStampede: Protoss And about that battle.net issue, apparently I'm one of those people who have trouble playing on it haha. What my friend has showed me that's worked is Garena, but unfortunately it's sometimes laggy on there. I haven't tried Hamachi with Starcraft though...hmm...
  13. :-\, I sorta feel you on that one. I mean, GOOD people might join the forum just to win the prize, but then again, just normal people who happened to join uber-recently will be excluded. I just don't understand why there has to be a prize of some sort. Nobody can have fun just playing a game anymore?
  14. Ooh, sounds like a good idea. But fear not, despite everyone's claims, I still feel I am possibly one of the worst Starcraft players to date. The last time I actually went online and played my record was like 2-17 .
  15. Man, I really hope they add more characters on both sides of the playing field. That Giant Bomb "quick look" made me a sad puppy looking at the roster.
  16. Yeah, not sure if this is old or not, but since this is a community who loves gaming music, and seeing how there's a lack of Pokemon remixes on this site, I thought I'd share a youtube channel that I happened to stumble upon. Sorry if it's already been posted/mentioned before, there are just some good re-arrangements in the channel. http://www.youtube.com/user/PokeRemixStudio I really like the 2nd Azalea town one .
  17. I don't know if this applies or not (we just actually covered this stuff in my Psychology 100 class lol), and I hope somebody in the psychological field (or someone who knows more in general) can clear this up, but there was a study a man did living underground for a few weeks that demonstrated our internal biological clock runs on a 25 hour period. So while we have 24 hour days, or body runs on 25 hour days. Additionally, our max performance level is around noon/lunchtime, and there actually is a "dip" in our productivity right after that time. That's why a lot of people feel tired around 1 o'clock...of course our productivity goes back up a bit after that dip, but after that time it slowly goes down til we slumber.
  18. Soooo happy they're remaking Gold and Silver. It's actually the version I keep playing the most, because I don't enjoy playing Ruby, Sapphire, Diamond, or Pearl (no joke). What better timing too because the internal battery of my cartride is actually on the verge of dying. Looks like I need to buy myself a DS .
  19. Scrubs is like my favoritest show in the world...and yet because I have Dish Network, and Dish Network and ABC didn't get along, and Scrubs moved to ABC, I was unable to watch the last season . I completely agree with you though: the last couple seasons definitely weren't as good as the "middle seasons" as I like to call them. The episodes just didn't seem as funny, and it just felt as if J.D. was losing his character. I don't know how to explain it, but I'm sad to see it go, but happy because it wasn't the same.
  20. Hmm...this is all very intersting. I'm taking Psychology 101 this quarter and we just covered sleep and dreaming. Since I'm no psychologist and don't plan to be, and since we've only covered the absolute basics, I find it pretty weird that one would forget everything they've stored in their brain due to a day of sleep deprivation. Interesting stuff man. As for my own experiences... -I've never actually been able to pull a real, actual "all-nighter" in which I stay awake for 24 hours. I may get to like 10 am, but by then I just end up knocking out. -Sleep paralysis sucks ass. My mind keeps making me think that I'm moving my hands and arms, but when my eyes open a bit I see they're not moving at all. Then without any recognizable transition I'm in a dream again where I manage to walk around the house and stuff, to "prove" to myself that I'm really awake. Hate it. -I sleep, but I don't get replenished, which makes me think that I have a sleep disorder. Possibly sleep apnea, because my dad has it. I sleep for a pretty long time, but never feel replenished when I wake up, except at the end of very vivid dreams, which come like once a month
  21. Jeebus, I've always wanted to buy a Dreamcast but could never get myself to do so. I miss them all-night sessions of Power Stone 2 with my buds .
  22. I guess it's just the way you approach cheats. I mean, I never used cheats right off the bat, I always beat a game fair and square first, then used cheats when I was nearly all bored with it to make the game more interesting. I mean, I played Mario 64 to death with friends and family, but that didn't stop me from getting infinite red shells and just blasting it around. If you use cheats to beat a game without really even trying yourself, then yeah, I can see it as a waste. But for those of us who love a game and just want something different, then you know, I really love them. I agree though: play a game how it should, because it's annoying when I heard my friend play Rise of Nations against the CPU and hear the clicking of his comp as he typed up cheats. No point in playing a game that way.
  23. That was actually pretty cool to listen to. Heh, I liked it.
  24. GAWD THIS. I don't get why they can't picture video game translations into movies/shows to be like these. That new Shadow of the Colossus movie I think would be awesome to be done in a Samurai Jack-ish style in terms of limited dialogue. I think a Samus backstory would work well in this way.
  25. I'm sorry but I have to say that this thread is full of win. That slap chop win is insanely catchy haha.
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