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Everything posted by SynthesizedStampede
OCR01754 - Castlevania II "Castle of Tears"
SynthesizedStampede replied to djpretzel's topic in ReMix Reviews & Comments
I have no idea what it is, but for some reason this mix is like a throwback mix for me, reminding me of the style of some old goodies posted on OCRemix way back when. It definitely maintains the energy throughout the 6 minutes (!), and man, I can't really say anything else besides that it's awesome. The techno-ish sounding elements surprised me, but also surprisingly fit, so that's all good and cool. Good stuff here. -
Memories Associated With OCR
SynthesizedStampede replied to Darth Lime's topic in General Discussion
One of the fondest memories I have of OCRemix was that whole I, Mario project that was going on in the forums. It was probably the most involved I've been in the forums up until now and actually contributed concept art to the site. I also remember putting up a picture I drew for Halloween of a Boo clad in "pimp" clothes. So if anybody has it, please send it back to me! I can't find it anymore and my scanner's broken . But more music related actually is when I discovered djpretzel's "GerudoInterlude" on the site. I thought the song was so awesome that I kept looping it over and over, and it was just so friggin' dope in my mind. I think I overplayed it then, and now I somewhat don't listen to it anymore, but everytime I hear it, I still think that song is awesome. Good times. -
College: Both university and community
SynthesizedStampede replied to Darth Lime's topic in General Discussion
Gah, I'm terrified for college too. I'm basically worried about the study load, and how much time I'm going to have to study, because I think I'm going to try and maintain an evening job too 3-5 days a week. Basically I don't want to fail, like every other person out there. But if them AP classes that I took in my senior year of high school are the same as college courses, then I think I'll be able to manage. Doesn't really ease my fear of the stress I might end up getting though. Then again, I am going to a community college... Anybody take Calculus in both high school/college? Would you say that taking Calculus in high school made the class somewhat easier during college? -
Yeah, trying Chrome right now as my default too. The only drawback that I'm getting from Chrome opposed to Firefox is that YouTube videos are incredibly less responsive. When I pause a movie, it takes a while for the vid to actually pause, and a nother two-three second wait in order to actually click another link or even press the "back" button. The significantly lower CPU usage is nicel though.
Using OC ReMixes in a non profit project?
SynthesizedStampede replied to O Thnap!'s topic in Site Issues & Feedback
Dude, O Thnap, what the heck you like read my mind. I came onto the site about to make a topic about the same thing, just in case so I wouldn't get in trouble. Like, I mean, I'm also making a game in RPG Maker, but instead of distributing it as wide as you are, we're thinking about only keeping it to like five or six of us working on it. ...are you one of my partners in crime? Ha, j/k, but yeah, thanks for the link Liontamer, and thanks for commenting on my xanga about three-five months ago . -
I played it for a little while, but it wasn't hard to stop playing it. If you're playing the free version, chances are you might end up like me, but you also may love it. Personally I didn't like it at after awhile for these reasons: -Combat is restrictive. You end up using the same pattern of attacks for every strong monster. (Strong attack, guard, strong attack, dodge, etc.) -Armor gives you NO defense bonuses whatsoever, and cost A CRAPLOAD to make -If you play on a busy server, experience a bit of lag because everyone sets up their shop next to each other IN THE MAIN TOWN -Land between towns is UBER long, but it sorta is eased by a sort-of "autopilot" function -Some skill requirements are RIDICULOUS, such as needing to SUCCESSFULLY make materials 200 times (you first need to get the materials too from monsters and whatnot) -You'll usually be resorting to part-time jobs to get your money. -After awhile of playing, most quests end up being "Kill X amount of monsters" Some pluses that I can see though are: +It's free +There are A LOT of people that play this game +Randomly generated dungeons means you won't see the same room-pattern twice +Field bosses are cool to encounter and attempt to fight: they come randomly and a player can report it to the whole server if they find the proper scroll (You get to see your name scroll on the top of the screen ) +Part-time jobs are easy to do +A CRAPLOAD of classes that give you various bonuses, show up on your on-sceen name, and may let NPCs give you free items Yeah, so although I didn't like it, by all means I would recommend trying it. Especially considering its free, it might be your cup of tea.
What is wrong with people?
SynthesizedStampede replied to The Monkey Bob's topic in General Discussion
Ionno about why people don't really like to hear video game music, even when they're re-arranged in very high quality like the ones here on OCRemix. Sometimes I like to think that video game music is in its own genre, but on this site they're sometimes arranged into sub-genres such as rock, jazz, and funk. I really believe that if taken the time to look, a person who usually wouldn't listen to game music would find something they like on this site. But has anyone played OCRemixes for anybody without actually telling the person that it's game music they're listening to? I did this to my girlfriend one time when we were hanging out, just playing some mixes in Winamp, and she loved all of the ones with electric guitars o_0 haha. When I told her it was game music, she didn't really care. Seems like I had the opposite experience as the TC, but maybe if you just really wait for a song that they're REALLY into, so they make the first move and ask "who is this" or "where's it from?" and then respond with "IT'S GAME MUSIC BIATCH!". Alright, maybe not that blunt but you get the idea. -
Wonder if I'll even be able to catch a glimpse of it considering I'm living in well-lit suburban Seattle. Thanks for the heads up though. (b'.')b
Woah woah woah...are you kidding me? Hecks to the no. Oh and is this the same Isaac Hayes who gave the song "Disco Connection"? If so, the bboy world weeps...but yeah, R.I.P. to both men, both were very talented men.
Yeah, but it would be really funny if those comments really weren't from people in on it: having a quality song that sounds like it could be straight from the game + other, anonymous users who seem to "recall" it, perfect formula for convincing that random guy that he's heard it before. Wonder when the truth will get out...
OCR01738 - Sonic 3D Blast (SAT) "Day & Night"
SynthesizedStampede replied to djpretzel's topic in ReMix Reviews & Comments
Ah remember hearing this when it was still a WIP, and glad to know it's been finished and accepted. Song RAUCKS, not too far from the original, but nonetheless I like it. Oh and I second the Diamond Dust comment...just throw in Saturn's Volcano Valley too haha. Yeah, I could listen to this song just to chill...I like a lot. -
Music to get that adrenaline pumpin
SynthesizedStampede replied to Arek the Absolute's topic in General Discussion
Sixto Sound's "Made in the USA" off the Blood on the Asphalt soundtrack. Makes me pumped every the time I hear it. -
GCN - Baten Kaitos: Eternal Wings and the Lost Ocean DC - Skies of Arcadia GBC - The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening (mainly for Tal Tal Heights lol) Saturn - NiGHTS into Dreams GEN - Sonic 3 GEN - Sonic & Knuckles GCN - Ikaruga Off the top of my head...hope they satisfy
HAPPY BIRTHDAY MAN! Founding this site was genious, it's on my "daily list of sites to visit".
Sonic & The Black Knight coming for the Wii
SynthesizedStampede replied to JCvgluvr's topic in General Discussion
For some reason I find Sonic with a sword in his hand really stupid, but think that a dual-wielding Knuckles is pretty awesome. Yeah, I guess I'm biased somewhere in there *knocks on head*. So judging from that awesome post NeoForte posted updating us on some of the gameplay elements of Black Knight, it'll play like a regular 3D Sonic...except with a sword, no? Hmm...interesting. I still don't think giving a weapon to a hedgehog is a good idea, a lot of people, with this argument, usually refer to the disaster that was Shadow the Hedgehog. *sighs* First the werewolf, now a sword? Why can't Sonic just be...Sonic? -
Live Action Cowboy Bebop in the works
SynthesizedStampede replied to rem's topic in General Discussion
Aw man, I really hope they don't screw up the movie, which will most likely end up happening. I highly enjoyed the chill, humorous, and action-packed nature of the anime, it was one of those shows that you really actually enjoyed watching even though you weren't expecting it to come on. I really don't want this movie to be like, you know, a very hollywood-esque film, meaning no explosions everywhere and whatnot. I hope the actors nail their parts perfectly, the character development, interaction, and attitudes really helped make the anime interesting. -
Hey, the way she took her out was kinda badass to me, and by that I mean it wasn't expected. Something with the water down there, but yeah, didn't know exactly what she had planned. But yeah, a couple questions left unanswered such as what happened to Azula afterwards, and what DID happen to Azula/Zuko's mother?
You have to listen to this dubbing to believe it
SynthesizedStampede replied to Nekofrog's topic in General Discussion
Uh...wow. Shizuku's voice didn't fit at all and... "YEE-UH!" XD Best part right there. -
Finished watching it about an hour and a half ago. There were some pretty memorable moments in the movie, even some times I HOPED people would have died because you know, in my eyes death makes everything better haha. But yeah, for all of those that haven't watched, I'll leave my comments in my head. I'm sad the series is over though, it was one of THE BEST western cartoons to ever grace TV. Seriously.
A call to all creative: The REAL Super Mario Bros
SynthesizedStampede replied to Vormaen's topic in General Discussion
OH my gosh I remember that I, Mario project awhile back, and a few of the sketches I submitted to help with concepts. Jeese, that went good for awhile, didn't it? Need to check out the forums a bit more though...didn't know they actually made actual message boards specifically towards it . -
It's an okay game, but I find myself dying too quickly for my liking. I'm always behind in my kill count-deaths ratio because people like to camp alot and I like to run around. For a free FPS, actually, I think it's pretty darn good, just wish it didn't lag so much so I could actually get some good playtime in.
Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA)
SynthesizedStampede replied to Beatdrop's topic in General Discussion
Makes sense to me, but I don't entirely like it, considering it's sometimes the only way to find some rare beats. Anyone who's a bboy or breaks knows that it's uberly hard to find any bboy songs legally, considering they're so rare and hard to find >_<. Guess it's a good idea to tell our friends and our friends' friends to start burning them cds right? -
Has any one heard of the new live action dbz movie?
SynthesizedStampede replied to cfG-21's topic in General Discussion
Excuse my language, but by the way it looks, it's going to suck BALLS. No offense, but I'm not very confident at the moment. I guess that means it'll be better for me if it does turn out good. So what part of the Dragonball story does it cover, is it even canon? -
FAC - Fan Art Competition 14: BOSS MONTH - Voting Time!!!
SynthesizedStampede replied to atmuh's topic in Competitions
Hmm...interesting, sounds fun. I'll try and come up this week.... Bosses eh? Coolios. Now I just need to find out what I'm going to do. >_< -
Cheesy/Horrible/Memorable Quotes In Video Games
SynthesizedStampede replied to TheSnowStorm's topic in General Discussion
Yeah, Starfox 64 is probably the most quotable game out there... "I'm on your side Einstein!"