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Everything posted by Lemonectric

  1. I am incredibly psyched for a portable Paper Mario. Especially since it looks like they're going back to the traditional gameplay.
  2. Good thing we do have live sax. Just not from you. But you already gave us kick-ass chiptuneage.
  3. Agreed with all four of the above themes. I once tried to cover the FSA credits as a MIDI back in the day, but I never got anywhere with it. As for the Oracle ending theme, Girlz Melon took care of that quite nicely for the Ages project I directed. Should be releasing soon.
  4. I couldn't have asked for a more enthusiastic group of people. And I'm definitely glad it didn't end up being a one-man project like I'd intended over two years ago. Thanks, guys. And for you people waiting for the release...it's going to be the BEST MUSIC YOU WILL EVER HEAR IN YOUR ENTIRE LIFE. Name anything from Beethoven to the Beatles. They do not compare. This album will prevent suicides. This album will cure cancer. This album will do some other things I'm not at liberty to discuss. COMING SOON TO AN INTERNET NEAR YOU
  5. You'd better exist, Neonlare...because I have never ever seen you before. Also, Pharaoh Man, eh? Funny, I just tried to start a Pharaoh Man/Toad Man remix the other day. Lives were lost. And not just because of the plague. SERIOUSLY Toad Man's weapon should've been Pharaoh Man's weakness. But whatever. I would've laughed, anyway.
  6. McVaffe's "The Darkness and the Light" is one of my favorite remixes on the site. Now this is too. Good source. Excellent treatment. I think this beats "Why So Serious?" but maybe not "Facing Fears" as my favorite halchthonic remix. You can't beat "Facing Fears." You just can't. Obligatory "great job!"
  7. "Past, Present and Future Perfect" in the To Be Posted list. did i get it right
  8. I don't know. I'm also considering a September 14, 2011 release date, depending on how things pan out. We'll see.

  9. Beat Block Double Time...more like quadruple time. With lots of frantic midair calculations. Oh no, the block's going to disappear...quick, spin! Whoo, saved that jum--MARIO HURRY UP AND LAND BEFORE IT DISAPPEARS AGAIN AAAAAAAA
  10. Ahahaha. Well, Ninja-san's entry was deserving of a win, anyway.
  11. That's because we don't have a schedule.

  12. They're pretty much hidden in places you wouldn't normally think to look. Either that or they're really tricky to reach.
  13. I recommend it. I stopped looking at stuff for Galaxy 2 after the second trailer, and my personal goal is to watch nothing about Zelda Wii. Games get way too many trailers. Anyway. I'm collecting green stars now. Some of them are...pretty hard. I like 'em. Maybe spoilers (whatever, just to be safe): I was simultaneously impressed and let down by Slimy Spring Galaxy. From the second I flew into it, I was thinking "ooh, this looks cool." The music and overall mood was excellent. I couldn't help but think of the Forest Temple from Ocarina of Time. But it's an incredibly underutilized galaxy. I was hoping for more things to do there. Anyway. Yeah. I find myself going back there every once in a while.
  14. 1) Don't worry about it.

    2) The finalized tracklist with titles and everything won't be public until the release.

    3) Yes.

    4) There's really no reason to bump it. Anyway, the trailer will be done and posted before too long.

  15. We're not interested because we want to play the game first. At least that's why I didn't click the link.
  16. 1) That it is. And there is a buttload of it.

    2) Turns out reminding people about deadlines isn't always as effective as it should be. He'll get done when he gets done.

    4) Something like that. I believe he had an idea that just didn't go anywhere.

  17. Yup, I'm using it for boss month, but Maverickk had already created it for the project. We'll have the full size version available on the site.

    No news on Hitori's track.

    Veran Defeated turned out to be a kind of celebrationy orchestra/acoustic guitar/synthy song.

    And Spirit's Grave is actually not being redone.

  18. I just started getting into the Mega Man series this past week, so now I have another project to look forward to. MM9 has an amazing soundtrack.
  19. I think that's a safe assumption.

  20. Quick google search came up with this
  21. Don't worry, it won't be long after we get that last track in. We have a head start on mp3 tagging, site design, etc. :)

  22. Dishwasher - possible hearing damage? ._. Wait, dishwashers are louder than vacuums? Are we assuming the listener is inside the dishwasher? I'd be more worried about the scalding water.
  23. The entire Mario RPG series has excellent music. I'd like to remix some Mario and Luigi or Paper Mario when I'm not so busy. (Also, if anyone ever decides to start an album project for any Mario RPG, I'M IN.)
  24. y bt most especily wen tey r kirby KirbyUFO.png boop bop obp beep

  25. Gotta say it's my favorite title of all the albums in progress right now. I'm likin' the cover art, too. Fits the title nicely.
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