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CC Ricers

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Everything posted by CC Ricers

  1. Proxy servers, anyone? Or is this a matter of trying to nip the problem in the bud?
  2. So it actually turns out that... it's got nothing. v_v
  3. It starts off at 7/8, then 7/4 and then a typical 4/4 towards the end.
  4. Cool, I didn't expect some brief positive reviews right off the bat. I made a slight update to the mix. Claps are added to every beat in the bridge sections, it sounded better than just a kick-snare IMO. Taking DrDisaster and Anti-Syne's advice I replaced a lead for the main melody starting at 0:41 with something more bright, and personalized the melody a bit. A new short section has been added, the sounds here are mostly a concept and aren't set in stone.
  5. The intro does sound great, you nailed the style there. It was a nice surprise hearing the transition to your old-school dance style of remixing.
  6. Vagrance, let's finish this shit. We have the technology. The latest FL project file got deleted, and all I could were some projects with less organized mix of sounds. But I did export the instrument parts out as individual wav files and tried to reassemble them in Ableton Live Lite. That was just lost for so long but I just found it again, and really it should just be an hour or two of work to finish those drums. Hopefully it can hold up to Detuned Logic's remix that was posted last year. The version we submitted to the judges panel was plauged with clipping problems, especially after the first big drop. This one got fixed but we were still patching up.
  7. Castlevania Aria of Sorrow - Floating Gardens http://tindeck.com/listen/ckco Chrono Trigger - Secret of the Forest. OLD drum & bass collab with The Vagrance. Sent a finished one to the judges, but it was held back due to production issues. The following one is an improved version that didn't quite get finished (you can notice it around the last minute) http://tindeck.com/listen/xptd DDR Max 2 - MaxX Unlimited ORCHESTRATED lolz http://tindeck.com/listen/gmzo
  8. So I came up with this in two days. While I was messing around with some drum loops, I've decided to take a shot at bhangra, a genre I never attempted before. Thought I'd try something I'm not used to. It sounds like it would fit the source well. Nearly all the instruments apart from the drums are synth sounds. Suggestions for new instruments? Sound processing? General improvements? Version 2
  9. I've seen you around. Is your fear of rejection mostly because you'd have to wait a long time to hear anything back? Seriously, the 6-8 month waiting period makes it hard for me to find any remixes I have that I find worth waiting for.
  10. Shantae is an unfortunate title for what is a really good game (though I've just seem clips of playthroughs). I wonder who here has the will to spend 200 bones on the actual game cartridge. It would make a good prize giveaway
  11. One day when my keyboard of my white Macbook got a bit dirty with food stains, I decided out of my sheer genius to scrub it with dish soap on a rag. Afterwards some of the keys on the keyboard started acting funky. The Command and 'v' keys now behave, interestingly, as if they're linked together. Pressing either just Command or 'v' makes the computer go command+v, in other words the paste function. I actually have the letter 'v' in its clipboard most of the time so I can keep on typing. It's a real pain in the ass to keep copy-pasting stuff and going back to typing. Also, the right square bracket key doesn't work. My Macbook is a late 2008 model, refurbished and no Apple Care bought for it. I think some of the soap liquid actually got settled in there and made some parts on the inside sticky. Removing just the keys doesn't seem to help me get to the source of the problem. Do I need a total replacement of the keyboard? If so, is it as simple as slipping out the old keyboard/PCB into a connector ribbon slot and putting the new one in?
  12. I never imagined this theme played in this style, but it works well! Yeah, it loses many points in production but the fun factor is there. OCR could use more bluegrass remixes anyways.
  13. Ah yes, I remember throwing this idea around. This turned out well.
  14. Mud from NGG? Wow, welcome GP.

  15. Yes, someone else likes the Super Monkey Ball music. Boiling pot isn't really on my list of favorites from this game but I remember it well and it does feel much like the original. You really nailed it with the string pads, and even that modulating bass instrument at the start still sounds fitting, considering the source. The first lead instrument sounds too thin, especially when the next one start to play when the key changes at 0:29. The snare feels a bit distant- it gets buried in some parts and it doesn't do much to carry the rhythm. The only exception would be the switch-up at 0:42. I'd want to know if you're just planning an instrument swap or if you'll elevate it to remix status. It's a great start for it!
  16. Cool, hope you enjoyed it! Just in time for my birthday today, too!
  17. I have a nice Shade Man remix by SirRus...he submitted many mixes to the judges but not this one. I wonder what he's up to now.
  18. Joker's Radio 1 mix on August 18th. The old Sonic tunes threw me for a loop.
  19. It's the only Gunbound track I could listen to on repeat, other than the sudden death music. I would love to hear a live high quality improvement on this. The end cuts off abruptly, but it's meant to loop like that.
  20. Good god. I am packing my bags, I am not worthy of this remixer. And now I finally have a song that is over 30 minutes long (I know they exist but I never really listened to one )
  21. It really does sound a lot like Halc's chippy work, combined with the chopped and screwiness post-processing of SGX. Moar, please. I was hoping ProtoDome was going to release another mix, and it's a big improvement on an already good start.
  22. Heh, now I'm curious to know what crits BlackPanther has for me. hewhoisiam, I'm not sure if I will make those snares louder. They sound punchy enough as is, at least to me The fuzz at 0:40 turned out to be a badly setup distortion plugin. I'll automate that so it turns off in the quieter parts, where it's not really needed. Adding panning effects in the breakdown sounds like a good idea, too.
  23. The other guys are right, this is pretty legit. There are some ideas that feel scatterbrained and could use a bit more coherence to the overall flow and structure, but otherwise I wouldn't mind playing this on in a DJ set. My favorite parts are in the beginning where it's more glitchy and fidget-y.
  24. Thanks for the short crit, it's better than nothing. Yeah I have noticed that the EQ mixdown for this was lacking the bass, but I didn't wanna go again and replace the file to do that. I have a tendency to cut a tad on the bass to make things less muddy, even when the music in this style needs it. (maybe some instrument frequency overlaps are making it sound off like you said at 0:56) But I am polishing up the production now so the next version would have a more prominent bassline. Also would serve well for the heavier sounding sections I am adding right now, so they'd still sound clear and clean. (edit) I uploaded a new WIP with a brand new section, plus bumped up the bass parts and overall made it fuller sounding.
  25. I'd thought I could give this a bump for this week. Hope I get some feedback this time around!
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