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CC Ricers

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Everything posted by CC Ricers

  1. Cool beans! I think I can help you with the wobbly bass. Also still sounds too close to the original in terms of sound design. You would need to add your own supporting synth to flesh out the sound.
  2. The only formal training I had was with piano between 4th and 5th grade, and sadly my live playing skills have probably decayed, but I can still read most sheet music. I just won't be able to play it as readily unless it is simple. My first stab at computer music was with Impulse Tracker. Then I discovered Fruity Loops in high school, back then used a demo of FL 2.5 (an FL without Piano Roll? NO WAI!), and got hooked on that line of software up to today. My other music-related endeavor goes into DJing, and music production has helped me in that area. Musical harmony and following keys is also important there, and makes the difference between a good and a great DJ set.
  3. Damn you, I was expecting to hear bLiNd's work in here.
  4. It's not gonna happen soon, at least with Nintendo.
  5. Yuko Koshiro did some great music with Streets of Rage but this Hudson game gets sadly overlooked when it comes to his work. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d5nVYcfylzc This music blew me away playing it in the early 90's and it still amazes me today. I remix music myself but I also want to expose more people to this great soundtrack.
  6. Ditto what Coop says. Browsers where the dropdown works fine: Opera 9 and Safari. In the meantime I have to click on another link to get to using the menus.
  7. Clicked on this thread out of curiousity to see if this is a project I can still jump in on. The audio preview has a lot of headphone-pounding electronica, so I want in. I have narrowed down my remixing choice to two tracks and will PM you when I decide which track it will be.
  8. I took your advice and have done a revision. The high end has been clipped somewhat. I don't see much of a problem with the high end personally- some of Beatdrop's work has been louder in that respect. Better yet though, the bass has been boosted and I added a more "dirty" bass patch on top of it. I know the bass needs to be a hook when it comes to dubstep, but I don't want it to fight for attention with the actual melody.
  9. I wish you had finished this. I really like the groove it has going on between 2:08 and 2:22. Anyways, I'm keeping this one for future listening.
  10. Here's a remix of the Devil's Lab music done in a dubstep style. The intro is still not clear to me as to how it will be...I have to work on that. Hopefully the subtle bassline in the beginning and the end is noticeable enough to hear some of the melody. (version 2) OLD (version 1) So how is it sounding so far? Let me know
  11. lol random wobble at 0:49 This is a good first start. I like the piano and synth counterparts. There are already some breakbeat remixes of this song here but I don't know what else to tell you on how to improve it. You're facing some tough competition, but sounds like you're going in the right direction.
  12. You mean your Cheetahmen II remix wasn't club friendly enough? I mixed that track of yours in a practice DJ set I did. I like the electronica remixes you do here, they stay true to their genre. I'm feeling the percussion and the supporting instruments but the synth that plays the melody could use a bit more energy.
  13. Nice chiptune sounds, and like I said before you and chthonic are perfect for each other (in the non-homo way). I would be interested to see another collab in the future.
  14. I took a hiatus from these forums for about a year and a half. Man, I have several finished but not quite polished mixes on my hard drive, last mix I actually sent to the judges was 4 years ago when I was more a newb :P That Street Fighter mix is almost leaving the assembly line though.

  15. Just now, this to Day And Nite. :lol:
  16. Yep, I'm aware of the slap bass. I need to find a better free slap bass patch first. There's an updated version now, with better EQed production (hopefully, I did cut down the treble) and added a new short section at the end.
  17. I like where this is going. The first version did sound a bit tinny, but the mix has been fleshed out more since then. I like those small vocal drops sounding off every two bars. While it's off to a good direction, can't help but think you do some more interesting stuff with the bass. Add some effects to it now and then, or maybe some wobbles. Not some aggressive wobbles but something that meanders every now and then, it's more fitting for this style. Here's an example of what I mean. Subtle changes like that are quick ways to make it more interesting. Too bad that the last two minutes are lost, hope you can get that fixed soon. Can't wait to see the finish product!
  18. Oh yeah, that whistle sound. That's part of a combination of synth sounds where I was using a 4/4 beat to support the other drums, but it's not so much needed anymore so I'll probably get rid of it. There's a newer version up now, I mostly did work on the drums and also improved the stereo panning and EQ so it doesn't sound so harsh.
  19. I hear you on the guitar. It's basically a 2-tone layer and got it sounding well considering the individual patches are average to decent. I'm at a standstill at how I'm going to balance and set the EQ for the instruments, especially the drums. The problem mostly lies in the source music...its high end frequencies are very crisp and most of the OC remixes I've listened to do not have such emphasis on those frequencies, even the energy-packed mixes. It will be hard to recreate the punchy sound of the original without the high end boosts, though. I could boost the highs without making the whole thing sound grating to the ears, but don't know how the judges would like using this approach. Either way, expect an update in a short while.
  20. I'm not too crazy about merging the FL/Reason forums either. Not to say we should go all over the place and have a forum for every single mainstream DAW/audio production software but at least the main ones are popular enough to have their own forum, so it's easier to post specific problems instead of people going "I want my instruments to sound this way, oh I'm using FL by the way..." The different forums we have right now are not too numerous. I go to a game development forum where every aspect (programming, design, etc) is broken up nicely while still making sense, and not overwhelming. It even has a "for newbies" section for addressing basic problems. I personally don't think we really need a newbies section but I'm throwing it out there now that I mentioned it.
  21. Thanks for the feedback. You and chth are like long lost twin dragons of remixing, or something.

  22. Stay classy, username.

  23. Training stage music shouldn't kick this much ass, but in Tatsunoko Vs. Capcom, it's one of my favorite tracks from the game. Well, here's my attempt to remix it and give it my own twist, which I think will be no easy feat considering how catchy the source already is. This started out as a remix for another game track, and that's actually the part you hear in the beginning. Guess what game it's from! By the way, I am using the (North American) instrumental version of the music. Old WIP Original source:
  24. OH BOY! I can't wait to bomb some- ahem. I'm keeping my eyes peeled on this game. Any idea if this is part of a possible series of 3D pixel games?
  25. Third update. It's almost nearing completion!
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