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CC Ricers

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Everything posted by CC Ricers

  1. Willrock actually made one, but it wasn't accepted on this site Maybe if he wanted to re-work this mix?
  2. I have a Lexicon Alpha audio interface that I use for recording samples and mixes from CDs, records, etc. Recently I tried to rip another one of my records to mp3 using Audacity on the Mac as usual, and I get some really loud distorted noise on the left channel. The right channel sounds fine, but quieter than usual. I tried swapping USB ports and cables and still the same thing. Then I plugged my headphones into the headphone monitoring jack of the Alpha, and listened in while it's recording, and everything sounds fine there. Also, if I connect some audio cables from the Alpha's stereo out to the computer's line-in, it sounds okay there too, sans the quiet hiss you usually get from the line-in recording. It seems like the USB port of the Alpha is somehow not working and sending in bad data to the computer. Is the Alpha messed up for good? Anything else I can try to isolate the problem?
  3. I do a lot of drum & bass so I tend to layer snares a lot. As mentioned the 808 snare is simple but versatile. With the 808 snare, I isolate the upper frequencies in order to give the whole snare sound that "sizzling" quality. The primary snare would be something that's easy to boost on the 150 to 400 hz range and presto, Pendulum snares! Actually I don't compare my work to Pendulum's but it is a good starting formula for snappy, beefy snare-driven beats.
  4. Add Boogiepop Phantom Limited Edition Collector's Box to the SALE section. It contains DVDs and CDs, but put it under DVD. This is what it contains if anyone's interested. http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/encyclopedia/releases.php?id=1444
  5. Hah, the source is pretty catchy. I'm not completely sure about the intro needing to be cut. You just need to incorporate it in a better way. Take for instance Intense Color, which starts with the intro and then weirdly fades into the remix. Nice beats and piano, it really nails the rave vibe here. The robo-chorus vocals fight for attention with the filtered lady vocals, and when both are on I prefer just hearing the filtered vocals. But the robo vocals are fine on the solo parts. You have a nice groove going on, but you can do something more than the usual chord progression, like having a synth play the melody instead of relying on the vocals to carry it all the time, and improvise on it. Vary the breaks by shuffling them too- this is a jungle/rave piece after all.
  6. Hey, are you still continuing the Air Man remix? I haven't heard anything new about that.
  7. Reso - Tiktak NOT related to that Ke$ha song
  8. "I wanna hear a new beat on the request line. You got it, coming up....." I'm going to bust out my old mixtapes again. Keep on going! Don't skimp on the orchestra hits either
  9. Let me emphasize :lol: Maybe DJP should park that domain just to be on the safe side and keep any pricks from potentially typo-squatting for their own benefit.
  10. Classic song, great video.
  11. Congrats on getting posted on OLR, dude. Though, I do find it funnier reading the lyrics in your video along with the music.
  12. Wow, I wish I had your perseverance. I am very picky when it comes to submitting stuff to the judges. I have a lot of completed mixes but going through the stuff I listen to on here, very few I thought were worth re-doing for OCR.
  13. Regarding the Sonic stages in Unleashed, it seems like the developers thought Sonic was only about speed. It was more about quick reactions. It would be fine in Unleashed but those stages turned into a memorization game on the best places to stop or slow down. The side-scrolling perspective parts were a nice touch but the level design felt sloppy here. However, once you get those obstacles down pat, playing the daytime stages becomes kick-ass. Sega just has yet to make stopping on a dime feel natural in 3D.
  14. Those videos actually make me want to get a keyboard again. I haven't owned a proper keyboard in almost 10 years (well, if I don't count the short time I had the Micron). I'd want to work on my playing skills again since I was formally trained when I was 9-ish but since high school didn't really get into playing it much. It would be a big benefit for developing ideas with producing/remixing.
  15. The ASS wasn't DAT enough for us.
  16. The show must go on. ROW ROW FIGHT THE POWAH! and all that crap
  17. Did you get some other artists to beta test the Remixanator? I bet this guy did http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RadZTuZEKlM Was there a Metal Gear Solid option in the beta? I want it back
  18. Don't feel bad about your name Just64. I regret sticking with this name. Nykskrypk's remix = gold.
  19. I actually understood what you meant here
  20. Cool beans indeed. And remember guys, it's not cheating- it's taking advantage of technology! People 30 years ago once thought making electronic music was "cheating", because you just turn a few knobs and keys, but we know better. It's just one of the new wonders we have to work with
  21. The very exposed kick at the beginning also makes the drop at 0:24 sort of anti-climatic. Mostly as you'd half-expect the full beat to pack as much punch as that kick. That kick could use more low-end. The snare is subdued when it's playing at the 2 and 4 of each measure and as the mix progresses, all the melodic instruments are overwhelming the high end of the percussion (snares, hi-hats). Bring out those parts a bit more. It's not a total loss, though, because the the bass is doing a decent job at pushing the rhythm. Breakdown is nice, I have no real problems with that.
  22. re: worst game music ever, at least that has rhythm and sense of melody. Not this though


  23. I remember your old F-zero amateur video and just watched it again. Some people now think Capt. Falcon looks like Barack Obama lol

  24. This confirms the reality of Super Ken Fighter in production.
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