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Everything posted by Thalzon

  1. I've three-starred every 50cc cup and the first 100cc cup. Either I'm really good or Nintendo tweaked the ranking system a little so you no longer have to drive perfectly and never get hit by anything ever to score a three-star ranking.
  2. I got it today (pharmacies have no respect for street dates) and it's quite fun. Online is great. I was playing at work, and had to close the system to tend to a customer. Of course my connection dropped, and when I logged on to play another race, my player score decreased by 20 (ie, it recorded as a loss). So, yeah. Hopefully that discourages ragequitters.
  3. Yayifications! Now I'm glad I didn't import. Too bad I didn't wait for Tales of Graces, tho.
  4. I obsessively played until I beat the *REDACTED*. Total: 296 star coins. I missed one in one level, and the rest are from those minigame boxes. Three glittering stars on my profile. That's good enough for me! Now, back to Cave Story.
  5. Link: I was left wondering what had happened to Zelda, and my baby, the Cucco.... The baby. I walked to Hyrule Castle. It was then that I heard the craw of the Cucco, code-named Cucco-craw. It was a craw used to attract attention, like that of a cucco. And then I felt... sleepy.
  6. Of course he is! And he'll be the fuck-best boss fight atop the cathedral! And after he falls, he'll get caught by a heartless phoenix or angel or SOMETHING and you fight his second form! I am looking forward to fighting Frollo. He's one of my favourite villains.
  7. I suggest Fragile Dreams: Farewell Ruins to the Moon. Also, Klonoa and Klonoa 2 (though 2 might be hard to find since it's ps2-only), and possibly Arc Rise Fantasia. Possibly on that last one, since it's fairly standard JRPG stuff, but its one plot twist really gripped me.
  8. No, it can't. So who picked up Cave Story 3D? It's great fun, and the 3D effect is gorgeous, but it is literally a 1:1 port of the game besides the graphics. No dynamic cutscenes (it really woulda helped since it's zoomed-out to hell), the music is the same chiptune stuff (not a problem for many people, though), and the translation is the same as before. Still... This is one instance where the 3D really completes the visual effect. EDIT: Not to say the music is EXACTLY the same, but it bears the same chiptune style of the original music.
  9. It's all those toxic videogames! Stop eating them. But seriously Nintendo and Sony are consistently called out due to their shoddy environmental practices. Selling a paper card in thick anti-theft plastic packing (wii point cards, for example) is pretty environmentally-unfriendly. I suppose you could stop gaming to send a message, or perhaps just indulge in your hobby and responsibly dispose of and recycle your own waste. Either way, you are handling it in a responsible manner. It's up to you.
  10. All older playable heroes in JRPGs are always male, too. The only exceptions are games like Suikoden or Chrono Cross, where there's enough characters to justify going that far out of the usual competence zone. Even in Chrono Cross, however, there wasd a sort of reverse age discrimination. There were at least four or five female characters under the age of 12. For human boys? Zero. ZERO. Van was the youngest human male party member at 14. But these games are geared towards teenagers, so it's natural they'd prominently feature teenagers. Anyone older than their teens is considered experienced, but also "indoctrinated" into adult life. They're not radicals -- they're part of the system. Notice that older characters tend to be more morally ambiguous and more likely to betray the party for an incomprehensibly-tough boss fight. That said, type-0 has looked pretty boring to me. High schoolers save the world. Again. Yawn.
  11. Or they're interested in making money BY providing an awesome game experience on the Wii. Despite much evidence to the contrary, the two don't HAVE to be mutually exclusive ideals. Remember, however, that Monster Hunter Tri also had a subscription in Japan, but was free-to-play over here. This may follow the same pattern.
  12. Hunchback world! FUCK YEAH. OK I'm excited now.
  13. The enemies in Chain of Memories just started getting too CHEAP. I mean, god damn, waiting for the boss to run out of cards should not be the easiest way to handle things. That said, the KH spinoffs rarely excite me. I just read all the spoilers so I'm up to date on the story.
  14. How much more can they fit between KH1 and 2 like this. I mean Sora's STILL 14 here. That was a busy year he's had.
  15. That's not even that bad. Ten years is a fairly long time, after all, and Squeenix has done rereleases in a shorter time frame than that before. That said I am so not interested in this. I'd prefer an HD Chrono Cross rerelease. That'd be swell.
  16. Actually, they added voice acting, more demons, and an 8th day for all but the two neutral endings (even the previously-cowardly-bad ending), which continues the story into the aftermath of your decisions back on the 6th day. It's a far bit of new content.
  17. I turned it off in OoT because I found myself missing too many shots. But the idea is cool, and I did play Mario Kart Wii mostly with the wheel. I finally found a copy of that Samurai Warriors game. It's fun! But confusing. I really can't keep up with all the japanese names for characters and places, and the manic pace of battles means I only play it every few days. I'm on the fence about Devil Survivor and Star Fox though. I played Devil Survivor on the DS to death, and I've never been a big Star Fox fan.
  18. guys guys i herd nintendo is canceling the 3ds and is gonna make a psp with sony and microsoft and theyre making a game called super mario banjo kazooie clone wars and daxter. it was on [journalistically-suspect game site] so it must be true
  19. Hey, just sayin'. That 3DS game was a lame cash-grab and we all know it.
  20. Hah, Mavrick. I know him. He's the whiniest Megaman "fan" ever and won't stop bitching whenever the subject is a Capcom game. You know how we could've ensured Capcom continued to care about Megaman? By buying Megaman games, even if they were terrible. Just like how people have bought every piece of crap called "Resident Evil" or "Devil May Cry." Unfortunately, (or fortunately, perhaps) it may be that the chance to do that with Megaman has passed. But getting mad? Man, that doesn't solve a single thing.
  21. For those wondering, no, the GBA games don't have multiplayer enabled and they don't have the restore point feature. The NES games don't come with the restore point feature either, but can be updated once their retail release happens, for free.
  22. Metroid really isn't a system-seller anyway. Unless Retro does it again.
  23. So I bought Steel Diver today. It's... eh. Can't say I'm happy with it. It's not a crappy game, it's just strictly a sim. No plot, the scenario is bare-bones and vague, not to mention difficult to believe (three submarines is all the world can muster against the hundreds of a "rogue nation?"), and it can be pretty slow-paced. But it still feels neat to, say, down a ship using the periscope view. I guess the game is just kinda difficult to get into.
  24. I downloaded Shantae and it's a great action game. Think Henry Hatsworth or Monster Tale. It's sort of like that, with some light Zelda-style dungeoneering. The writing is pretty sharp, too. But maybe you'd like Ivy the Kiwi? I downloaded it and it's a great little challenging game. A sort of washed-out historical book style of art, and you guide Ivy to the level's end while gathering as many feathers as possible (there's 10 per level). Harder than it sounds, since it soon likes to employ spikes and vertical areas.
  25. It's called not using the 3D. If it gives you headaches there's really no curing that.
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