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Everything posted by DarkCecil13

  1. A little on the short side. I would have liked to have heard this mix mold into perhaps another CT song. I'm a sucker for long medleys (Means less fumbling around my playlist every few minutes to choose a song. I'm OCD.) Moving on, the recording is *TOP NOTCH* - excellent dynamics, sounding full utilizing perfectly necessary panning (Can make or a break a song). Generally sounds like I'm sitting in a small room seeing these guys playing live. Definitely plenty of talent to go around here. Please continue submitting ReMixes to OCR. I love this.
  2. I was definitely talking out of my ass for that thread I started a couple months ago mostly out of having an angsty conversation with some judge-haters. Unfortunate. Near the end of the thread, I realized there WAS something in my butt so I performed sexual favors on all of the judges (Which is what they deserve. More sexual favors.)
  3. Seconded for emphasis. Recent remixes that blew me away include Dj Redlight - Dr. Mario Burning Up, Blue Magic - DKC2 The Delay, Dale North - Earthbound Home Again, aluminum - Earthbound Brainshock. Generally, I *really* like every single ReMix that has been posted as of late. There are plenty of excellent, mind-blowing ReMixes just as < OCR1000. I still have my favorites (most of them are < OCR1000), but it remains true that there is very litte "bad" music on this site. Nothing like DJ Frog's Bad Tuna. Sure there generally isn't as much "trance" or "techno" as of late (which I'm mildly annoyed by), but hopefully we'll see some of that soon. Who knows. It depends if any ReMixers send any good techno shits. If you know the techno shits reference, I give you permission to not like recent ReMixes posted on OCR. But I'm afraid that if you've only been around since 2006, you *probably* have no idea. So, xinster, my vote is: NO
  4. Just faced Xerol. I won the first point, he won the last three. Some surely epic battles
  5. I'll be on hamachi all night xerol and linkspast.. send me a message.
  6. I sent Bren a message weeks ago and I still haven't heard from him or seen him on Hamachi. so I need a final opponent. Thanks.
  7. Wow, this is spot on. Got my groovethang going with this one. Hope to hear more of your Überaustralian musaks!
  8. lol conspiracy I say! Having to face Taucer
  9. haha, oh that Contagious Eye Infection. What a ReMix, really ! This is the one that got OCR a great deal of publicity back in the day. Does anyone still have the article which blurbed about Rama and OCR? I remember a big flood of 12 year olds to the forums after it was published.
  10. Oh yes, certainly one of my favorite old ReMixes on the site. Makes me miss DiscoDan more and more...
  11. Oh wow, it sure has been a long time since we've had Dale North on OCR. Not to mention, there's been a recent massive flux of Earthbound ReMixes, which can only mean great things! Moving on, Dale North *solidly* arranges one of my all-time favorite tunes from Earthbound. This completely blew me away, especially by the time lyrics came in. I had no idea of Dale's singing talents. Nice, peaceful, arrangement mostly dominated by pianos and soft strings and pads -- overall the arrangement sounds incredibly full and lifelike. Props to you, Dale North.
  12. Mew, add me to the list. I'm already in #ocrsnes on irc.enterthegame.com and I urge other contestants to join us there.
  13. Yes, Arcana had awesome music. Crazy insanity of gameplay though as there were literally no save points so death usually resulted in throwing the controller 20 yards away to never return.
  14. That was awesome, I'm definitely impressed
  15. Hahaha, that's kind of contradictory :) :)
  16. lol. Yeah, this is interesting djpretzel material, fosho.
  17. I remember when mp was working on this, and the only flaw is the length! It's much too short This could go to so many places, but it doesn't :\
  18. I remember when mp was working on this one. Wow, was that long ago. Anyway, this is a beautiful, smooth, relaxing take on the original. Must download.
  19. The intro noise is a little uneccessary, BUT: Man, does this Remix go to places! Definitely shows Praslowicz roots of loving the Pink Floyd. I especially love the end where Praslowicz plays some nice guitar leads =)
  20. I remember the days of Steve Pordon hanging out on IRC.. Those days are long gone, as are recently ReMixes by him! This is some fasthardcore metal here; not everyone's cup of tea, but this is nice executed. =] metal fans, listen now.
  21. This is absolutely beautiful. Some of the more interesting arrangement work I've heard on this site. You're extremely talented, Abadoss, and I hope you keep writing music!
  22. Some pretty creative stuff going on here, but those industrial strength drums get old fast. Really, if those drums weren't as annoying, this mix would be so much more *awesome* as it has everything else going for it.
  23. A little minimalistic, but near the end this comes to life. Agreed with DragonFireKai, I've definitely heard *much* better stuff from the talented AmIEvil.
  24. Heck yes, one of my favorite old ReMixes by CotMM. Industrial strength bubble bobble, pretty much. This owns you.
  25. I have to say that Facebook totally pwns. I've found so many childhood friends and have developed some great relationships with people cause of Facebook. =) And BTW, join the OCR Facebook group. Thx.
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