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Everything posted by Sinewav

  1. Since no one else has posted it over here, The Escapist responded. Seems a little more complicated than it did before. I'm going to avoid getting involved until I know more. It would be interesting to get Seph in on this thread and hear his side of the story. I might be a little more willing to take sides then, since he's someone I know I can trust.
  2. Yeah, I'm hoping for a Cincinnati (or at least Midwest) show myself. If they are touring, this would be perfect for some meet ups.
  3. Not sure that I'll be able to make it to this myself, but I figured it would be of general interest to the folks here. http://www.zelda-symphony.com The email Nintendo sent out says it'll be at the Pantages Theatre in Los Angeles, CA on Friday, Oct 21 @ 08:00 PM. I get the impression from the website that it's going to be a tour, though so far LA is the only announced date.
  4. Happy late birthday, since I didn't see this until now.
  5. Hapz birfz djpretz
  6. Had a huge frickin easter dinner. Now I'm halfway to a food coma.
  7. Yeah srsly. I'm surprised I haven't seen any posts from him yet.
  8. Can't believe I didn't notice this until now. I'll try to tune in tonight before I go to work.
  9. Even then, The Protomen go out of their way to craft a sound that sounds over 20 years old. 10 points for bringing them up though. But I have to respectfully disagree with you about autotune. I don't think it really ruined anything, so much as the overuse of autotune is a symptom of a lack of creativity. A lot of people in the 80s claimed synthesizers sucked the soul and the need for talent out of music. I remember a lot of my friends during the 90s throwing around words like "overproduced" and saying music was dying because it wasn't recorded in someone's garage. There's nothing inherently wrong with synths or 90s production techniques... but there will always be talentless hacks who abuse popular trends and leave a bad taste in everyone's mouth. It probably will be mostly soundtracks like Mass Effect over Super Meat Boy, but isn't that how it is for movies too?
  10. I still listen to mainstream/Top 40 radio for a couple reasons. I do a lot of volunteer work with teenagers, and I like to know what they're listening to and stay just up-to-date with their generation in general. I know for a fact that a lot of them still listen to it, but there's also a pretty significant number who are jaded with Top 40 and even the popular alternative stuff. Pop music right now has a very strong dance/electronica influence. I legitimately enjoy the sound of many Top 40 songs at the moment. I don't think it's 100% trash right now, like many people would claim. There is some very strong talent out there being played on mainstream stations. That being said, you're still getting quite a few factory-built pop stars and there is much better music of this genre that ISN'T getting played. And it gets repetitive. Not to say that the stuff being played now is terrible, but it needs variety. I certainly agree with the message of Blueprint's song, and I think it's a shame that this is the first time I'm hearing of him.
  11. Understated, but this is a huge win.
  12. Nothing I much I can add, but since I know there's a lot of my OCR buddies who live in Japan, I'd personally really appreciate it if you'd just post an "I'm alright" if you're reading this and get a chance. Praying for you guys over there.
  13. I'm kinda glad I never have money in December. I'd probably blow it all on this, and then play indie games 24/7.
  14. Sweet. Looks like I have a reason to get an iPod now.
  15. I call Meatloaf.
  16. Ah I remember this when it was just a wittle baby WIP. Turned out better than I had hoped. One of this things that's so much fun about Nekofrog is that although he is quite the skilled metal musician, he has a sense of humor about it really separates him from the pack and makes his material all the more enjoyable. I'm not normally into the grunty vocals myself, but I have to admit they were well done. Normally my biggest grievence with them is that you can't understand the words underneath the growling. That is not an issue here whatsoever.
  17. I think Ke$sha would be a lot better without Ke$sha. What I mean is, the melodies are extraordinarily well written, and the production and arrangement is fantastic. Where the breakdown occurs is her voice and the lyrics. I can deal with some autotune (even the non-stylistic kind), but the problem is that it can only fix pitch, not timbre. Now maybe some vocal training BEFORE recording would help, but her voice as it is right now, is not something that can be salvaged in post-production. And then the lyrics... I can generally ignore cliche lyrics and enjoy a song for it's other qualities, but there's a line people. I find myself wanting to enjoy "Your Love is My Drug" and "Take It Off", but lyrics are beyond stupid. While I liked "Tik Tok" just fine, every time those other two songs come on the radio, I feel like my intelligence as a writer is being assaulted. All that being said, I would LOVE to get my hands on some instrumentals of her songs. As a side note, I'm pretty sure there's some very subtle 8-bit going on in "Your Love is My Drug". I think it's a Commodore 64, but I'm not positive.
  18. I'd be down for that... in fact, if this thread doesn't get changed, we should make a separate thread for it anyway. I love this stuff.
  19. I tried this with a Protomen song... http://tindeck.com/listen/kxdu Pretty cool, I'd say.
  20. Hearing VGM and chiptunes in a movie theater actually made me get a little misty-eyed. I know I'm a pussy. Shut up.
  21. Well damn. You'll be missed, bro. Now get outta here before I start getting all emotional.
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