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Everything posted by Sinewav

  1. We are live and on the air. Check the first post for details.
  2. Zelda Rail Shooter. 'Nuff said.
  3. Nice... unfortunately, my computer is an ancient piece of junk, so I can't run it at fun specs. It's pretty smooth at 800x600 and everything else set to medium. Again, if anyone wants to run a test game with me, just to make sure everything will work on wednesday, post here or PM me.
  4. Most of my batteries are still fine, except for Super Metroid. What's this talk about replacing batteries? I didn't know you could do that.
  5. Done and done. You'd think I would have thought of that when I first posted the game info... oh well.
  6. Updated the first post. Check it.
  7. Dead Snow was awesome... saw it with a friend and we both nearly asphyxiated from laughter (the crazed, let's-kill-stuff, testosterone fueled kind of laughter). So much fun. I definitely agree with you on Assault on Precinct 13 feeling like a zombie movie. It was a good movie as well. Haven't seen any of the other you recommended, by they all sparked my interest. I love movies with a strong 80s vibe, and just about anything well made that's tongue in cheek. I'll see if I can find them.
  8. While I can see where you're coming from, I wouldn't say that purges were a form of censorship at all... it's not like djp went around actively trying to remove those files from the internet. It's pretty well known around here that you can get them all at OC Removed, and the staff knows it and accepts it. It's less censorship, and a more a very minor form of disassociation.
  9. Really, I'm thinking just anything that might not be in stock at Blockbuster. You guys are apparently doing a really good job, as I printed off a list, and not even the mail order service was carrying a good number of these movies. I wound up getting Chocolate (just about everything else was unavailable for some reason). Feel free to keep the suggestions coming though. The discussion here is great, and it's really putting me in the mood to track some more of these down. I actually downloaded and am watching "The General" right now per Skrypnyk's recommendation... so far it's absolutely fantastic.
  10. The whole full-attention, zero distractions thing is what worries me. For some reason, my attention span has been insanely short lately, and I don't want that ruining what would be an otherwise enjoyable film. Those movies sound pretty cool though. I'll definitely put them on my list of things to watch in the near future.
  11. Wow. Lots of good suggestions. I don't think I've ever had this many IMDB tabs open at once. Thanks guys. After taking out what I've already seen, what I know Blockbuster has in stock localyl, and what I'm simply not in the mood for at the moment (though I'll probably try to check out most of these at some point), I have narrowed the list down to... The General Grave of the Fireflies Zatoichi (2003 version) Chocolate Six-String Samurai Trust The Calamari Wrestler Rock & Rule Black Dynamite Which one do you guys think I should watch? (Well, watch first. Like I said before, I'll probably try to check out most of the stuff recommended in this thread)
  12. I'm in school for video production, so I'm a bit of a film geek too. I'm actually kind of surprised to see that I've watched quite a few of these (nonetheless, lots of great recommendations). As far as my preferences go, I left it open ended on purpose because I'll generally watch anything if it's engaging... but if you must know, my favorites tend to be movies that are highly emotionally engaging and/or full of action. Or funny. Normally, I'd enjoy the slower paced and the mind screwy stuff, but my ADHD has been flaring up real bad lately. When I'm in moods like this, my top list consists of stuff like Leon the Professional, UHF, Hard Boiled, Shoot 'Em Up, The Breakfast Club, Man on Fire, Shaun of the Dead/Hot Fuzz, Kill Bill, Total Recall, anything by Pixar... (for the life of me I can't think of any more well-known emotional ones, even though there are tons of them, but I love those too). Everything from the mindless to the heartbreaking. It's a pretty broad range, so if you're debating not suggesting it, go ahead and throw it out there.
  13. Right now I think the consensus is leaning slightly toward Jedi Academy... though if more people come in and want a different game, we could swing that way. Right now, I'm thinking Wednesday, Janurary 13 @ 7:00PM EST. Since everyone seems to have access to all the games, we'll figure out which one and what rules later. Does this sound good to everyone, or would a different time be better?
  14. If any of you bought Jedi Knight Pack, go to this thread. We're probably going to play Outcast or Academy this Wednesday evening.
  15. Whoa. That's hardcore.
  16. I still can't come up with any ideas that are achievable with my available resources.
  17. Hey guys. My manager at Blockbuster is allowing me to mail-order 1 movie this week that we don't carry in the store. I have no idea what to rent... suggestions?
  18. Please. tenchar
  19. That's what I thought the thread was going to be about.
  20. Which one of the games would guys prefer to play? Do you have preferred game modes, rules, maps? When would be a good time? As far as evenings I'm usually free Wednesday nights, and late nights on most other days.
  21. We need some "January is Judge Resignation Month" sigs. Seriously though, I'll be looking forward to hearing more musics from you.
  22. Here we go... about to set up the server. My IP address is... If you want to join before 7pm, be my guest. If there are any problems, post here or contact me via Steam (username sinewav). ============================================================================ Ok so here's the plan: Jedi Academy, 7pm EST Wednesday Jan 13, 2010. We'll keep with the basics for now... Free for All Force Level: Jedi Master Guns and Sabers Kill Limit per Map: 30 Don't forget to get the Official Bonus Maps and install the 1.01 Patch, if you're not already running that version. Now as far as connecting to the game goes, it gets a little weird without a dedicated server. As best I can tell, I think I'll need to set up the game, then post my IP address here. Then you guys will hit join game, pick "favorites" under "Source" (at the top), then click "new favorite" and enter my IP address. This seems to be the only way I can tell to do it, but I haven't tested it yet. Can anyone confirm if this will work? Or does anyone wanna try it out tonight so we're not struggling to get things in the 11th hour? ============================================================================ I heard a number of you guys mentioning that you bought the Jedi Knight Pack during the Steam holiday sale. This is one of my all-time favorite multiplayer game series. I remember when I was younger, I'd play Dark Forces 2: Jedi Knight for at least 3-4 hours a day. When Jedi Outcast came out, I must have played twice that amount. Just today, I just re-installed Jedi Outcast, and I'm having a freaking awesome time with it. Just as fun as I remember. So does anyone wanna get together and have an OCR match with one of these games? (I'm still trying to get back into the swing of it, so no need to feel intimidated by my expertise. ) I'd be cool with mods or custom maps too, if anyone has that preference. And maybe if it goes well, we could make it a regular, Clan OCR type thing. That would be kick-ass. ============================================================================ tl;dr? I wanna play one of the Jedi Knight games with you guys. Post here, and we'll figure out the details.
  23. As long as I can run Ubuntu on it, I'll be happy.
  24. It ain't pessimism, it's a highly probable guess based on historical facts... assuming that it isn't reusing the Twilight Princess code, and it's a full blown Zelda console game (not DS or spin-off and/or minigame collection.)
  25. Slightly off topic, but in order to access the WiiShop Channel, you have to do a system update... the problem is I've heard reports that the new update can brick your system... especially if you have homebrew on it. Does anyone know if this is true, or know of a way to access the WiiShop Channel otherwise? I've got some unspent Wii Points I'm wanting to use, but I don't want to risk the whole system.
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