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Everything posted by Sinewav

  1. There have been a lot of remixes I enjoyed the heck out of... but it's a very rare thing that a song leaves me completely at a loss for words. This one is going to be on loop for a while.
  2. I thought it was pretty great for what it was. Your milage may vary, but it's probably one of those movies you'll enjoy whether you think it's good or not.
  3. Yup same here. I also dug how all the guys freaked out when an asian chick showed up.
  4. Don't forget Bruce Willis! I wish there had been more Bruce and Ahhnold... but I'm also a big fan of Jet Li and Jason Statham, so I was pretty satisfied. Also, I believe that shotgun was an AA-12, which is INSANE. I've been wanting to see one of those things in an action movie for years. Check it out: (fyi, I think Future Weapons is a terrible show, but they have some of the best footage of this thing, and they explain it pretty well.)
  5. Saw it. I'll just repost what I said on facebook: The plot was cliche, acting was terrible, the humor consisted entirely of bad one liners. The movie was devoid of any depth whatsoever and was pretty much just an excuse to have a bunch of macho dudes running around killing each other. In other words, it was the most perfect movie ever. The action was incredibly well written and shot. The choreography was great and there were lots of little memorable moments. And it seemed like every other scene was some action piece (which is a good thing, because I didn't pay to listen to people talk). You eventually find out that even Jason Statham's girl-drama side story is just an excuse for another action scene. My only complaint was that there was a little bit of fast-cut/shaky-cam going on during a car chase and Jet Li's fight.. but it's tolerable compared to a lot of other films that try to do the same. I shouldn't knock the acting too much. It was just... all over the place. On one end of the extreme, there was a moment where Dolph Lundgren was laughably bad, and on the other end, Mickey Rourke had a fantastic monologue that was rather moving. In general, everyone acts about as well as you'd normally expect from them... Which makes sense, given that they are basically playing the same characters they've played dozens of times already. Also, Arnold Schwarzenegger's cameo was one of the best throw away jokes I've ever seen in a movie.
  6. Damn, you old. Uh, I mean, happy birthday.
  7. Haven't actually done it yet, but I plan on changing my text message alert to "Hey! Listen!"
  8. VGM has had a strange courtship with me. Even when I liked a particular track, I was still convinced that it wasn't real music. First game, IRCC was Mega Man 2. I think I maybe beat 1 robot master ever... but I'd always pop it in just to listen to the music. Growing older, Donkey Kong Country, Ocarina of Time, and Pokemon Red really grabbed my attention. I actually learned most of what I know about MIDI by screwing around with a MIDI file of Gary's Theme. But I still wasn't sold. around 11 or 12 years old, I had a habit of searching for "Techno remix" on Napster and downloading everything I could find. That lead me here... where I strangely didn't really care about any of the music, I just liked lurking the forums. Then at some point I discovered ROMs and started playing through Chrono Trigger. While playing through that, a friend showed me klutz's Town Life for Piano... and somehow, it suddenly clicked that Chrono Trigger and all those other games' soundtracks were full of amazing compositions, and I just wasn't giving them a chance because of their dated sound. This also led me to giving 80s music a chance (probably my favorite era now), and admitting to myself that I liked the way lo-fi chiptune synths sounded. So long story short, I was drawn to a lot of VGM, but it was Chrono Trigger that sold me on it.
  9. Same release date as the Expendables. It's going to be a tough call deciding which one to see at midnight.
  10. Kinda far out of the way for me, but it certainly is cool to think about. Seeing the Protomen and hanging out with OCR peeps at the same time would be the awesomest thing ever.
  11. I feel the same way dude. Glad to see you getting involved on the forums. Honestly, the music is only the half of it. It took me a while to stop lurking the forums, but when I did, I discovered that the people here are some of the coolest I'd ever met.
  12. Seems like all my favorite remixers are having birthdays around the same time. Hope you have a good one.
  13. I might have to buy Rock Band Wii just so I can try some of this out.
  14. I don't really know anything about SID players myself, but I just wanted to say 'amen' to you comment about compiling applications.
  15. Exactly. Right before I saw the movie I had discovered that Joss Whedon was on of the writers for the original movie, so part of me halfway expected that beloved characters would just be suddenly killed off. Come to think of it, I'm surprised that Woody didn't catch a random piece of shrapnel from the rocket at the end of the first movie.
  16. Dude, if Up didn't move you, I have wonder if you're even human... after all. I gotta agree with The Incredibles though... I'd love to see a sequel. I bet the Cars 2 script is pretty good though, if they're making it in spite of the first one's relative lack of success.
  17. Yeah, I thought it was spam from a hardcore BDSM site at first glace. The I saw it was from Nintendo, and curiosity got the best of me. Whichever member of the marketing team came up with that subject line deserves to be promoted on the spot.
  18. Comes out on the 27th. That's next Sunday. http://sinandpunishment.com/ *nerdgasms* Discuss.
  19. This is why we keep you around Bleck. You always say exactly what everyone is thinking, but won't say because they're not rude, blunt, or grammatically apathetic enough to get away with it. Keep on trucking, dude.
  20. I saw it at midnight, and I absolutely loved it. It exceeded my expectations, and my expectations were pretty high considering their last two movies were Wall-E and Up. A lot of it probably has to do with nostalgia, but honestly, this movie was very emotional for me. Especially the ending. I felt that this was the perfect ending. On one hand it felt like the movie had grown up with me, on the other hand, it made me feel like a kid again. I honestly can't fully describe the feeling I had after watching this. No other movie has made me quite feel this way before. Sorry if I'm getting too sentimental. Toy Story pretty much defined my childhood, and by proxy a lot of the person I am today.
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