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Everything posted by Sinewav

  1. Requesting prices for lucasarts and fallout games.
  2. Never heard of it. Is it basically another GTA knock-off? I get this image in my head of Leonidas shouting "This... is...VEEEEGAAASSS!!!"
  3. Is it just me or does Stephanie kinda look like the young Natalie Portman in The Professional, except with pink hair?
  4. We ARE still planning on doing this, right?
  5. I make it a point to ignore critics. I make it a point to ignore people for that matter. Everyone is so opinionated about everything, but they refuse to admit that it's just their opinion. Anyhoo, you guys are really making me want to see this now.
  6. Yeah... it's like a very slow quiet decrecendo, followed by a quick, sudden cresendo. I dunno. We should make up a name for it if it doesn't have one.
  7. Since when does ANY highschooler get 4th Amendment rights?
  8. http://www.ocremix.org/remix/OCR00349/
  9. I might have to sell my soul for this.
  10. Who would've ever thought that such a terrible actor would be such an amazing voice actor? He's in such a weird variety of stuff too. Everything from Batman The Animated Series to Metalocalypse, and movies like Robotech: The Shadow Chronicles and video games like Call of Duty 2.
  11. Nice. I really like the concept. Downloading now. I'll let you know what I think.
  12. I'd be cool with anything, but this does seem like the most logical way to go. Still, going to a hookah bar would make for some awesome photos to post after the meetup...
  13. Have you guys forgotten? We Play VIDEOGAMES. We're dangerous killers. When some gangbangers see a bunch of fat nerds walking out of a video game music concert, all cosplayed up with our nunchucks and lightsabers, no one will dare mess with us.
  14. While I still maintain that Shoryuken would be more useful... you make a very good case for Hadoken. Plus, even though it's really slow, if someone was tailgating you on the freeway, you could always roll down the window and toss a few Hadokens back there.
  15. So I recently started using iTunes because I needed a way to organize my massive collection of music. For the most part, I thought the program was pretty great except for two problems: 1) it is a memory hog, and 2) it doesn't work with my Sansa Clip MP3 player. I used to use WinAmp, which is a great player, but not so great with the orgaization stuff... I'd also like something that can subscribe to podcasts.
  16. Yes. That is bad. Very, very bad. I'm going to take away 10 XP for that.
  17. Actually, I'm turning 21 just before the meet up, so I'd be up for it. I've got a friend who says he might be interested in coming. He's not of drinking age, but he lives in the area and is likely driving separate... so if you guys really want to hit up some bars...
  18. And here I thought I was guilty of lurking too much.
  19. Ha, for real? I thought you were only doing that if you won. Thanks, man. OCR bias aside, your track was by far one of my favs. I'm looking forward to hearing more like it.
  20. In real life, you could take someone's head clean off with a shoryuken. Hadokens look cool and all, but they do so little damage, you'd be better off to get one of those little taser guns. I'd still rather have a falcon punch though.
  21. I'm a bit ADD, so it's rare that I find a book that can keep my attention all the way until the end. It's not that I don't like books... it's that I find reading an entire one to be rather difficult. That being said, I recently picked up a bunch of Old World of Darkness sourcebooks (role-playing material). Right now I'm making my way through the Orpheus series, and I've got to say that they're really well written. Right now I'm on book 2 "Crusade of Ashes". I've never ran a game before, but it's definitely an entertaining read.
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