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prophetik music

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Everything posted by prophetik music

  1. i know - it's rare to find a female vocalist who actually has some talent and training without sounding all hooty (this coming from a guy with a degree in music ed )
  2. the whole point was to prevent people using hamachi or something to get around the checks that Battle.net used to prevent people playing with hacked copies online. i'm sure someone will find a workaround quickly enough.
  3. all this complaining about how sc2 looks - it's all nostalgia. really. ten years after the original, you can't seperate your feelings about the original from the stark truth - which is that the sprites in that game look terrible compared to anything available today because the graphics were so damn bad.
  4. hah, like the YES and NO pictures from that amusement park? that'd be awesome.
  5. i have to admit that, after recently playing through starcraft 1 some more, i fear the release of this game. i'll be dead, totally dead in my chair, if it looks even half as good as these screens look.
  6. can i just point out that i have slept with andy on numerous occasions? he's been one of my magfest roomies for two years now, and no one sleeps with him but me. we're exclusive, you know.
  7. if you're looking for computers, tman, i do a lot of system building for people on the site on the cheap. give me a ring, you won't be disappointed =) at the very least i can help you out with deals. welcome!
  8. this is incredible. can we get some more like this on the site? also, love the piccardy third at the end
  9. of course you didn't. if you'd have recruited, shael and xenon odyssey would have been new judges. everyone else would have run for the hills. he hasn't posted yet. does he know he's a judge?
  10. i don't know if anyone noticed, but i said specifically i didn't want mixes with vocals. all i've heard of don ross has his voice unnecessarily protruding into his great guitar work - can you recommend specific songs to pick up?
  11. i've been listening to a lot of solo acoustic guitar music lately. solo means no other instruments than the guitar (although more than one is ok) - no vocals, no drums, blah blah blah. i've always enjoyed jason truby's guitar work, and his solo albums are fantastic. his work with P.O.D. during his tenure there is my favorite period of that band's history, too. i've also enjoyed some of chris thile's solo mandolin and guitar work (he's the ridiculously talented mandolinist in the progressive bluegrass band Nickel Creek). john williams the guitarist released a country/bluegrass album of just solo guitar arrangements of folk tunes that's awesome - i believe it's called 'hand-picked' or something similar. does anyone know other artists in this genre? i'm not going for classical or jazz guitar as much as folk, bluegrass, and rock stuff. thanks in advance.
  12. so, are you the singer in Flickerfall? if you are, awesome. you're a fantastic singer, as i've told vinnie a few times. love your music.
  13. it's so damn off the wall. i LOVE it. try reading it while listening to some of shnab's more crazy arrangements. THEN the truth comes out.
  14. hey, another Remix Affiliates guy gets posted! awesome. love the mix, particularly the opening synths you've got going on. what did you use for that pad? i love it.
  15. we should pidgeonhole all mixes appropriately, thank you very much. genre should be the only sorting option, so i can get all my breakbeat polka mixes without having to see the other heretical trash on this site.
  16. i turned in my phatty ps2 and a memory card, which normally would get around 20$. i get an extra 20% per trade in, plus an additional extra 20% off of any used merch that i buy. except we just traded the used box and disc out for the 'store copy' of the disc - that is, the one we open so people can look at it. so i basically got them new, except i opened them three days ago to show someone's mom the specifics on the rating on the box i work at gamecrazy.
  17. i picked up new copies of MGS4 and Resistance: Fall of Man today for seven dollars. i love my job. just need the system to get here - probably thursday, i'd think. tracking info hasn't updated yet.
  18. http://stereotypist.livejournal.com/40160.html OLD OLD OLD there i got it out of your system. possibly the funniest webcomic ever. it's really, really awesome. kind of reminds me of Waiting for Godot, a little. similar ending, at least
  19. keyboards aren't really necessary unless you're a really good keyboard player. i own one, for example, but i use it less to make music and more for demoing patches.
  20. ok, so both resistance games sound good. is the first worth playing more than once? like, i play halo 2 and 3 a lot in single-player because it's so damn fun. i rarely play anything online anymore. so, would it be worth it for just single/coop? also, do either allow for online coop modes?
  21. dur, just bought a CECHA01 for 275$. what should i get? i get everything for super cheap thanks to my new job at gamecrazy, so list everything you got. note that i have a 360, PS2 and a PSP, so i've probably played it if it's cross-platform, if it's on PS2 i've likely got it, and if there's cool stuff with the handheld i'd like to know about it. i don't want any music or rhythm games, as i play them on the 360. here's what i'm already thinking about. MGS4 inFAMOUS MLB09 The Show (maybe) Uncharted games Killzone 2 opinions required on these games required before purchase: resistance games (haven't heard much about either) warhawk (never really heard of it) any of the NFS games (supposed to be fun, which is what i care about) LBP (don't care about level editing...is it fun besides that?) also, besides linux, what other cool stuff is there i can do?
  22. anything that'll take a midi and stick it in a piano roll will work. you just play those notes, then. you could always look at the midi info on a free notation program and then use a pencil and paper to hand-write it out.
  23. edit: removed by me. dramarama my ass. opinion posts apparently don't exist any more.
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