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Less Ashamed Of Self

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Everything posted by Less Ashamed Of Self

  1. Gumshoe seriously has some bad asthma or something... but yeah, this is great effin news. I'm taking my time through the 2nd but I have all 4 ace attorney games.
  2. As soon as paypal moves money for me (6-8 days for me) I'll be contributing. Thanks for all the work djp.
  3. I can't even wrap my mind around shooting it too... it must be really intricate. Things like the spinning axe sinking into the wall must take a lot of precision and planning. At the risk of repeating sentiments above: excellent work.
  4. So I understand why it wasn't supported as a OCR remix project at the time... and some of the controversy that went along with that... but is there any good reason why it isn't ocr-advertised still? Same question with the cave story remix project; why, after the projects are all said and done, are they still not linked to from the biggest vg remix site of all. I know it has nothing to do with judging since many of the tracks in the projects do not pass the panel. Also; Inspired for the win.
  5. -Being a decent contributor to PRC winning twice and coming close many times: covering as many genres as possible like fusion, polka, piano solo, orchestral, rock, rap, blues, techno, and my favourite of all: musical theatre. -Arranging beware of the forest mushrooms for my guitar ensemble in high school. It never came together because I wrote too much in high ranges for the lead melody (14th-16th frets range on classical guitars) but they got the sheet music and we gave it a shot. -Performing the, inarguably most innovative/highest quality... artistic... abstract... whatever the project was in guitar class. We were supposed to find unique ways to make new sounds with the guitar. Mine included pens and chopsticks and lasted about 8 minutes but people stood and applauded at the end. Wish I had a video.
  6. Have I mentioned that I work an obscene amount of hours to attempt this? It's been like 65+ in the last 4 or 5 days. I hardly have any time to do this really... I still want to though... I just hope no one's waiting for thorough reviews with baited breath. When I hit B or C I'll post some thoughts though; that's another good couple of hours worth of listening later though. EDIT: I'm considering going back to the beginning, and skimming through what I already heard to include comments about each game. ... Also... I really really hate Alfred Chicken.
  7. Hey... um... this is kinda huge for OCR. Has anything like this happened before?
  8. All recommendations thus far will be heard in cue just like all the rest. KungFuFurby; glad to see we've bridged a site gap bringing you here and thank you for your contribution to my listening project... I will accept a link to these mp3 sets... I recommend submitting them to GH if you haven't already. I would love it if ALL of the undumpable soundtracks made it to an mp3 archive though. Beggers can't be choosers I guess.
  9. I post without content but with support. If you build it I will print one & carry it... probably.
  10. Arg. I don't have a lot of time to set aside for this right now... and I thought I may have been getting somewhere when I hit around song 265, Aero the Acrobat... I'll be in over 1000 songs before I'm even out of the A's. The fully expanded list has nearly 25,000 tracks. This is going to take forever.
  11. I actually ADORE your stuff Oneup. How are you not an ocremixer by now? A really nice addition to the material of yours I had already heard.
  12. Samba De Amigo was really lame. Crazy Taxi I only got because the storekeep assured me that it was not possible to get bored of the gameplay. He lied; it was VERY possible. Rayman DS had all the shitty qualities of Rayman 2 plus poorer controls, shittier graphics, and the limitations of a portable platform. I think that's it.
  13. The undumpable and problematic ones? Yeah... I might have to try and beat all those games. BTW; Bluetooth headphones are the best things on the planet. My laptop is across the room and I'm doing massive amounts of dishes and house chores while I listen/research. They set me back ~$130 but have been worth every penny. Highly recommended.
  14. I'm kind of a collection purist... if I take on an archive of any kind I make sure to do it in chronological and/or alphabetical order and include every last damn piece. And JCvgluvr; 600 hours isn't that long. All the OCRemixes came to a few hundred and I did that in like 2 months or so, hardly a lifetime.
  15. I've downloaded the entire snesmusic.org torrent, 1014 games (not all but pretty damn substantial), and assembled the play list. Just shy of 600 hours. I don't expect I'll like all of it but I'm going to take notes for obscure soundtracks worth checking out and random tracks of unexpected quality. All right; starting with 3 Ninjas Kick Back... wish me luck guys. *play*
  16. Oooh, That's a good one. Okay, here's something I'm curious about; what's this horriblicious Retentions of Conflict OCRemoved track? It's not in the changelog... a former april fool's thing?
  17. I'm curious to know if there are some unexplained OCR happenings that I might not be aware of beyond the remix change log. Artists changing their identities, perhaps subliminal messages in mixes, or certain things that maybe 'don't add up'... or really cool things that DO add up in a crazy 'coincidental' way. I guess this is similar to the 'OCR Trivia' thread I saw about a year ago... but I'm anxious to see if there's any great unexplained phenomena around here I'm just unaware of. Well?
  18. In other news... who wants to buy Hy Bound's registration book?
  19. 1. I just finished catching up on all but the latest 3. I have heard, at least once though some more than that, all of the OCRemixes including almost all of OCRemoved. I listened through even when I found some tracks grating or annoying... which was sometimes often. I still need to hear all of the Radical Dreamers and FF7 Projects but I've heard all of the others. I tend to be a purist with collections in general.
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