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Everything posted by ILLiterate

  1. Preach Tower Records is going out of business, so I got a brand new GC controller for $18, horrah In EB today, I ran into a guy that plays serious Smash, so now I've finally got more people to practice with
  2. *searched 4 neck guitar on google* THERE ARE FIVE Well, good luck with that
  3. Rule #4 - When you need to pee, pee. The line is going to be long at the bathroom, I know, I had to go in there and there was people talking about the game and stuff and I'm like "DUDE I NEED TO SHIT A BRICK" and they're like "lol." Water and such is a big NONO at a tourney And the man is right about dwelling on mistakes. Don't be the "oh snap I missed it D:" guy, that kinda stuff distracts you. Another big problem with people is, they will do a move, miss it, and will keep doing it until it hits. It's werid, but it always happens, so don't fall for it
  4. First, fucking lol at the guy who was like "telling someone what to do during a match won't help them at all" Second, you where playing as Jigg all wrong. ALL WRONG. You never even TRIED to do a wall of pain, your recovery is TERRIBLE and your L cancles...well...I didn't even see you do any. You like to spam the side b moves in battle, which should (pretty much) only be used as a recovery move. The guy made a great pick with Marth, knowing that you had a bad recovery and with his long advantage took complete controll over the match. Seriously, please look up on www.smashboards.com guides for the characters you play as and learn their best moves, combos, strats, ect. Sorry if I come across like an ass, but you REALLY need to know and work on these things
  5. That was bad on both parts D: Your biggest problem is your recoveries. He easily kept you off the stage once he got you off. Try tapping away on the stick when you're grabbed on a ledge and then jump toward it with an attack or a waveland. Everything else is real easy to counter
  6. Smash also "broke" my main controller. I cannot light sheild with either side buttons now, making mah sadness go D: Smash is known to break controllers, with all it's dashin and shiznit, $25 isn't too bad for a brank spankin new controller
  7. I lose twice in a row D: I need a better controller before the tourney, mines all unresponsive and shizznit
  8. Don't forget it covers your whole character, so people who try sliding attacks against you are stopped
  9. Yes, you can L cancle with other buttons, people just started calling it L cancle. It's all about preference
  10. http://ocremix.org/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=91448 ^ Smash tourney meet up
  11. *BUMP* Got my problem fixed, now I just need to practice my game
  12. Think you had it hard? Wait until the tourney here, I'm going to have some insane people to watch and play against
  13. 200 Hours is way to rediculous. Look on gamefaqs or anywhere else, they say when you unlock Poke Floats (play 200 matches in Vs. Mode) you will have already unlocked 3 other levels. Once you have all four you should get the random filter Meh whatever, I'll just copy and paste the data from someone elses memory card
  14. Yea, I played my 200 vs. matches and got Poke Floats, which should unlock it, but I didn't get anything saying it was unlocked and it's not in additional rules Mabye I shouldn't of unlocked every stage and character first?
  15. Sorry to break the topic, but I cannot unlock the Random Filter thing in SSBM (you know, you pick what levels you want to be in the random pool). I've unlocked every stage and character today, and from what I've seen I should of gotten it when I unlocked Poke Floats (the last stage I had to get) WTF D:
  16. Since we're talking about first tournies for Smash, mine will be on 10/28th and a continuation of that one sometime in December
  17. I know what you mean man, one of the first things I DL on Virtual Console is SSB64. So I'm not alone! I love the 64 verson. Always have preferred it over Melee(my friends think I'm crazy). Attacks in SSB seemed to do more damage and hace farther knockback than in Melee. I don't know if that's a good or bad thing, it's just something I've noticed. Yet for some reason I always find it easier to get back on the stage even when I'm knocked out of the park...go figure
  18. Gotta start out with, you are and will always be "Blizihizake" Next, this is pretty tight. Not the perfect orchestra song in terms of samples and production, but it really does have the PSone soundtrack feel too it. Very enjoyable
  19. More or less of what I was going to post, by G-T
  20. It's still being worked on, not to mention something I'd like to see fixed is the bells at the intro sound weak/could be better
  21. Since we're talking about super moves, these seem like they would mess up my game hardcore. It seems there is no way to build up a meter and then unleash one or anything, from the trailer. It just looks like there is a random item that once you grab unleashes it, which is kind of...stupid. Also, these also seem very easy to block/dodge as long as you aren't retarded... Thankfully you'll just be able to turn these off, so it doesn't bother me that much
  22. Already figured some things out, found a great tutorial video at Smash Boards, things look good
  23. So I've switched from Falcon to Dr. Octagone-o-coloyst/Mario Everything just feels a bit better with him, and I'm not killing myself ever, so that's a plus. Also, it takes some skill to play as him with the lag he gets if you mess up, and I'd rather play with a challenging character other than some Fox/Falco/Marth top tier stuff (tier hate for great justice) Going to have to get good at shuffling before October 28th, also, we best get a meet-up going for that tourney
  24. No, none of that, I just really want it on R:TS. If it can get on OCR too, all the better. We'd just post it faster if it is passed (it has a 99% chance of passing)
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