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Everything posted by I-n-j-i-n

  1. Nice video. Didn't notice before. But I think that goes in line with the basic training of the body with muscle memory of rudimentary techniques than following a laundry list to get the same effect. I don't mean to bash either of them though. I still think free fighting styles are just unnecessarily looked down upon sometimes. PS- The un-ladylike-ness is the point.
  2. Playing the original Arcade versions of Contra and Super Contra, I can't believe how much better the NES/SNES versions were. The vertical camera, the sluggish characters, nothing feels right with the arcade versions. On another note, I'm loving the dating sim aspect of.... Mass Effect.
  3. I mean look at it from a practical point of view though: Does all fights give a fighter that one perfect chance to do the perfect finishing move on them? That perfect punch? That perfect kick? That perfect grapple? That's not very realistic as it is for preparing for a longer fight. THAT goes from a realistic point of view (that not all fights ends up pretty and wrapped up) to the ideal of ending fights. I don't think it's very sound logic to go from the ideal up to the practical. To me, a well practiced punch is good as any technique to ending a fight as long as you know what you're doing. I think too many traditional styled martial artists underestimate the defense potential of free fighting. You're making a laundry list of arguments against MMA that just sound really, really biased. For one, just about all MMA matches apparently don't even go off the second round, some of them not even going past the opening moments. Also, if you do catch a good kick or a punch, against an untrained assailant (assuming that not all thugs are martial arts experts), not to mention the grappling moves that are designed to end the fight then and there, it all ends very quickly anyway. I think it's more a matter of conditioning for a lengthier fight rather than pinning hopes on a single move at a time like what many self defense places teach. Specific techniques can work and all, but I really don't think you can pin your livelihood on techniques rather than the instinctual, conditioned moves you can put into repertoire. Also, just because you condition for a longer fight doesn't mean that you will HAVE to be in a longer fight. To the contrary. If you're basically trained to be a fighter, the quicker a fight will end. I disagree with some fairytale notion that only techniques can properly finish fights. I can't help but disagree.
  4. Wow. There is NOTHING that reviewer did wrong. Other than being ugly and fat, I mean, it's a job. Not a kowtow.
  5. That is basically established as a myth. Just because it's a practical art doesn't mean it is automatically superior to other martial arts. Also, apparently normal MMA style is actually more complete and practical than even military arts since military stylesfocus so much on one side of practicality of quick, unarmed combat. Military styles are there to offset the helplessness of being unarmed. I'm not saying military styles are weak, but they aren't exactly the 'ultimate' forms of martial arts some people like to say they are. They have their own faults like any other martial arts as I see it. I'd choose a fighter who is built to stand for a longer fight than someone who is in it to finish quickly.
  6. I'm all for negro-fu. I always have a small knife just in case I need to shank someone (doubtful. Fruits are usually targets). I do shadow boxing all the time, but it's a gym thing. I don't know anyone who knows how to properly throw a punch compared to gymanstics boxing. lol
  7. Some looked worse than they did in SSBM. Yay. I actually really like Lugia being in there, but then they put in Togepi..
  8. It must be a Japanese thing: Snappy messages for fighter characters. Virtua Fighter popularized it and now more games seems to do it. Either that, or they don't grasp the concept of not needing it at all with internet play nowadays. It reminds me of Phantasy Star Online greeting cards.
  9. I felt sick when I saw the friendcode input. I guess we're back to mid 90's version of online play. Then again, this is de ja vu. From the DS.
  10. Without Donkey Kong, would there be Nintendo? If DK had failed, would Nintendo have bothered? The obvious answer would be a no. Without Sonic, would there be a Sega? I mean, we can do this game forever and it'd make an equal amount of sense. It really doesn't exactly matter how the gaming companies came to be to the point where it is now. Sony's gaming division being born from a political coup and Pong being made as a technological accident doesn't automatically degrade any of the progress made later. As for the 360 nowadays, it's mostly about the volume and accessibility (like with PSOne and PS2) than a single game. Though obviously Halo 3 did make a splash, it's not the only game in town anymore. The 360 sold 10 million units before any Halo. The Wii equally did well enough without a flagship title for a while. I really don't think it really matters terribly nowadays of that one game to move entire consoles. I think that thinking is outdated.
  11. Even DOA girls aren't as openly buxom as that lead character. I think the game actually looks nice and at the least, it looks better animated than many Japanese games it is trying to emulate. Most anime-styled Japanese games have really bad animation. I wish the company wasn't named Gaijin Entertainment... I think the game itself looks pretty good otherwise.
  12. I thought they went as low in updates before, but this is a new low. OLD STAGESSSSS. I wish they just throw in a few SSB stages to be really nostalgic. BTW, if they're going to put in some Namco characters, may as well put in Jin (Tekken) while they're at it. Some more realistic characters to mix it up with Snake. And Jin is pretty accustomed to being in crossover games by now.
  13. SF3 had almost half the roster of SFA3 (probably the best roster of fighters only second to KOF98 ) and its gameplay was a bit too frantic to be purely strategic. Some characters can attack so relentlessly, it's not as easy to formulate a steady attack plan like you could with all the other Street Fighter games. I'm sure some people actually prefer the faster, relentless pace though. I still like SF3 a lot. But it's still not in the top 5 Street Fighters for me. SFA games can have huge combos if you play it right. Even with X-ism and A-ism, you can get ridiculously long chain of combos if you know what you're doing (mainly juggles). I have to disagree peresonally since the air-fighting in SFA3 was just amazing. Barring CC's, I still say SFA3 is just as balanced as SFA2 was. Still, overall, I still don't think any of these games really measure up to KOF98, which is funny since more and more people seems to be overlooking that old classic nowadays. And Screwattack chose to put in something like SSB (still a party-fighter and not a pure fighter IMO) and Dead or Alive over KOF. Shame.
  14. Or do the smart thing and buy a PSP and get THE two best Castlevania games on a single disc or any download service that offers SoTN. Old Castlevania games are way too unforgiving to be 'fun' IMO. I don't think most casual gamers are up for it. But foremost, the legendary difficulty level. As for Soul Calibur Legends, I really wish developers will stop diverting good old fighting games into messes of 3rd part hack and slash adventures. Like that new Guilty Gears adventure game that looks like it'll be the worst game ever.
  15. Except for freak accidents like Halo 3 and Gears of War, which actually sold to the point of being sold out in day one. Also, some news indicate that for a small stretch in the past month, the 360 actually outsold the PS3 and came close to beating the Wii a bit. The 360 isn't going to win Japan, but at least the developers are seeing the potential in it for the rest of the world.
  16. I'm pretty sure they're looking at it mostly from American gaming perspective. That is, not too many games from outside the Western influence like Mario, Zelda, Megaman, etc.
  17. Barring top competitions, most people never really use the custom combos in SFA anyway. Besides, it can be a bit cheap.
  18. That's small consolation knowing that nobody really played Beyond Good and Evil. And the producers of VGL probably put it in there exactly because it's so underrated and overlooked.
  19. According to Screwattack, Street Fighter 3 Third Strike is a yet another 'best fighting game ever'. I keep wondering about that because I agree SF3 needs more respect as a game in itself, SF2 was just too good for the first mainstream fighting game since it still holds up so well and I really haven't played anything quite as comprehensive as SFA3 in the Street Fighter canon.
  20. LOL Nintendo. Why does it strike me that Nintendo is new to this Internets thinggy?
  21. This is why I don't bother with water sports. The open waters can be so dangerous even with mundane tasks as rowing to shore. I'm sorry to hear about all this. I'm bamboozled just reading about it.
  22. I'm going to the store just to oggle at the size of the box.
  23. Majora's Mask was fine, but it was fully intended to be a spinoff to OoT after all. But I think OoT deserves more attention because it changed the way 3D adventures are done in general. Mario Galaxy is one of the most fun and complete platformers I've played in recent years, but the weight of platform games in videogaming has LONG since waned. Much like how shooters like Gradius or fighting games like VF5, no matter how great, really don't have as much impact as an FPS game might nowadays. I don't bother with the best game ever talk though. But I still think OoT made a much larger impact than just about any Nintendo game since. Maybe except for SSB games on the side. As for LttP, blasphemy I know, but I actually liked Gameboy Zeldas over LttP at times. The GBC (yes, Gameboy COLOR) Oracle games were amazing in how difficult they sometimes were and how epic the two-parter truly was. Instead of revamping LttP for the thousandth time, I wish Nintendo picks up Capcom's effort in the Oracles series and revamps that instead. It's a much lengthier and complete experience IMO.
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