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Everything posted by FiremanJoe

  1. Steam: Fireman_Joe I mostly play Day of Defeat Source (On Australian servers) but sometimes I play Counter Strike Source (Also on Australian servers) DS Games Mario Kart DS - 244875-164158 Metroid Prime Hunters - 1718-7117-5892 Pokemon Diamond - 1633-1902-2115
  2. Shut up and get back to making music.
  3. Embellishment is a key tool of most storytellers, don't knock it. =P
  4. Looks good, I'd love to play it if/when it comes out. =)
  5. I think you mean a great instalment to a good series.
  6. So is there an online personality quiz for this or something?
  7. That's Reon Kadena isn't it? I mean... err.. >_> Back to the topic at hand. I'll post a pic of my stuff when I manage to get a camera of some kind...
  8. Actually, I went to the IRC channel before this thread. =P Thanks for explaining the GTS... I thought something fishy was going on there.
  9. Hey guys. I just beat the 8th gym this morning, I've caught Dialga, Uxie and Azelf, and I'm currently just working on filling up my Pokedex and training before heading off to the Elite Four. I've got Diamond and I'm looking to trade for the Pearl-exclusive monsters and Piplup and Turtwig. My first GTS trade went well tonight (Murkrow for Misdreavus) and I've currently got a Stunky on offer for a Glameow. I'd also like to trade/trade back Graveler and Haunter to evolve them (I've a spare Haunter though, if you'd like it) If you're interested, send me a pm or contact me via msn. ...What's with all the stupid offers on GTS though? Are people just stupid/greedy or is there something I'm not getting here? Also, you might wanna update the first post with the new FC database URL
  10. More specifically, an a cappella or string quartet arrangement.
  11. For those of us who'd rather not click links for whatever reason, would somebody care to post about what this actually is?
  12. No, but my cello is named Alice. Now that I think about it, if my pc did have a name, it'd probably be Mike (after Mike in RE4) or something like that.
  13. Lots of artists use samples/dialogue from movies and such. This is probably the case here. I've started compiling a list of such samples here. Here's a website database of some more. And here's a website database dedicated to such samples used in psytrance/goa. If you know of any more, please post in the Last.fm forum or send me a pm.
  14. nevermid. where's the 'delete post' button?
  15. I was hesitant to mention Vicious Delicious because it's quite different to their previous stuff, but yes- definitely worth listening.
  16. Wow, only one person agrees with me? =O Easily one of the best dnb albums of the 90's. Definitely lives up to it's name.
  17. "not the best deal"?? What the hell are you talking about. I just WISH we had prices half that good in Australia.
  18. ...I really dislike names like 'electronic music' and 'electronica' as they don't really describe anything specifically. A few quick suggestions: Moby - Moby Above & Beyond - Tri-State Infected Mushroom - BP Empire Talamasca - Made in Trance Goldie - Timeless London Elektricity - Power Ballads Pendulum - Hold Your Colour EDIT: Check my blog for album reviews.
  19. OC, I loved your threads. All of them. And then there was that time I imagebombed pictures of reeds. Both the wetland AND the woodwind kind. Cockbee? Epic Fantasy UnMod Story? Boobies thread? I'll miss you.
  20. From sore loser to bad winner. Not that he's really a winner anyway, what with all this 'Private Dick' stuff. Dull insults on the internet? Good to see his life goals are achievable.
  21. Thanks for the help, Imagery. Razorlame is working a treat.
  22. Yeah, I've got Audacity. That's probably what I didn't think of before. =P I'm aware of .ogg, and it's kind of the whole purpose of this exercise- I want/need .mp3 for my mp3 player. (Also, .ogg was the original format of RotC, so if I did want it, I'd have downloaded the .oggs, not .wavs) Thanks for the reminder though, Coop.
  23. Thanks very much, I'll give it a go. =)
  24. I'm feeling a bit stupid today; I know I should be able to do this. =/ To the point, I'm trying to convert the RotC .wavs to .mp3 - I just burnt a CD (Which I'll probably give to my cousin; I'm educating him =P) and tried to rip it with EAC/LAME, but I got sync errors on the last three tracks. No idea what's up with that. I tried dragging+dropping straight into lame.exe, which works but only gave me 128kbps files and I want vbr files. Anyway I'm feeling pretty tired and I know I've forgotten to try something but I don't remember what it is...
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