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Everything posted by Dunnowhathuh

  1. Bout time this song was posted on OCR haha. I was starting to think house would never submit it. I remember downloading this mix AGES ago, is one of the top 3 songs played on my list. Guitar play is bloody awesome (as usual) and I love the breakout at 2:01. This is one song I'll be playing for a long time (not on my guitar though cuz I'm not l33t enough, 'sides, I suck at tabbing). Great work house.
  2. Good to see that you guys managed to progress despite all these guys shouting in your ears (albeit with some kind advice from the pros). Look forward to seeing more progress in the future.
  3. Loved it, especially Tepid's guitar play. Ms. Tricks sounds as beautiful as always and TO rounded it out nicely with his beats. Tepid, check your pm inbox, I sent request for tabs!!
  4. As far as I am concerned, Cessation of Mammon was never finished, which is pretty unfortunate. The one on DoD isn't complete? OOoo wait, I vaguely remember getting the version I have from somewhere else (a redone version), then again, I could be totally lost and confused which wouldn't surprise me.
  5. I remember when I downloaded this track back at the beginning of the year. I couldn't stop listening to it. Bloody great guitar play LuIzA. One other track I'd like to mention of LuIzA's is the one she did with Ashane, Cessation of Mammon (is that LuIzA's vocals in that song?? Would make djp happy). Perhaps maybe it'll make its way onto OCR one day, you can catch it on the DoD site though.
  6. Good idea. Important news spreads quicker this way (I'm very slow with these things so this is a good thing for me).
  7. Congrats to the both of ya.
  8. from there Ahh, thanks for that and thanks again for the sig!
  9. Doulifée, mate, that is bloody awesome, thanks a lot! Just curious, where is the sword from?
  10. You guys do some fantastic stuff. I've been around for a couple of years now so I might as well request a sig from you guys. I would do this myself, but alas, I have no photoshop talent (or artistic talent for that matter). I can't say I have anything in mind though...ummm, I have a fondness for swords and astronomy...can they even go together? Dunno, I'll just leave it up to you professionals, feel free to do whatever. Thanks a bunch.
  11. Yeh, I lost the download too, found it pretty much straight away though. Good idea using the tabs, could use a bit less camouflage maybe. Site Projects and ads look a bit out of place (especially the ads) but I'll get used to them. When I heard about design changes, I thought the site was gonna come back fluoro pink or something. Wonder what colour is in store for us in the future?
  12. .....now this I GOTTA hear.
  13. Bahahaha!! Wow, that is uncanny hahaha.
  14. Bloody good job guys. Been lookin for some good upbeat stuff for a while, looks like I finally found em. In terms of which tracks I can't stop listening to, they're zircon's Flying Heaven, AkumajoBelmont & BrainCells R U Overdrive and Sixto Sounds Made in USA.
  15. Haha, Snake, didn't see that one comin.
  16. Aye, it's been a rocky road. But Zircon and I plan on sticking with it for a long time to come, so rest assured... This show *will* gain some stability- we promise. I have all confidence in the both of ya. Just listened to the latest ep, once again good job. Kinda miss Wingless's various voices though hehe. I'll drop a vote in for you guys too, been forgettin to do that .
  17. Haven't been watching this thread for a while. So zircon's the new blood in the show eh? Yeesh, every time I don't watch this thread the hosts of the show change.
  18. Oooo, so that's what happened to the show...I've been kinda clueless as to what happened to the show for a while now (seems I've lived up to my name). I presumed that their personal lives had taken over but I decided to be arrogant and not check the thread to see what exactly happened. Personally, I think the legacy should continue and whether that be with Aurora and Rayza or pixietricks and Wingless, I don't really care. 'sides, it's a 2 and a half hr trip for me to get to uni and I need something to listen to.
  19. Bah, can't connect. Guess they still messing around with the servers for the patch. Took me 3 hrs to get that patch done, good old dial-up.
  20. Great piece of work here. My only complaint is that it gets kind of repetitive. Nevertheless, because of the great sound of it, the repetitiveness can be overlooked straight away. Top notch Redlight.
  21. Being a metal mix, I didn't like it as much as I should have. From an unbiased opinion though, Darangen's pulled off another great mix. Congratulations man, every song of yours has made it onto my playlist, keep up the good guitar play.
  22. The main body of the mix sounds great, though when the beat drops out at 1:45, as TheDro said, it sounds pretty empty. This part probably drags on for a bit too long. All is well again when the main tune returns with the heavy beat. This was your first mix so I forgive you for the mixes drawbacks, plus, we all know what good stuff you're capable of making now. Overall, nicely done.
  23. Went to uni yesterday to get some study shit done. Decided to upload ALL of your shows onto my ipod so I could listen to em (I listened to your first show when it came out, but stopped cuz I'm limited by my dial up modem, downloaded up to show 5 the other day). Thanks to you guys, I managed to pick up a few remixes I never knew existed. Good job doin the show guys *Vote casted*
  24. I honestly have no idea how I managed to miss this mix on the main page. I usually download Final Fantasy mixes on impulse. Only knew about it when I was listening to VGDJ this morning. This piece has been done really well. The change from the Decisive Battle and the Fierce Battle themes is done quite nicely and it's all put together really well. housethegrate, good job man.
  25. That was absolutely beautiful man. Now all you need is a balcony, Aurora standing on it and you at the bottom with a guitar (or a synthesiser, whatever your fancy). HAHAHAHAHAHAA!!!! Crap, I needa get up early tomorrow and I'm stuck cracking my damn ass off. pixietricks, you've screwed me over, thanks a lot hahaha. Good job on the mix, sounds awesome.
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