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Everything posted by noTuX

  1. I think Sonic Colors was released today. Think I'll swing by Gamestop and get it.
  2. OMG this game looks freaking awesome!!!! Cant wait.
  3. When are we gonna get some 3XL hoodies back in stock? I ordered a 2X, but it doesn't seem to fit tall people very well.
  4. Aww... I would like to be in this one, but I don't have a PSP. Good luck peeps.
  5. I'll send you my finished song when I get home for lunch.
  6. LMAO! Yeah sorry, but you know how the internet is... It will be all over the place in a few hours. Plus, I don't have permission to do that.
  7. Cant post it, but one of my ex co-workers sent me a video of her doing some "stuff" with "things" to my Chrono Cross remix. It was interesting indeed. I haven't seen anything weird on the YouTubez, but I did come across this excellent video done by Ms. Anielca: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t3uiewBJpvw I am deeply honored...
  8. Sweet!!!! I won!!! Thank you guys so much. Nostalgia time!
  9. I wouldn't mind having a copy since my Dreamcast died. I'll shoot you an email.
  10. That lady is Trent's wife? She is absolutely beautiful! I haven't listened to much NIN music, but I'm kinda digging this.
  11. Crap! I remember hearing this briefly on the radio. I say "briefly" because I threw a shoe at my radio after listening to it for about 1 minute, and immediately broke it (it was a piece of shit anyway).
  12. Had one yesterday. I know its not the healthiest thing in the world to eat, but it was sooooooo awesome! I just make it a point to only eat one whenever McD's brings it back.
  13. Kanye West Runaway Movie: Dude is a tremendous dick, but I really enjoy his work as an artist.
  14. OMG YES!!!!! I NEVER got past that fucking stage. I never got far in any Ninja Gaiden game, ever.
  15. I like options 2 and 4, but there was always a certain "charm" about seeing the alpha navigation on top of the main page (at least for me). But its you site bro.
  16. Damn OCR, and their stupid spacebar usage!
  17. I'm sure they'll have updated packs up in a couple of days.
  18. NNNNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You fucked up my Monday....:cry::cry:
  19. Make an original song that sounds like crap. Get drunk. Look for VGM to mix into the original crappy song. Combine them and post it in the WIP section. Get feedback, then redo the song while sober. Submit it and get it posted! Maybe that only works for a fool like me... But, you'll be surprised how creative you really are when you mind is in a slightly dazed state.
  20. Looks awesome! Those Ghast dudes look big as hell in the video. So how many of you are going to be building a house in hell? I'll probably build one around the slip gate.
  21. The fact that I ABSOLUTELY SUCK at Starcraft 2. I don't even want to play the shit anymore.
  22. Yeah, those dude are gay. For some reason I NEVER see them until they are about 4 blocks away. They blend in with the background so well...
  23. Well, I played Battlefield BC1 and the multiplayer game gave me constipation... and that's how I feel about the Battlefield series. The graphics and game play are beautiful, and they always have been, but certain things bother me. Any online game where you have to shoot a person more than once in the head to kill them...no. I HATE shooting half a clip in a person and then they manage to skip off like nothing happened while I'm taking an hour to reload my gun. Spawning in front of the business-end of an enemy tank repeatedly...not cool. Since I have a hunger for those types of games, I think I'll pick up Bad Company 2 today and see what pisses me off about it.
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