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Everything posted by noTuX

  1. And another one! This time, the source is from Donkey Kong Country 3 "Kastle Kaos" theme. You can check out the original song in MIDI format on VGMusic.com. This is the exact page: http://www.vgmusic.com/music/console/nintendo/snes/index-af.html (You'll need to scroll down a bit to find it) And here it is in mp3 format: http://www.fileupyours.com/view/215432/KRool.mp3 The style of this mix is similar to my first "The Delay" mix from DKC2 which can be found here: http://www.ocremix.org/remix/OCR01546/. This is only the intro so, there isn't much to it yet. Now, for the WIP: http://www.mediafire.com/?ylvydwmyzdj
  2. We've been getting hit pretty hard by spambots lately. Any idea how they are getting in so easily? Since I registered a long time ago before the big switchover, I'm not really sure how the new user registration process is done now, but can there be something done about how easy it is for people to register? Maybe that could help cut down on the spamming.
  3. I was thinking the same thing when I saw the title. Anyway, I gotta work today, but I'm off on New Years Day, so I'll be making it a point to get as drunk as possible!
  4. I see. Thanks for clearing that up for me. Like I said, I haven't been keeping up with it. I just say that because I got sooooo annoyed by the fact that it would ask me for permission to open a program I JUST CLICKED ON. The way I see it, if I click on something, I want it to open and STFU. Right now, I'm working with a fairly new compy. Its about a year old now with a dual-core processor and 4GBs of ram. My computer takes ENTIRELY TOO LONG (5+ mins) to complete startup. I've already taken the necessary steps to decrease the startup times and up the performance, but I still come across problems with program crashes and lagging. Which is something that should have been ironed out before they released Vista and forced people to buy it in the first place. When I was shopping for a new compy after my old one died, I wanted one that had XP on it, but with decent system specs which was rare, and I did not want to buy a computer with Vista, then buy the XP software. I know but damn, I'm just starting to learn the ins and outs with Vista. Now, I gotta know XP, Vista, and learn Vista 2!
  5. I'm not really into the whole operation system wars and technical aspects and all, plus I don't care enough to keep up with the news, but I can't help but wonder why did Microsoft decide to start working on a whole new operating system? Why can't they just take the steps to improve Vista? Ya know, get rid of useless features (UAC!!!), improve performance, security, and compatibility issues. IMO, it just seems like Microsoft is trying to keep up with the Joneses.
  6. I already bought an OCR hoodie that doesn't fit:puppyeyes:. Not making that mistake again.
  7. I know, but the movie was so bad it had to be mentioned at least one more time.
  8. Street Fighter the movie. Ninja Turtles 3. I just hated the way the turtles looked in that one.
  9. I ended up getting a nice shirt, a food processor, and a laptop from my in-laws. I feel kinda bad cause our gift to them seemed trivial in comparison to theirs. I got one of those big ass cans of popcorn that I love with the three different flavored popcorn. Got some cash from my aunt. And I gave the gift of returning home to see my family after being gone for almost three years. In a way, that was a gift that gave back to me. And I also gave out a total about $700 in cash to my cousins, nieces and nephew cause I didn't have time to find them anything.
  10. Damn, I want some LEGOs. I loved them when I was younger.
  11. Merry Christmas!!! (Or Happy "whatever the hell you celebrate") My girl got me a nice new wallet cause my old one got messed up in the washing machine. And it kinda sucked cause it was a Luis Vuitton wallet too:puppyeyes:. I got my mom a nice Fossil watch she wanted and I spent about two hours in JC Penny trying to pick out the perfect bottle of perfume for my girl. I ended up getting this Jenefer Lopez stuff. I can't remember the name. How about you guys.
  12. Well, I'm adding this to my collection. The only thing that stands out to me is those slap sticks (I think they are slap sticks) that come in right at 4:07. I can't really explain it, but they just don't fit in.
  13. I acutally started working on the drumwork for this mix about two months ago, but I couldn't decide what game track I was going to incorporate it into. I finally decided about four hours ago and I chose the Volcano Valley Acts 1 and 2 from Sonic 3D Blast (Saturn Version dammit!) Not that I don't like the Genesis version of the game (I love both of the soundtracks), I've just been having better ideas with the Saturn version. Now, I ALREADY KNOW the beginning sucks, but it wont remain that way for long. Like my "Day and Night" mix, I am working on this strictly from memory, so its not really accurate, but you can still tell that the original feel is in there. http://www.mediafire.com/?mtzl02mlfgd Updates coming soon!
  14. Ah, the good ol days... I used to work at Circuit City when I started going to college about 5 years ago. That was the best job I ever had! And we also had the 60% off discount, but it was on EVERYTHING. They stopped doing that about a year or so after I started, but I tell you, they didn't even have to bother paying me, cause I spent most of my checks in their entirety in that store. I still have the privilege of taking advantage of those discounts cause my ex has a job there and my best friend is working at Best Buy, but now there isn't really anything that I want to buy.
  15. Jamie Fox did most of the singing on Slow Jamz. Kanye was doing that rap/sing thing that was real popular at the time. Come to think of it, that is what started the whole auto tuning thing anyway. Rappers that cant sing wanted to sing. Like Snoop Dogg in "Sensual Seduction." http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pKz-RXSeIYA
  16. Looks like Kanye West is doing some new experiments with his music. I actually enjoy his new CD. Love Lockdown is now one of my favorites: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bvK6Y92JNtg
  17. It never hits music stations because alot of music stations are scared of losing ratings. "Bitches, hoes, killing niggas, and slapping random people + a good beat" is what sales. That is what most people want to listen to, so they cater to "most people." Alot of rappers and hip hop artists do make songs that are meaningful and carry a positive message, but they won't play those tracks. To sum it all up, music has been converted from an art form, to a business. Thats why its not what it use to be.
  18. Do you just realized what you said? And you couldn't have said it in a better place. Sure, you got the basic definition of music, but it is so, so much more than that. Music is what the listener defines it as. If you really think it is just organized noise, then I'm telling you right now, you're missing the entire point of music. Then why did you post your comment then?
  19. Just a quick rough sketch of Hard Man's theme from Mega Man 3. This is actually an expansion on my mix that I submitted to FLMC5 a long time ago (that sucked btw). I'm doing some experimenting with new synths and vst effects I came across. The ideas I put in this mix aren't really concrete, its just for fun. Check it out: http://www.mediafire.com/?zdkny2mn3nz
  20. Sounds like you got played. They stopped making backwards compatible PS3s a while ago. Who did you buy it from? It seems that Sony was loosing too much money making those and they weren't really as stable as they should have been. Sometimes they would screw up the game disks and overheat.
  21. Acid Jazz?!?!?! This is definitely going in my favorites. Oh, and I also picked up on the extra goodie you threw in at the end. Please, make more!
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