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Everything posted by OverCoat

  1. However, the plus with desktops is that you can swap out old parts for better ones if you feel like it, or carry over old stuff that worked well to a new tower/mobo [for most things anyway], instead of buying a whole new unit. Here's some numbers: I bought this 3.2 GHz P4 back in 2004 for ~$1200 and have beefed it up considerably since then [maybe adding another $300-350 to the price], and I suspect this configuration could last me another year or two. I would like to upgrade to quad core for haxx but I don't really feel pressed to at the moment.
  2. I stuck it to the man and listed my current favourite remix
  3. I filled out your little survey :3 hopefully it'll help
  4. Awesome game choice this time too bad I never got to this point in the game because i kept dying in the first dungeon or the first town :V I would like to remix the nighttime town song one of these days though
  5. LOLI RIPE just released a new album, lol Here's direct links http://deadfrog.fapis.com/entry.html?id=12319 http://rapidshare.com/files/153142757/LOLI_RIPE_-_____________________2008_.zip.html
  6. I use S3M2NSF it kicks ass also I haven't heard the original but this is pretty cool man
  7. What do you mean by original game music? Few people here have actually made such things There is, however, my Free Music Thread. There's also a site I hardly frequent called Sakari Infinity which hosts music intended for use in videogames.
  8. I have that poster, except it's the cutout from Nintendo Power, and says "Coming Soon to Your Super NES From Square!" at the bottom I wish I took better care of the thing.
  9. What the hell was 40 MB? Virtua Fighter 2? I can't think of any Genesis games that would need that much space.
  10. http://thasauce.net/news/809 garian posts a new free shit! it's not very effective
  11. Kinda looks like a shader problem. What kind of graphics card do you have?
  12. no that's cool I wonder if it'll be bigger than the Electronic Arts cartridges I remember they were always those huge square ones.
  13. I don't, lol the guitar is mixed way too high. in the mod it's all nice and balanced.
  14. the .it is way superior because the chocobo theme loops forever at the end
  15. aha! this is an old cover by virt called "dancing mad" here's the mp3 http://virt.vgmix.com/music/arrange/v-dmad.mp3 and the .it file for the cool people http://virt.vgmix.com/music/arrange/v-dmad.it it's actually the FULL Dancing Mad, but in that video the song starts somewhere in the middle, lol. I don't think it was ever on this site, though virt used to have a few songs up here.
  16. I'm back, bitches! Sorry, I don't have the free time I used to :'3 there's a new ansiform release! http://www.archive.org/download/ansi041/ansi041-junkcode.mp3 hooray for ambient drone I think I'm going to try to use this thread again - I handed off the Free Shit column to garian because I'm so goddamn tired and busy and he hasn't done anything with it so I think I'll go back to making sporadic posts in this gigantic thread about stuff I like that's free. There's also a new Ilkae EP on monotonik! http://www.mono211.com/content/releases/mtkmp206.html I love ilkae :3
  17. I played SC2 at PAX and it was great [basically THE SAME GAME with new/different units and pretty graphics, so SC players please rest easy] . The game was pretty much almost done for all races, so the multiplayer should be there for all races immediately, I hope. I think by installments they're going to finish terran first, release it, work on zerg, release that, etc. Installment or expansion, it's going to be full price. I remember paying $50 for Starcraft back in 1998 and then another $50 for Brood War! I never bought "Insurrection" though lol. Also, in SC2, the Overlords shit creep. \m/
  18. I posted a comment on that McVaffe video linking to where you can download the song though I think he has to approve comments first because I don't see it. Also: WINDOWS MEDIA PLAYER VISUALIZATION SCREENSHOT
  19. I loved Soundtempest... I miss it so much zircon, seriously I wish you'd try to make it again, that site did a lot of good [especially for me!]
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