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Everything posted by OverCoat

  1. BEST IDEA EVER Yes, I believe FL Studio has a "humanize" function though I have never had to use it. I believe it randomizes the note velocities as well as offsetting notes just a tad, though it could make little difference OR it could make too much of a difference. Stay balanced :3
  2. no I meant the toonami version, the dnb remix of that piano song but thx for trying
  3. She also "borrows" quite a bit, ex. "On the Run" from cowboy bebop is basically "on the run" from Pink Floyd's Dark Side of the Moon, though she changes the song up enough so it's legally a different song - people have cited, like... dozens of different examples, but that's the one I know. I still <3 her music though I have a thread about it on a better forum: http://www.animeremix.org/animix_forums/viewtopic.php?id=1976
  4. I meant for ANIME REMIX you know MY SITE ABOUT ANIME REMIXES FFFFFFFFFFFFFF if you can convince them to let me host the song then by all means
  5. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q0COzRluoV8 anyone have the end credits of MSG? Those were awesome
  6. These replies seem kind of intimidating to me I say just make some noises and figure out what it all does later have fun and learn while doing it, don't learn all this complicated stuff just to dick around in FruityLoops Honestly it took me a few years before I started making stuff that didn't make peoples' ears bleed, but looking back, it was a lot of fun to make all that retarded noise, I wouldn't go back and do it any differently. I WOULD recommend learning the piano as I did, playing the piano can be pretty fun.
  7. I'll be there plugging Anime Remix fo' sho' Probably will be just me because Xaleph's wife is in labor right now AGAIN so he might still be monstrously busy by the time MAG rolls around. It's amazing the guy even runs the site anymore :[ goddam babymaking machine I tell ya
  8. I actually prefer Yoko Kanno's work on Ghost in the Shell and Sousei No Aquarion more >_>
  9. How odd that I saw both bands over one weekend
  10. Can't mention NHK without this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NqUZ65GQcY4 rofl Also: here's my ultimate guilty pleasure I think: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hOUbZ6Aqn0g
  11. I've forgotten something important here... oh yeah! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aNJnPN_d-Sk seriously, anything by Taku Iwasaki is pure gold Also, here's my shitty remix of it: http://www.animeremix.org/remix/53/ lol slayer vst
  12. hey did I mention I run GODDAMN ANIME REMIX and you should make anime remixes and send them to me
  13. I was expecting the Death Note OP. Honestly, you can do better
  14. actually the only soundtrack I can think of that is similar to FLCL's is Beck: Mongolian Chop Squad and honestly I hated that music - you'd think for an anime about a manga about a guy with an amazing voice you'd think they'd try to get... you know... a guy with a decent singing voice. Yet the dude totally can't sing and they force him to do all this engrish
  15. how are the pillows generic jpop? I think the FLCL soundtrack is great, it's very unique to most anime. SnowStorm I have some anime you can watch where I think you would like the music: Haibane Renmei Hellsing [TV version] Azumanga Daioh Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann Also, most of the Gundam series have great music, as well as Macross [the "other" big robot franchise ], though Macross actually centers the plot around pop music, which makes for an interesting watch. Minmay, a character in the anime, actually makes the enemy aliens go crazy with her music, or other types of human culture. Some of the characters get captured and they start making out with each other to escape XD Here is a movie summary [if you don't mind spoilers]
  16. Also the Cutey Honey theme, and its many incarnations. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=THxOIeT94f4 ALSO plz remix & send remix to my website :3 I would love a Lupin remix but nobody's even tried it yet.
  17. why dont you get the hell over the ps3 its been out for like 50 years goddam
  18. I've had this video since before youtube existed, when Creative was really promoting the thing: I've always wanted one :3 even though I already have like 5 midi keyboards [right here]
  19. listen to this man i'm fucking tired of people calling PS3s "next gen" when they're already out
  20. Actually Valve has said that if they go under and Steam ceases to exist they will provide a utility to convert your games out of steam, or provide some kind of steam legacy app... I forget which, but they've got it covered. Besides, I have played cracked versions of Portal and HL2 Ep 2 before, and they actually worked great! Of course, I promptly bought the Orange Box after finishing Portal, one of the few things that's impressed me so much I felt the need to give the developers their money, not to mention the Orange Box itself is an amazing bundle deal.
  21. Have fun at your fancy chiptune concert :V
  22. I got the chance to yell at bustatunez in person for not releasing a PC version. Needless to say I took it
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