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Everything posted by OverCoat

  1. download a midi controller *snicker* anyway, the best free option right now is Cockos Reaper. Pardon the name, but it's a complete and workable DAW [digital audio workstation] with VST [basically a virtual effect or synthesizer] support. The interface is much like Sonar or Cubase, which are much much higher end DAWs, so if you ever feel like upgrading to those, you won't have much to learn.
  2. ah, I think I have one velcro tie thing somewhere :3 problem is the cords are very far apart I have like 4 consoles going into my TV on one side, then my mixer has about 8 cords going to the back of it plus my headphones, because I have no room for monitors it's fine for now though, I suppose
  3. Quick question: How the hell do you guys deal with cords? I have like a billion of them now since I got this mixer. I'm trying my best not to knot them up or anything I'll probably have a way better time of it when I move out of my parents house, and out of this little 10x10 room :'3
  4. I played the 4chan server last night >_> there's a really fun map called Wacky Races though. Holy fuck that was awesome.
  5. This shit is going down TOMORROW Also Hawkwing: Fuck you, you have Blipfest.
  6. [00:12] <Suzumebachi> big fat ruminant [00:37] <@soc> http://soundtempest.net/soc/imgswf/STUDIOVer3.5-1.jpg [00:37] <@soc> http://soundtempest.net/soc/imgswf/STUDIOVer3.5-2.jpg [00:37] <@soc> http://soundtempest.net/soc/imgswf/STUDIOVer3.5-3.jpg [00:37] <@soc> http://soundtempest.net/soc/imgswf/STUDIOVer3.5-4.jpg [00:40] <Skrypnyk> AREN'T WE LOOKING POSH [00:40] <@soc> http://www.hatingitmagazine.com/wp-content/uploads/2007/12/victoriabeckham-posh-spice.jpg [00:40] <@soc> ? My newest addition: Cute little Tapco Mix60
  7. Holy balls, thanks for all the recommendations guys :3 and thanks especially to the human made of rectangular candy
  8. So I just got a PS2. Way late to the party, right? Anyway, I'm looking for some games but there's really SO MANY AVAILABLE that I need to make sense of the huge library. Oh and I already ordered Katamari Damacy that was kind of obvious. I know I want an Ace Combat game, but which one should I get first? I'll probably want them all eventually because I'm a fighter jet whore, but I just want one to start out with. Here's the kind of stuff I'm looking for: -shooters -big robots [like Gundam, or that one game where you control a super robot by remote (RAD something?)] -one or two good fighting games [i remember playing Tekken Tag and I loved it so I think I might get that] -tits -bizarre off-the-wall but surprisingly good stuff like Katamari -a good story that doesn't involve plodding through random turn-based battles [so cancel any recommendations on Final Fantasy or 99% of all JRPGs ever, unless they have some sort of "auto-battle" function] I will compile a list :3 also, anyone wants to offload their old PS2 games, I'm your huckleberry. SNES and Dreamcast too.
  9. Yeah I don't really like this song either, though it's better than some of my more recent tries. I'm just trying to keep composing :[
  10. I feel like a more fitting metaphor would be you selling a photoshopped picture of my house :3 but whatever. We seem to disagree on pretty much everything related to money and property, so I'll leave this thread alone for now.
  11. Can we get this map in the server rotation? :3 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8YjTUmGS6E0
  12. Actually most of those people are dead
  13. I agree with Mustin here, licensing is shit. And I don't see how selling arrangements cuts from the game companies' or original composers' profits. Especially when they typically just get paid one big lump sum for completing a game soundtrack anway. Not to mention the fact that they usually sound way different than the original even if they are covers. If someone was charging money for a remix album in the Bad Tuna sense [original with drumloops on top], then I'd find it a bit... fishy. But groups like Select Start or Armcannon deserve every cent.
  14. I haven't been pimping Renoise enough, have I:tomatoface:
  15. Observation: This movie needs more HK-47.
  16. Tango? Probably a bandoneon, which is the instrument Astor Piazzolla played. Very similar to a concertina.
  17. I saw him in chapter 9 :3 during the Hally concert I think
  18. It's hard to keep working on something that's just gonna get shit on by some annoying dudes with nothing better to do.
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