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Everything posted by OverCoat

  1. Also: If I win the quarterfinals I'll give everyone free downloads of my songs
  2. Chip32 isn't really accurate to the NES so much as it lets you draw basic waveforms that sound approximately like what the NES can produce. Pretty fun synth, though, I have it. For making "authentic" NES tunes, you just need to remember that you only have 5 voices to work with by default: 2 square waves, 1 triangle, 1 whitenoise, and 1 PCM voice. The PCM channel is typically used for drums, though iirc some Sunsoft games use it for a bass sample and the white noise is almost always going to pretend it's a hihat or cymbal.
  3. Soniclove1_2.swf is canon
  4. in before http://soundtempest.net/soc/imgswf/Soniclove1_2.swf [nsfw btw]
  5. just get a R-zone, it's cheaper
  6. My PC does though and that's what I use it for TF2 never looked so good
  7. My LCD TV has this thing called "Game mode" which "accelerates the screen processing speed." Not sure why it needs to be an option, it should just be in there all the time. But yeah, with this option my Tv has no lag, though that could also be because I'm using a DVI-to-HDMI cable, which is all-digital I think [looks fucking gorgeous too]. This Game Mode thing seems like something that halves the life of the TV, or something, due to the extra processing. I should probably look at my manual. D: You should see if you have something like that, though. It might be just a Samsung thing.
  8. TOEJAM AND EARL YES FINALLY I was sick of the game OST only having like 3 remixes, it's such a freaking underdog :V Nice cumshot there jm
  9. When you get a microphone, the room matters just as much as the quality of the mic, in my experience. You have to eliminate pretty much all the background noise, or at least most of it, or recording is going to be a son of a bitch. $50-100 will get you the Shure SM57 [i would recommend the 58 for vox though], but not the preamp. You'll need to get a preamp if you want the thing to work right. The USB mics getting recommended here are a bit different because the computer supplies the mic with power via usb, so that'll be cheaper, though the sound quality probably won't be as good, unless they've started making decent USB mics recently. I wouldn't know anything about that.
  10. Bullet & Cigarette also: AGRICULTURE
  11. Ooh, music compo wait, so this expo is... not in the real world, is it?
  12. Evilhead yeah, also there's not many short games out there anymore, save for FPSes. Everything else takes way more than 5 days to beat, for me.
  13. This is my situation. I used to rent games all the time though, but I just stopped playing my Gamecube so I don't have much use for renting anymore
  14. You might want to try Renoise, which just got ported to Linux recently.
  15. I don't have one either. Too expensive. I'd rather keep to my Gameboy Color or GBA, honestly, and I actually never even play them anymore. There's not much I'd want for the DS either - maybe Contra 4 or the Phoenix Wrigth games. I have thought about getting one though, maybe when I finish all these other games I've been playing.
  16. I've not had any problems with SP3 so far - I can't tell the difference between it and SP2.
  17. this is how I see music: that is how I see music both in the real world and in my head. I see a bunch of note names and hex values. Also, I play along to the song with my hands. If you've ever met me, you may have noticed this: if I hear music I start fingering along with it on my lap as if sort of nonchalantly playing the piano. That's how I "get into the music" or whatever. Not sure if others do this or not though, I've never noticed.
  18. http://ekid.nintendev.com/nes.htm currently the best way you'll need modplug tracker :3 but that's okay because modplug is cool
  19. modarchive is one of my favourite sites on the internet ever
  20. When I think of remixes done back in the modscene days, I think of #sstrax on EsperNet! unfortunately that channel's long dead, but I do know a guy who did a lot of them - amstrocity. Here's some of them: http://www.mirsoft.info/gmb/musician_info.php?id_ele=NzU1 I also have some old arranged mods by mv, but he probably doesn't want me sharing them
  21. Every time someone mentions this song I have to play it :]
  22. This reminds me of a song from Pokemon Red/Blue Fails for reverb though. No reverb in chiptunes plz. Echo is fine because you could still fake that back in the day, but the reverb makes it sound totally unauthentic By real-ish version you mean you're making this into a .nsf right?
  23. Why did you buy them before asking us? lol Oh well. You did get some good ones at least.
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