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Everything posted by OverCoat

  1. There's a problem with winamp that concerns a maximum amount of associated file extensions, and I don't know if it's been fixed with newer versions of winamp or what, but it was a problem back when I used it [XMPlay user now. for the win]. You should disable or remove plugins you do not use, and that may fix your problem
  2. Don't forget the most overlooked site of all We finally got a new remix up actually! and it's an awesome Death Note remix by my #mod_shrine acquaintance Surasshu. I know there's a lot of anime fans on OCR, and I know we can do better than 3 regular forum members so please check Anime Remix out. Despite being presently barren, what we already have there is totally awesome.
  3. zircon I saw System on my friend's sprint cell phone [with their music service] I lol'd I also found xerxes had a few songs on that service, and lackluster having like 3000 songs on it. haha
  4. If it's freeware you could probably get away with just crediting the remixer and OC Remix, provided it's not something large in scope like that 3D Chrono Trigger thing.
  5. Those aren't conflicting remarks. I went on to say that the rhythm of the synth is just plain OFF, and needed to be quantized or something, and as for the DRUMS, if you varied them a lot more, then people would overlook the other parts of the song, aka the square wave and the sitar, which need their own improvements [that I already listed], but structurally are mostly fine.
  6. He's talking about electronic music done with orchestras though, not classical electronic music. So, the other way around.
  7. http://www.amazon.com/Acoustica-Alarm-Sound-Performs-Aphex/dp/B0009XT8KQ This is the best thing ever
  8. Oh yeah? well I printed out the Supercats album art and tacked it onto my wall.
  9. A few problems: -the square synth is offbeat it's kind of dizzying to listen to now, as the rhythm of the synth is different for each new measure. It sounds like you played the part live very sloppy and didn't quantize afterwards. try to have it keep the same rhythm so the listener can get into a nice groove. -the sitar is not in tune with the rest of the song, like at 0:33 Not sure how to fix this, I think it might be your sitar sample? -the drumloops [at least I think they are loops], while groovy at first, don't really change much. I recommend chopping up the drums and making more interesting fills and variations on the beat. If you keep the drums interesting, given the style, the listener will probably overlook the repetitive nature of the rest of the instrumentation -there's some general mixing issues I have with this - the sitar should probably pack a bit more punch [as if sitars had punch, lol], but I think you could stereo pan the sitar and bring up the volume a bit more to make the song sound more full
  10. I'm assuming he means Street Fighter 3 Also: I scored a dreamcast yesterday for $13, so this thread helps. All I have right now is a really scratched World Series Baseball 2K2, because it was inside the console when I bought it XD
  11. [23:49] <Skrypnyk> wow soc [23:49] <@soc> wow Skrypnyk [23:49] <Skrypnyk> evapourative air coolers is #4 [23:49] <@soc> what [23:49] <Skrypnyk> evapourative air coolers is #4 [23:49] <dc13> HI [23:49] <@soc> HOLY SHIT [23:49] <dc13> i have an urge for zufall, soc [23:49] <@soc> it is [23:49] <@soc> HAHAHAHAHAHAA [23:50] <dc13> zomfg zufall [23:50] <Skrypnyk> but [23:50] <Skrypnyk> for how long??????? [23:50] <dc13> Zufall = Random in de [23:50] <dc13> Until i cum? [23:50] <@soc> like 2 minutes
  12. PhiJayy, if you think the system isn't fair, then don't use OurStage. Alternate ending: Become more popular than zircon or SGX, or make better songs than theirs. I enter my song, even though I have no chance of winning - at least some people will hear it. Or at least the first 15 seconds. Since OurStage is such a clusterfuck though, only 106 people so far have heard Evaporative Air Coolers since March. It was worth a shot though. However, I do agree that the OurStage system is mostly retarded - there's probably a lot of godly material that doesn't even make it to the quarterfinals, just because nobody got to that 36,000th random battle yet. Not a very accurate quality control method. After the quarterfinals start comes the actual quality control by mob rule, aka "who has the most dedicated fans?" yet another shitty quality control method. But hey, with OurStage, let's face it - it's about the money. Everybody wants that shiny $5k and other glittering prizes, so how else are you going to do it, other than votewhore? I've yet to see anyone win anything with talent alone. If you're that confident that you think your song should win contests, send it to a legitimate one, with actual judges.
  13. The old new Maria. You know what I mean.
  14. I'm not uninterested because it's a fighting game, in fact that's a cool idea, but... they ruined Maria Here is the old maria: fapfapfapfap the new Maria is a victim of the fucking moeblob cancer destroying japan Also, now Alucard looks like a girl, Simon looks way too, uhh... I dunno. His clothes look like they belong on someone 1/4th his age... and Dracula's got some way tacky golden armor tracksuit...
  15. ... ...... ..................... ... you lost me
  16. When reading the topic title, did anyone else immediately think that Prot did something crazy again?
  17. WHAT why didn't you call me the same goddamn thing happened when that Vectorman remix album was released. I would've done something.
  18. I got both for $6.50 ONEUPMANSHIP
  19. That is pretty good. I like the Earthsiege series, particularly Starsiege. And of course Descent and Loom are awesome.
  20. At my Goodwill a few days ago, we got the Orange Box from Target, unopened, and we priced it for $6.99. I envy the fucker that got it. I would have if I didn't already own the Orange Box. I can't really pick out any best deals, but I get PC games all the time for like $2.61 apiece. I also just got Sub-Terrania, Virtua Fighter 2, and Revenge of Shinobi [sega Classics version] for $1.99 apiece recently.
  21. join #animeremix or #soundtempest on irc.esper.net if you're that hard up for chatting
  22. Looks like Evaporative Air Coolers got 51st in Experimental this month feh
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