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Everything posted by SLyGeN

  1. I can find Oracle of Ages for 10 bucks online. So, I'll give you 10 bucks for a shipped copy of it. PM me if you like the offer.
  2. Ouch. Don't give any to him. ;P I don't think redundant was the right word. You guys have been getting a lot of flac for not giving us a release date, so there should be plenty of .FLAC to go around.
  3. I had a quick look at the website and wanted to mention that I didn't like this post: I can tell the difference between 160kbps CBR and lossless. After putting so much effort into a track, there's no reason to muffle it; it doesn't do it any justice. So if there's any indecision as to whether or not to include FLAC, there's my two bits. I can't see how it would turn people off if they had a choice between MP3 and FLAC. It's just a few extra boxes to tick and untick in bittorrent.
  4. It all makes perfect sense to me.
  5. Nobody likes the high frequencies
  6. I'll just second the notion of contacting MusicallyInspired directly. The one I linked could very well be an older version of the latest VGMix WIP. I don't think it ever left the WIP stages, although there were many comments telling him to go and post it under the Releases. I do recall downloading that track, and then downloading an updated version. As to which one I sent my friend (which she then uploaded for you), I do not know. Get the author to send you his latest version in flac and pass the link on to us
  7. OverCoat, would it be possible to just use some Y-adapters for your composite stuff? Just have all the video and audio streams come together into their respective ports, and just turn one on at a time? Would you risk blowing something out if you accidentally turned on too many systems and had too much video signal? I think I have a Y-adapter, and I have two systems hooked to my TV right now. So tempting to try it.... and so tempting to see what happens if I try to feed two video signals at once...
  8. Do you know where SPDIF falls in that list? also I would put that face at the end of that sentence for you but I don't know how to make it.
  9. Until just recently, I had no real reason to learn anything about HD Video. I just had my VGA-input monitor and my co-ax/RCA TV's. Well, now I have a nice new TV (bought it to use as a TV/Monitor so all video comes from one place... audiophile reasons), and it has a bunch of different hi-def video options. This one only has component, S-Video, and HDMI as far as hi-def goes, but I'm interested to learn about the whole market. So basically I'm asking for a linear sort of explaination.. "this is the worst one because... then this one is better because... etc." From RCA to component to S-vid to HDMI to whatever spdif is and whatever DVI is. Then, after that... tell me what the highest quality option is for my Gamecube and PS2. I read somewhere that the PS2 only outputs RCA-quality video, regardless of how it's connected? Then.... someday I'll be buying the next-gen consoles. What's the best option for those? Cheers in advance.
  10. I think I'm clever.
  11. Cheers, Schwaltzvald. Good suggestions. Also, congratulations on being the only one in this thread that knows what the minor key sounds like..
  12. I'm not hating, but just trying to make sense of what's going on. Basically, this track made it through the OcRemoval purges because it's lol? It's also weird that this track is here because of classic nonsense but unmod is gone because of classic nonsense. Again, not hating, but double-standards make me go :\
  13. There's truth to this. Anyone else cry a little bit?
  14. You wanted this? http://www.speedyshare.com/323290474.html
  15. Fireworks has a way to export a GIF as "exact", which implies to me that it's lossless... is there something that I don't know?
  16. That's because you're playing these turn-based RPG's that require a bunch of exp grinding through random battles. When I want to scroll through a bunch of menus I play Windows XP. I hear the sequel sucks, though.
  17. What makes a parody funny is something the viewer won't expect, and something that is totally contrarian to what would normally happen in the movie. In yours, chucking the baby at the door, then in the closet, and then having him come out 10 years later and be briskly shoved in the closet, was funny. However, putting your hand on the other guy and screaming like a 14-year old is not funny. More baby-throwing.
  18. Silent Hill 2 had a good story. And it's bizarre, although it isn't Jap bizarre.
  19. So, after listening to The Dark Forest and Hyrule Castle out of Mithius' brilliant project, I'm finding that it's put me in a phase where all I want to listen to are marches. Particularly any that have minor key tonality (dark-sounding). Any suggestions?
  20. I have a friend whom I showed Chemical Overdose, and she loved it. She may still have a copy on her hard drive. Next time she's on, I'll ask her to upload it somewhere.
  21. All of the positive comments regarding this project are well-deserved. However, I'd like to compliment you on one track in particular- the metal remix of Hyrule Castle. Every other redux of Hyrule Castle that I've heard just don't retain the same energy that the original SNES track did. This one is done perfectly- there's no slowing of the tempo as a cheap attempt to enhance the music- it keeps the march feel throughout. Very well done. edit: I also want a FLAC version of this project. Very much. Is there any way it can be torrented?
  22. Aruging about what is and isn't "X type of metal" is indeed ridiculous. It is, however, useful as a quick way to describe a certain piece so one can decide upon giving it a listen or to pass. If you say "Glam metal" I know I won't want to hear it, but if you say "Symphonic black metal" I'll probably like it. Subgenres make just as much sense as genres, since genres can still encompass a very diverse threshold of music. Darth Lime, you're describing Doom Metal- I would recommend you listen to The Kovenant - The Dark Conquest.
  23. Yeah, I'm curious to know exactly what was exploited, and how people figured Protricity was the culprit. Did he get banned from OCR for fucking up VGMix?
  24. Whoops. Personality doesn't match the forum
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