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The wingless

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Everything posted by The wingless

  1. I was wondering when you'd pimp your own goddamn television show. BTW, all is fair in love and sega is my favorite song "Moooohn-staaahs wheeaa you out but the thing is some-thiiiiiiiiiiing else." (paraphrased)
  2. Your site and its popularity are built upon the genius and toil of your fellow man, yet we receive nothing for our labors. You stand haughtily upon the shoulders of giants, and style yourself a titan. You see the sword of Damocles shivering above, and sheepishly think it a crown. You are all that is ill and dark in the world, David Lloyd, and I shall take great pleasure in stealing the last breath of life you have from your slowly graying body. I shall kill you. Eradicate you. I will erase you from all history and all memory. It will be as if you never existed at all. And when the ash has settled and the embers have dimmed, nothing besides Wingless shall remain. SIC SEMPER TYRANNIS, and here's to a super OCR'07!
  3. Yar. You say true. I say thank ye.
  4. How can all your shitty sites be worth more THAN MINE?!?!
  5. Ohhhh my friend. The things I could tell you. The things I have seen...
  6. What a bizzare man-quote you have from me edit: thewingless.com is worth a whopping $506!! If you factor in how much time I spent on it at a professional web-designers rate... that's criminal!
  7. First Shael hits hollywood, now my main Mexicano Mustin and Flik, the tiny man-hurricaine. *sniff* My little men are growing up so fast.
  8. Bladiator's birthday is like somebody FROZE a sledgehammer and hit you in the CROTCH!
  9. BLADIATOR, YOU COMPLETE ME happy b-day, you genetic monstrosity!
  10. I'll Fucking Kill You With A Frozen Sledgehammer!!
  11. There's no denying it's great, but there's no way in shit that's the *best* in the Blizzard fan-art museum.
  12. My gift is the gift of phallus.
  13. Everyone on the Midway train to Best Buy got ROYALLY FUCKED. If any of you got deals, I will personally fuck you in the ear and give you hearing aids.
  14. I don't know if this is priviledged information, or if it's entirely accurate, so take it with a grain of salt. At midway, if a project breaks even/ goes platinum, everyone that worked on the project gets a royalty. Royalties start at the tippy-top of production (producers and project leads I believe), then trickle down from there. Royalties are given as a lump-some to central groups, which include UI design and music. So... at least at Midway, the musicians do (unless they are outsourced, and often times they are). So you just got fucking pwn3d.
  15. Oh, montage... you can make anything terrible.
  16. omg. WINGLESS on YO' FACE! Metroid--------- Metroid Sanctum screenshot1 Metroid Sanctum screenshot2 Original Games I'm making------------ Seraph, a top-down shooter RPG hybrid Avalon, a quote-unquote "next-gen" text adventure game A simple variant on blackjack An interactive fiction (which is basically a text adventure game sans the game part. A living novelette) -------------- Yay! I've pimped myself to a degree heretofore thought impossible
  17. I approve this fucking site with four Mike Nelsons out of four Mike Nelsons. Side note to the male attendees of OCR, which one of the characters would you "put your male bits in her woman parts"? My vote is for the wonderfuly incongruous Rebecca Austin
  18. Not to mention the dramatic *INCREASE IN PENILE GIRTH AND LENGTH*
  19. If I kill Zircon before the recital and then *become* him... my plans to touch Jill's bottom will come to fruition. Yes... yes it's all coming together...
  20. I would argue that you can now officially remix whatever you want, and submit it under Spore. The Judges can't touch you. All they can do is sit there while you blow marajuana smoke in their faces, groovin' on it, man!
  21. Arkansas, a land of opportunity and fertile Wallmart fields where humans are not raised... they are grown!
  22. I am on the case! I'll need to be paid of course. I want Virt to deliver the money personally to me. And I want to be famous. Somebody important... like an actor. And I don't want to remember a thing. You got me? Not a goddamn thing!
  23. Hate to be the wet-blanket slash anal design nerd, but the only thing I dislike about Vgmix3, by which I mean hate, is the logo. Sorry, dood or doodette that made that logo. Midway has honed me into a finely tuned killing machine.
  24. I wish we still had that thread of that kid's hand-drawn Link tat. I roffled both physically and spiritually, which is difficult to do sitting down.
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