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  1. http://soundcloud.com/michael-lee-52/interrupted-by-fireworks i clearly have a thing for this song, to remix it a second time... tell me what you guys think! thanks
  2. This mix is a choral arrangement with lyrics of with cameos of and , sung from the perspective of those who know the legend of the hero of time, during the 7 year gap between Gannon'l taking power and the arrival of the foretold hero.Remix: Updated WIP: Reminiscence of Valor (WIP) 7_14_12.mp3 Older versions: Reminiscence of Valor (WIP) 7_11_12.mp3 Reminiscence of Valor (WIP) 7_6_12 I'm looking for some feedback on the arrangement before involving other people for recording of the final piece. As is, the mix has some notes close to the outer limits of my personal range, and I am considering raising the final version 4 half steps, using female vocals for the higher parts, which would bring it to the key used by the source melody. A different change I am considering is to reduce the tempo from 85 BPM to 75 BPM, while dropping it half a step, allowing for a more somber expression of the same theme while using only male vocals. I'm specifically interested in any comments on the arrangement, structure and source usage, but will appreciate any other general comments on the piece. Thank you for your time!
  3. Part of my upcoming EP. I could really use some advice about DnB, but anything helps. http://soundcloud.com/yannick-jason/grand-adventure-wip
  4. this is just a first draft. a bit monotonous at this point probably, but let me know what you think Original Track : Remix : http://tindeck.com/listen/qolo
  5. It's been a while since I've posted to the forums (or really remixed that much) but this was my latest piece of inspiration. I really dig what I have so far, what with time switches, some soft wubby bass *(not really the main feature) and lots of deviation and creativity off the source material. The name's up in the air: I originally called it Alphabet Soup but that name is just a bit too bubbly for this mix (still considering that name though, just for laughs.) Anyways, give it a listen, and tell me what you think! ReMix: https://www.box.com/s/c4a039aae41462de50a6 Source: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Iz8NqZ4nZPM
  6. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kta2l8loLXY&feature=player_embedded any and all parts of it! It is still unlisted on youtube as I would like to take advice from others before putting out a final version (I'm also waiting on a tiny bit more gameplay footage). What do you think of logos? Even spread of genres? Does anything go on for too long? Is anything unnecessary (it is 9 MINUTES!)? Anything unclear? Thanks in advance to anyone with any feedback.
  7. Herro. Here's a preview for my upcoming chiptune/9-bit album. Got a sweet halc collab in the works, too, so get amped
  8. I really want to show you guys this remix I just finished! :DDD Definitely submitting this whenever I can get the chance. Feel free to give any feedback. It'll be maybe until like mid-July before I submit. Remix: https://www.box.com/s/37420b7097f64cbd9037 Sources: - Fatalize - Fighting of the SpiritPossibly needed remix details: Lead guitar (2 copies) - Strawberry Evolution Electric Guitar (Blank Preset with vibrato, pitch bend, and articulation modifications) Lead synth - u-he Zebra2 (Custom) Organ - u-he Zebra2 (Custom) Bells - NI FM8 (Stereo Bells preset with modifications) Rhythm guitar - ISW Shreddage (Quick-Play patch, Double-tracked) Pick Scrapes - ISW Shreddage (Extra channel only for these, but under the same amp as the lead) Drums - East West Quantum Leap Stormdrums (Individual patches for each part of the kit) Reverb - Uhbik-A Amp - NI Guitar Rig
  9. So I went back and listened to my Aquatic Ambiance remix from a while back. I heard a bunch of things I could improve on (also I have subwoofers now, which really helps). So I decided to remake it, except better. Source: Remix: https://dl.dropbox.com/u/37768120/ambient%20robots.mp3 Be extremely nit-picky and harsh! Point out anything you don't like or you think could be better. Update 2 -Messed with the drums a bit -Main lead synth has slightly more vibrato Update 1 -took the resonance off the filter at the beginning -made the lead synth less ear-piercing -cleaned up the solo synth a bit -cut out a few measures in a couple spots - tell me if this messes up the flow of anything!
  10. It's my tribute to the eighties (metal), the Lotus trilogy and VGM in general! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8s14wS7wiSQ&list=UUu7PVS-PwwFRO5bJerqlZZA&index=1&feature=plcp
  11. Hi there OverClocked community! My name is Kc and I am making a full game soundtrack compiled with differently themed tracks, some standard, some more obscure, but a simplistic approach on both. I am also aiming for a similarity within the tracks as a whole to give that 'reminiscent' sound from the one previously heard. Another thing I try and aim for are catchy melodies, tight bass and clarity and all being well, the track will hopefully stick in your head as a whole. Here are 4 I have already uploaded: Mystery Sands (Boss) Beyond Cumulus (Interlude) Lemme know what you guys think, any feedback is great feedback in my opinion, and if you like what you hear, hit me up with a message, I'm open for requests/suggestions. Thanks!
  12. Been a while since I posted in the workshop. Anyway, so I've been working on this remix, possibly the most ambitious remix i've attempted: of this source: Problem is I'm stuck thinking of what to do for the 'verses' (first verse starts at 0:52 and ends at 1:19 in my remix) where in the original there's really quick singing in a made up language (e.g. at 1:24 in the original), that I just can't do myself. So what I need is suggestions for what to do in those parts? ALL IDEAS WELCOME, I'd even go for a collaboration if someone thinks they can fit some vocals in there. Oh and all general feedback would be appreciated too, but be aware this is still in arrangement mode, and therefore not properly mixed yet, sorry it's a bit quiet at the moment.
  13. So, I'm studying house music as a more serious attempt to get on a decent label of some sort and I've made up a quick WIP to see if I'm grasping it but I'm not sure. http://tindeck.com/listen/tfur I don't really understand the House genre. A lot of the published stuff I listen to seems so simple to do, but I know better than that. This track I'm just experimenting with stuff from what I'm listening to so far and I'd like to see what I'm doing right and what I'm doing wrong (which should be quite a bit considering its still a rough sketch and so forth) Thank you!
  14. source: mix: https://www.box.com/s/91f0e3de9dd2c660b6d9 I was mostly addicted to the drums of the source. So there will be a lot of more experimenting in that department. Just a start to the mix. Hope to get a good arrangement out of this/soundscape out of this source.
  15. So I've been messing around with FL Studio for a bit. The following is something I've wanted to make for aaaages but haven't really had/found the tools or the skill, until recently. My friends say it's my best work yet which is... frustrating since its my only non-original, but regardless I'm proud of it and I'd like to see how it stands up in a more serious context like this. It doesn't depart too wildly from the original, but I'm very happy with the instumentation, and I've added a few minor touches and a guitar solo worth listening until the end for. Comments & criticisms would be very much appreciated. Hot Head Bop Remix (better title pending...) Original Track
  16. Hey folks. Long time lurker here. Like most of you, I'm a huge fan of the music from Blaster Master. However, I've personally not seen these songs attempted to be remixed by anyone (be it here, YouTube, soundcloud, etc). To me, they are very strong riffs, despite being considerably short. So I'm taking a crack at a full blown remix of these songs. I've been hacking away at this arrangement for a few weeks now, and have come up with some ideas that I think work to keep the whole song interesting throughout its 7 minute timeframe. I'm still not sure how I pulled 7 minutes out of this. Must be the other killer tracks I've snuck in. Here is the remix: Blaster Master - "Radioactive Decay" (rough cut) And all of the source tracks: (more of an inspiration, really) (last lead line)There you go. A smorgasbord of music all mashed up for you. Just a heads up, I'm well aware of the cymbal crashes being way too loud at 7:00 forward. Unfortunately, my drum program (Fruity Loops Pro 2.0 DEMO) crashed as I was getting ready to check the levels with all of my recorded guitars. So, currently there is no way to correct that. BUT! I will at some point force myself to recreate these drums, & it will be fixed. However, if there is anything else that I should look into, I will gladly get right on it. Oh also, I left 4:08 - 4:54 intentionally sparse, so that I may a) hack some leads into that spot myself, or try recruit any of the mighty guitar gods here to throw some leads on here. I'll make a thread in the appropriate forum.
  17. This doesn't have guitars but it's my tune on the Maverick Rising album but with some mods I worked on sometimes I dunno when and will maybe continu one day, so until then, or if it never happens, here's what I've done lol (really not much) Braving the Storm (revisit) edit: eew there's some shit sometimes, like almost muted but are not. beh anyway.. will delete
  18. so i found this recording lying around on my hard drive. recorded sometime in 2011 i think. played around with it for a while and decided to upload. this is probably the last one in this format - i have better recording possibilities these days and im currently working on my first real blacklake upload. have fun ^^ http://youtu.be/780lKeddoq8
  19. This was a piece for my final year composition portfolio. I had quite a lot of trouble mixing it - please let me know what you think! http://soundcloud.com/calumbowen/carriages HERE'S THE SCORE IF YOU'RE INTERESTED: http://www.pdfhost.net/index.php?Action=Download&File=cf4bb55aa8c8ed96b7fc9a098e1cb29d
  20. I'm still unsatisfied with some parts, like the Bridge at 2:10 and the Transition at 2:32 as well as the unnatural Reverb of the Piano at the beginning. For the Piano i'm using Pianissimo and the Reverb sounds perfectly clear while playing as VST in Fruity Loops. Does someone have any experience with this Problem? Also i would like to get some Feedback on the panning and loudness of the Instruments since im not used to neutral Studio-Headphones and i'm also a Fail at Mastering. >< http://soundcloud.com/angelsden/ambivalance-into-a-s Thanks P.S.: The Quality got a little bit affected thanks to soundcloud
  21. Holy crap. I haven't done any kinda remix or whatever in like....six months. Anyway, I've been working on an arrangement of Morrigan's theme. It's pretty rough and basic right now, but I turn to the forums to seek guidance. I've got some other musicians lined up so that the end result should have female choir, bass guitar, some live drums, and if he has time for it and doesn't think the near finished tune sucks too bad; Brad Burr says he may lay down a bitchin' sax solo. Speaking of, in this version I have a space where the 1st real guitar lead will go. Still practising a few of the licks though before I record that. Currently, the only live element I have is a couple string bends I did in the intro because I thought they sounded haunting. I'm trying to slowly come up with original sections where each musician would be able to showcase their talents. Version 3 http://soundcloud.com/angelcityoutlaw/darkstalkers-deserted-ch-teau Version 4 http://soundcloud.com/angelcityoutlaw/darkstalkers-remix-wip-4 Any feedback you have....go for it! Also, what kind of genre would you label what I'm going for as? It's got electronica, jazz, rock etc... Original - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gQH9zOJqdm4 List of things we need for after I finish the arrangement: Bass Guitar - Garpocalypse says he's got that covered. Not sure if that has changed. Saxophone - If he has time, Prophetikmusic may be down for that. Pianist - ???? Superior Drum samples - ???? Vocals - Local singer says she'll do it Mixing/Mastering - ???? (Someone who actually knows how to mix and master should do this. I'm terrible at production and don't have good listening gear.) If interested in filling in any positions with "????", please let me know!
  22. This is a WIP - and a track I'm using to vent. I've had a tough time with a lot of things lately, and no matter how I try, I just can't seem to express my frustrations. Well, till now. I decided to put a voice to my resentments, and here's what I've come up with - got it done before work yesterday, haha. The melody is a little cheesy, but meh. It's a sketch, it's very basic at the moment, and it sounds a little 80's, but not too much. I really don't care either way, haha. It's what I do, so yah. Still working out phrasing for the vox, so expect a re-record of the vox sometime soon. Is it worth continuing on with? Lemme know! Enjoy! https://www.box.com/s/86528bba7adfb5992c5f LYRICS: I've lost you Or is it that you've lost me, I can't tell. In this whirlpool. Around and around with no sight of the ground - there my limits are found. -Don't apologize, it's not compromise, But it makes me the better man. And so I fight the silent battle that I'm waging with my soul. Warring endlessly to eternity, but you would never know. Because my face, it hides my pain so well. It seems I'm living just another day. I can never find the right words to explain. And so inside is where this complex fool remains.
  23. Source: Remix: Dracula's Servants I made a somewhat glitch-hop remix of Inner Quarters, which is one of my most favorite BGM from the game. It's almost done, from start to end, gotta sprinkle on some counter melodies here and there. So if 3:16 sounds a tad empty, that's why.
  24. Here is project I'm currently working on. I know for sure this needs some compression/limiter on it.... Here's the link http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qyx7EShG1lQ
  25. Hey guys and gals - this is a pretty rough idea for stage 1 of Demon's Crest (Snes). Remix http://www.mediafire.com/?35bnwcbjyk8a327 Source
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