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  1. Kid Chameleon will have its day in the sun, and I will stop at nothing until it does. I mean, I started this remix today partly because I believe this game doesn't nearly get as much attention and love as it should and I LOVE this game and the music. I only saw one ATTEMPT at a KC remix on this site, which ended up being rejected for now, so here's my attempt to bring some love to this game. Please help me make this track better and develop my skills. Thanks. My Remix: http://soundcloud.com/drumj8/pursuit-of-safety_2012-06-16 Source:
  2. Hey everyone! Drop Bass Zone Source: Got a mix I'm going to send through the panel. I'd like to have a few more sets of ears take a gander at this and see if there's anything that I should do with it. There's one or two spots that I'll probably shorten by a bar or so, but otherwise I'm thinking it's pretty close to OCR standard, here. Any thoughts and critiques are appreciated.
  3. There were 34 remixes for the contest but due to ties, there were 28 placements and this remix placed 25. I want to learn and progress as much as I can My remix: http://soundcloud.com/drumj8/spacious-marimba-ff6-new Source: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ndsFr2fZ5og
  4. Somehow I felt creative today, and made this one. Perhaps it's better than the last one I've done... http://soundcloud.com/yaminokeshin/needles
  5. It's a breakbeat remix in the works, and actually is a facelift from an older Hsien-ko remix of a different (electronic) style. But I wanted to re-do it when the last project just became too busy and also didn't like where it was going. I kept the fun and upbeat nature of the original but added some chord changes otherwise to change up the mood. There's some filler that needs adding to- 2:37 to 3:10 is an all original section. Also I snuck in a small bit of a Commander Keen song, on a whim just because it sounded good http://tindeck.com/listen/jbsx http://soundcloud.com/ccricers/lei2-4/s-XExPI Original source: (I recommend Tindeck to hear this one, the compression there is a bit better)
  6. Stewart Copeland's compositions are quite amazing. So I thought I'd piece together a remix of one of the Spyro 1 tracks I found to be quite easy. It's just the first minute right now, though. I though I'd tweak as much as I can early on. Latest version Source
  7. There is my remix in progress. This is the 2nd version for the time being, and then I'll updating. I want to do changes yet. So just say what you think about, and if you want: give an ideas too. Remix: http://www.myspace.com/hicky8djs/music/songs/hero-forever-40-beta2-15-06-2012-41-mp3-88087509 Source: Note: If you're having trouble hearing the remix try to allow the cookies in your navigator because need to open other window to the player of myspace when you click the "play button". I'm just saying this because I met people with this problem before.
  8. Hi all on the OCR forums, I haven't posted on this forum for a long time but I'm back because a) I like to hear new music and I need a little feedback on my own stuff. This is something I've been working on for a while. This is an instrumental for a remix I'm doing, taking a dance pop style track and turning it into a trancey but funky breakbeat track. I've been putting a lot of work into the drums in particular and I'd like to know how they sound to you guys. This is the link to my remix This is the link to the original song.
  9. Unfortunately i've not been able to access my soundcloud lately, so i'ma have to link from Youtube General feedback is appreciated I consider it finished but i'm always open to improvement The original:
  10. I've been asked to create little demos of music that may or may not appear in a friends game. I'm probably going to recompose them when I get a better library or mixing skills but right now I just want feedback on composition and any tips for improvement: This is like a battle theme, or some sort of encounter... there are transitional points which will probably be "stems" or changes that would occur depending on the scene This is an uplifting happy song
  11. bet y'all are getting sick of me by now(I'm trying to make a good remix, really ) Here's the latest try: Endless Sorrow~Final Fantasy IX (I ain't sayin' it's done yet) source:
  12. https://soundcloud.com/sauraen/melodies-of-mabe-village-3-9 (Updated link) Game: Legend of Zelda, The: Link's Awakening (Game Boy, 1993) (Kazumi Totaka, Koji Kondo) Songs arranged: Ballad of the Wind Fish, Mabe Village, Koholint Island EDIT: Original submission thread: http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=38115 This is a the third version of this piece; the first did not make it through OC ReMix's inbox screening and the second was a "NO, resub". Now it's played on the EastWest Complete Composers Collection--there shouldn't be any problem with sample quality anymore!
  13. http://soundcloud.com/2point0sounds/substances Just experimenting with some new things.. I'm mostly a rock person, but... I think it's cool Check it out guys
  14. https://www.box.com/s/1133bbd920a6af8ab3eb Right now it has a bit too much reverb and the mixing is a little off, but mostly I'm looking for composition and arrangement feedback. I'm interested in how the song makes you feel and what sort of atmosphere you are getting from it.
  15. Source: Remix: The Death of King Desmond (Metal Mix) Just wanted to show this to you guys! Shreddage rules! Currently, this seems passable. Is it?
  16. Besides the cheesy title, this is my best wip yet. Listen, enjoy, and review! Version 1: http://soundcloud.com/jordanrooben/kakariko-village-3
  17. Started playing around with ideas. I think I was getting inspired with a cross between Deus Ex and Yoko Kanno (Ghost in the Shell), if that makes any sense. http://www.jaredhudson.com/music/spycity.mp3
  18. This is going to be a work in progress for what could be a long time as I've been busy however... I'd be more than happy if people use this as a stepping stone for a remix of The Extreme if they wish and perhaps we could collab together to complete it? Or perhaps create a group? The more the better;) There is much to be learnt here! So anywho, I've created an introduction for the piece and mastered it the best I could. Also: I found this video very inspiring (just now): but obviously, more heavy, full on- a lot of effects probably? With what I want, (could be a big goal) a full choir with perhaps recorded voices. :
  19. The ubiquitous Levels, by Avicii. I have started a remix of it. Enjoy http://soundcloud.com/ellywu2/tracks
  20. Source: RMX: http://soundcloud.com/mak-eightman/oblivion Overall finished. I don't know what to do with organ. It sounds bad. Any tips, critics or whatever are WELCOME!!! thanks!
  21. Hey guys. Just finished this track i've been working on lately. To me it is done, as it is just the way i imagined (wrote it) in my head. Tell us your thoughts on whether it is worthwhile submitting to Ocremix. Thanks. http://soundcloud.com/eletrotik/infinity-mijinion-trance-remix
  22. http://soundcloud.com/yannick-jason/hydrocity-zone-remix-wip Something small I found myself working on the other night. Just trying to get a basic idea down. Figured I would get some tips here. I think I wanna take it even further. Any thoughts?
  23. http://zazmusic.bandcamp.com/track/tectonic-levitation The floating continent! It's loud and distorted and kind of disjointed. Kind of like what it would be on a floating continent! Maybe. Anyway enjoy I guess.. IF YOU DARE
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