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  1. Here's one I whipped up tonight. I thought I'd give a go at trying a Hans Zimmer-type piece. I don't normally write in this style, but it's fun to try new things and practice weak areas. Enjoy!
  2. Here's a quick rpg theme I recently composed. It is supposed to emulate a scene where the protagonists of the story are reflecting around a campfire and under the stars (hence the sequenced synth at the beginning and the end). All feedback is welcome :D.
  3. Hey all, finished work on my latest album this last weekend. Just thought I'd drop a link here. Check it out!
  4. Hi everyone - I tried to mash up the FF6 Airship theme from the World of Ruin with Frog's theme from Chrono Trigger. This was a tricky remix, since individually these songs are stylistically independent. But I played the melodies over each other, and thought that it was a great enough fit to try a remix. I experimented a lot with different instruments for leads, especially for Frog's theme. Normally I would never use a trumpet but here, it felt just right! Hope you guys enjoy it!! Any feedback appreciated, good or bad. Always willing to learn to get better Remix Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=opa-ADmpmsU Source (FF6 Searching for friends): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NnvZ6Dqv7Ws Source (Chrono Trigger Frog's Theme): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yp7PYi5b8jg
  5. Hey OC Remix community! I am still improving my production and composition skills with the little time that I dedicate to writing and producing. I am hoping that get some input that will help this remix be appropriate for submission! As a caveat, I do plan on recording a few classical instrument performances (I play the clarinet) and I will humanize the piece a lot when I near completion of the piece. I also have not "master mixed" the piece. However, I think that this piece is coming along nicely. I intended for this piece to mix classical with electronic elements (there are two synths). Phantasy Star IV's music does this well so I wanted to also incorporate that into this remix. I also am mashing two pieces of music into one remix because the first song I chose was a bit thin on length (content). The two pieces have a similar vibe and they are Requiem for Lutz and The Age of Fables. I would consider this approximately 55% done but that's a rough estimate. I don't know how much more can be done exactly but there are a number of ideas floating around in my head (got a head ache). Any feedback would be greatly appreciated. Download of the remix in progress: http://www.tonalbliss.com/music/displays/truthbetold_4.mp3 The two original tunes I'm basing my mix on on YouTube: https://youtu.be/uH-4DZWv5fI?list=PLirSddeMOYZ5E_9xpoTRYi3ksQmlFPdFL and https://youtu.be/afEQQhQajLE?list=PLirSddeMOYZ5E_9xpoTRYi3ksQmlFPdFL
  6. Just Tried my Hand at my first drum and bass song. I think It came out pretty good and I hope you guys dig it. Peace
  7. Recently, a mix I posted back when I knew very little about production was just recently reviewed by the judges, and I'm fixing the issues that were prevelant. Knowing what I know now, I hope I can fix all the issues and resubmit it. Reviewed Mix: New Mix (In fixing progress): The Boss is Back in Town ReMix Source: If anybody could compare the original to the new remix and see if you think I improved on the judges critiques or not, that would be awesome. Thanks to anybody offering insight! (I'm not done with arrangement or production just yet.)
  8. The youtube version is a screen capture of my FL Studio project. The soundcloud link below is the high (much higher quality) quality final mix. I never go for any specific sound I kind of just let the workflow be it's own being in a way. Sometimes I get sort of a retro modern sound, if that makes sense.
  9. Hello there! First of all I want to say hi to everyone in this community, I'm new here, althought I know OCremix for a long time! This is my first post here, so I hope I'm not doing anything wrong, If I'm please tell me and I'll fix it asap! I want to share with you the soundtrack I made for BOOR, the game by Dazlog, which is on Steam since 14th February: The soundtrack consist of 27 electronic songs with an atmospheric touch. It's one of the largest and more complex works I've ever done, and I'm quite proud with the result! Anyway, I hope you like it, and of course any comments or reviews are welcome! Thanks!
  10. Double Dragon 'Hammer's Garage' Sweet, Neostorm, this just kicks. Wah organ madness, and a beautiful array of other instruments. I especially love that whole organ solo thing at the end. I'm trying to think of anything I could possibly compare this to, but it's just not happening. I don't think I've heard anything using instruments like these before in my life. Excellent work, Neostorm, very unique.
  11. Hello again, OCR! Here's a new* remix from Legend of Mana that I just finished. * It started out as a loop back in 2008, made it a full length thing in 2015, and finished working on it now after putting it aside for... a year or so. What do you think? Cheers, Jonas
  12. The soundcloud one has better sound quality. The youtube one shows a screen capture of the track in FL Studio.
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