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  1. Hey everybody... been a long time since i've been on OC remix, but with the upcoming release of Starcraft 2, I thought I'd throw in my hand at remixing. So, I dove into the Starcraft 2 sound library, and started chopping and rearranging. Also, I made my own technique for doing the protoss voice... This is what I got so far. "After the Broodwar, a group of protoss parted off from the rest of the tribe. With their peaceful interactions with select groups Terrans, they started to delve into the Terran arts, more specifically, Rap and Hip-Hop." A Protoss Rap/Hip-Hop Song. http://soundcloud.com/poolatka/today-was-a-good-day All the sounds are from the Protoss music, minus a couple key drums. I have all the lyrics written out, but not recorded or put in yet, but I added one phrase here and there just to fill it in for now. I thought I'd get your guy's advice on the music before putting the lyrics in.
  2. I made a remix of Soulcalibur 4's character creation music. After months of searching for the source, I found out that it is called "Infinite Images". Here is my remix. And here's the source. I'd like to hear your opinions on it.
  3. Hey all. Long time listener, first time poster! I've been making music for around 6 years now, and this is the first time I feel confident posting one of my works up here. It's a remix of the Red Soil Area song from Super Metroid. As it is, it's mostly finished, but I'd love some professional feedback. Critique away, guys! http://drop.io/Kabukimusic/asset/red-eye-brinstar
  4. Hi, it's been a while but here is a new version. New drums and some EQing: http://tabnewflax.com/wip/Tab_Newflax_Quick_Man_WIP4.mp3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Hello, here is an updated version. This one is a bit softer, personally though I kinda feel that the original version had more punch to it. Although I'm no expert at mixing. Appreciate feedback. http://tabnewflax.com/wip/Tab_Newflax_Quick_Man_WIP2.mp3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Hello, here is a remix of Quick Man's Theme. I would appreciate some feedback. Thanx http://www.tabnewflax.com/wip/Tab_Newflax_Quick_Man_WIP.mp3
  5. Hey Guyz, this is my first remix, I made it with the programm Cubase 5 I'd like to know, how yout think about it and what I could make better: Enjoy
  6. FOR WHOM THE BELL TOLLS: http://www.box.net/shared/0zu4kqsc9f (remix of Doopliss Encounter and Doopliss Battle) Originals: DOOPLISS ENCOUNTER: DOOPLISS BATTLE: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MTdlLqwQlBU Hello, I'm new to the forums. My name is Dreyfus. I stayed up from 3:00 in the morning to 5:00 writing this. It's my first remix, so I figured the best place to get critique would be OverClocked ReMix. I'm hoping you guys would be able to help me improve this. As stated above, this is a remix of both Doopliss themes from Paper Mario 2: The Thousand-Year Door. I was getting bored working on my re-orchestration of Twilight Trail, so I decided to do the Doopliss themes, but really in the end wrote more of a remix than a re-orchestration (and that's an understatement). It was originally going to be a remix of the Doopliss Encounter and Dimentio theme from Super Paper Mario, but I wound up using Doopliss' Battle music instead. I highly recommend comparing this to the originals, just because if you listen to it on its own you might not catch the remixed melody. The music when Mario encounters Doopliss is very repetitive and ambient, so I had to take just a few notes and turn them into a full-fledged song. So it sound like I've been pretty liberal with the melody, but if you pay close attention, you'll see that, actually, most of it is the same notes, just in a different rhythm. The music when Mario battles Doopliss, though, should be obvious when it comes in. Does anybody know where I could find a bell sound set? The best I have are the Tubular Bells, which just don't sound "bell" enough to represent the Creepy Steeple bell. Wrote this from scratch tonight in Sibelius. All instruments (except for the Euphonium, Bongos, and Tubular Bells) are sampled via Garritan Personal Orchestra. As a side note, the bongos sound a bit MIDI-ish; Sibelius' bongo samples are very strange, there isn't much I can do... Also, I think there's reverb missing from this song... It feels like the notes are ending differently than they did on Sibelius itself. INSTRUMENTATION: Woodwinds: 1 Piccolo, 2 Oboes (single part), 1 Bassoon, 1 Contrabassoon Brass: 1 Euphonium Strings: 2 Violin Sections, 1 Viola Section, 1 Cello Section, 1 Contrabass Section Percussion & Keyboards: 1 Timpani, 1 Snare Drum, 1 Crash Cymbal, 2 Bongos, 1 Tubular Bell, 1 Harpsichord, 1 Pipe Organ (no pedals), 1 Accordion Hope you enjoy! Thank you for taking the time to listen!
  7. Been messing around with this ever since last Punchfest...still working on the rest of the arrangement...thought I could receive some extra feedback in here for different effects...making sure everything seems solid so far. Enjoy!
  8. My second post.. the first was some 8bit drum n bass track, but this is now a very different style of musik <3 my first metaltrack longer than 2min! used shreddage (best virtual guitar ever made!!) <3 http://soundcloud.com/creast/death-is-just-the-beginning PS: the mixing is baaad.
  9. This a kind of a slower tribute type remix of byrnes theme I've been working on. Its only covered the first part of the song so it isn't finished, but for some reason what I do have sound a bit lacking. Any feedback is welcomed.
  10. Hi! This is my first attempt to post something. So this is my simple "remix" on Arcus Odyssey from Sega. I'm working on it and maybe will try to submit it. Well if some one like it=) Pleas tell me what I need to change or else.. Thanks!! http://fairtilizer.com/track/113239
  11. I joined somewhat recently and decided to post a mix I've been working on here. Link - Memories of My Childhood (Fixed as of May, 19th) Original Source - Autumn Voyage So, what do you think?
  12. Hello, My name is Margaret Noble and I am an artist and teacher who works in sound and media art. I am writing to share a project I am developing which is inspired by an old vinyl recording of Orwell's novel 1984. As an artist who uses samples and media, I have found Orwell's text and today's media to be fertile ground for artistic expression. I am weaving together a new experimental radio work that is a musical narrative retelling. I am writing to introduce the project, find support for this work and to spread the word. The work connects strongly with human rights and will benefit Amnesty International. Although this note may appear a bit "spammish," I invite you to take a look and see what you think. The work supports human rights, new contemporary art and the continuation of Orwell's message. Preview track here: http://margaretnoble.net/blog/safer-is-better/ Support the project here: http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/margaretnoble/george-orwells-1984-electronic-music-remix-album-f Thanks for reading!!! I hope to hear from you!!! Sincerely, Margaret
  13. ORIGINAL SOURCE: So I just recently listened to Iron Maiden's CD, Seventh Son Of A Seventh Son. Although the main thing I like about Iron Maiden is the heavy metal parts of the songs, I really enjoyed the acoustic parts on the CD. And then I played some Zelda II. As well as being one of the best NES titles ever, it's also one of the most underrated. After going through the battle areas (which I always reffered to as caves, even though sometimes you went through forests), I thought to myself, "Hmm...I could turn this into an acoustic-centered song!" As I had recently gotten Fruity Loops, I did some effing around. I said that it would be acoustic-centered, but I was planning on having other instruments as well. That didn't quite work out. So I modified it to be an acoustic-only. It was relatively simple, as there are only 3 tracks, and it only took me 2 days to get to what it is now. It's my first official song from FL. Yet I feel like there needs to be more. It clocks in at only about 2 minutes, 5 seconds. So I'm thinking of adding the Boss theme from the game onto this, as the songs kinda sound alike. Enough of the story bullcrap, though. So as this is my first REAL remix, I'm curious as to what you guys think. I'm new to FL, so I don't expect you guys to think of it as a masterpiece. If you do, then whoopie. If not, fine by me. Critizism is my friend. The song's broken up into 3 parts, which last nearly 40 seconds each. 0:00 - 0:40 is the main bass line. 0:40 - 1:21 adds the rhythm track. In the original source, it isn't entirely noticeable. 1:21 - 2:06 adds the final piece. This is the main instrument you here in the source. LINK: Looking for a song name, please. So...there ya go. Catch ya on the flip side!
  14. So this is a stuff i made for fun a medley of the following Final Fantasy 6 themes : Terra Theme, Battle Theme, Boss Theme, Victory Theme http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hn4mKZFVNlQ
  15. I only named it that because I don't have a name for it myself. This is something I whipped up long ago. It would sound much better had I been able to record it directly from the keyboard I created it on, but since I wasn't able to do that... Prepare for monotony and possible ear pain. I'm not too good at music, but this is the only track I've created that I'm proud of, and doesn't sound like absolute crap. Forgive me for this. I'm expecting the worst, so don't hold back!
  16. This tune is still in the mixing phase (haven't started mastering), but I'd like to know what more experienced musicians think of my mixing. http://mordi.ziphoid.com/data/music/work_in_progress/Clarencio%20Mix.mp3 (The tune itself is maybe a bit dull, along with my arrangement) I have mixed primarily on a 5.1 set, but I also have some headphones. I think maybe the bass is a bit shy when listening on the headphones, but I'm not sure if it's just that I am used to pretty loud sub-bass with the subwoofer. Also, the kick feels very "light" on the headphones maybe. Those are my thoughts so far. Edit: Here is a quick master. Has a bit more 'air' and some compression. Subtle changes from the mix. http://mordi.ziphoid.com/data/music/work_in_progress/Mordi%20-%20Clarencio.mp3
  17. Hello! I've been a member of the forums for a total of twenty minutes now, and I've already got a remix to get feedback on (yay?) I've been working on a remix of Cohen's Masterpiece from BioShock, which I've basically been tweaking off and on over the last few weeks until I thought it was worth asking other people for their opinions. I have it uploaded here: http://www.mediafire.com/file/ry4mymknh2z/Cohen's Disasterpiece2.0.mp3 It's kind of a techno variation, with some odd-ball drums that I thought kept with the spirit of the already weirdly-timed piece. Enjoy! EDIT: Here's the new, improved version of the Remix. Let me know what you think! http://www.mediafire.com/file/y3mjjjtrmwm/Cohen's Disasterpiece3.0.mp3
  18. UPDATED Final Mix Attempt 1: "The Angels of Hell" Here is my first attempt at a final Mix of "The Angles of Hell" Not completely happy with the result; the Short flute notes at the beginning sound 'odd', I think some of the EQing is off, and maybe I need to add some compression here and there. I think I'm done the the composition part of the song and now I need to work on the actual production... the part I am least good at. So all help is welcome!!! The music is based on the Wii and original version of Cave Story. Sources: Scorching Back: Main Theme: [url=]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rX9feeYHL1c Running Hell: [url=]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M1VTkwllQ8Q Thanx RR
  19. I know I'm probably biting off more than i can chew by trying to remix this but i'll try it anyways. Source: Its the first wip so I was a little lazy with humanisation in some parts. Also because of the weird piano/synth sample I'm using, I had to use absolutely no reverb which makes it sound dry in the lower pitch notes. I'll sort it out in the next wip. ReMix: http://sites.google.com/site/vspaine/wips/Ease.mp3?attredirects=0&d=1
  20. There is no ReMix of this game yet on this site, therefore I took on the task to make that right. I've worked quite a bit on this one so far. The style is pretty mixed and experimental and the song has quite a lot of elements to it. Is it too much? Does it need to be made more cohesive or does it work? Thanks for listening Themes ReMixed are: Character Select theme and Water Ruins. http://tindeck.com/listen/mhco
  21. Hey guys, this is like the first thing I've done in almost a year, and I SHOULD be working on the sonic remix project but hey, what can you do. Here's the very beginning of this guy, lets see where it goes! Current: http://tindeck.com/listen/pxrb
  22. This is something I started as a theme for a possible future game. It's a bit short, but I may expand on it later. Yay for orchestra goodness. http://www.jaredhudson.com/temp/skyavengers_demo_theme.mp3
  23. So made this,this morning. arrangement i still kind of conservative.(will update soon) This is the first remix I've made without the assistance of a midi (so I'm proud of that) Remix Comments, thoughts, Rants?
  24. http://www.mediafire.com/?ngjcdhwjizx It's been a year since I last said something here, mainly because of college. However I've still been working on arrangements. This is my newest from Final Fantasy Mystic Quest. The Idea came to me a few days ago and the song seemed like it would sound much better orchestrated so I attempted to do just that. Feedback and other comments welcome. edit: Can a mod or admin change the title of the thread to "Symphony of the Sun(FFMQ Forest Town arrangement"
  25. Still early days for this mix. It's the main theme of Metal Gear Solid 1 in the style of Kraftwerk. Apologies that it doesnt have an ending yet. I would greatly appreciate any critique so far. source: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zqqq8uqSDnk Inspiration:
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