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  1. What did you think? Post your opinion of this ReMix.
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  4. Hello OC Remix Community! I have visited and enjoyed OCRemix.org since the year that it opened. I tinker with writing music and making remixes from time to time. I want to get feedback on my most recent remix. I also want to know if it would be a good idea to submit this piece for review. My piece is titled "Truth Be Told." The themes that I used were from two songs from Phantasy Star 4 called "The Age of Fables" and "Requiem for Lutz." These songs can be found in the Phantasy Star 4 soundtrack as recorded and uploaded by Dustin Odell on YouTube with timestamps 1:24:09 and 1:10:52 respectively: EDIT: I was going to wait for feedback before publish this on my YouTube but I havn't yet received any. Therefore, I published it on YouTube. You can listen to it here: The only live recordings in the song are of me playing clarinet. Please do let me know what you think!
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  7. For everyone feeling a little sad today: Sorry for poor video editing skills
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  9. Hey there, I made this some time ago, thought I might also share it. I basically took the well known Pallet Town Theme and made some Piano Variations in the Style of 18th century composer Joseph Haydn. Enjoy! Feedback is always appreciated. https://drive.google.com/open?id=1eSQgQKNg0pqf8r6OG0JXMxHPwR9x4N28
  10. Source: ^from this to THIS(Tchaikovsky level of majestic is what I was going for):
  11. Some ear Candy: Sources: & linking the two plus serving as the outro:
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  13. Pump It Up 2nd Content Creation Contest Winner: 1st place. Mastered By: Jehezukiel Hope you like it!
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  15. I've done Chrono Trigger arrangements in the past, but the short 14-second theme for "Manoria Cathedral" has always been one of my favorite pieces of music from the game. Since the original theme was so short, I decided to do an improvisation based on that theme and flesh it out. My good friend Nathan offered to transcribe the piece and ended up finishing it in just a few hours. The sheet music is linked in the video description. Hope you guys enjoy!
  16. Here's a piece I've been working on. The piece came to me in a dream (a weird symbolic event to be sure), and I remembered it with perfect clarity when I woke up, so I opened my laptop and transposed this before I could forget it. I'm still ironing out some details of the composition and working on the EQ, but I'm interested in what you guys think. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1fQbIF1Ls-QuNjSzouSJZMzetlSalgQLi/view?usp=drivesdk
  17. piano arrangement from ff10 : "Daughter of the Summoner" and "Someday the Dream Will End" Enjoy !
  18. Hey OC Remix community! I am still improving my production and composition skills with the little time that I dedicate to writing and producing. I am hoping that get some input that will help this remix be appropriate for submission! As a caveat, I do plan on recording a few classical instrument performances (I play the clarinet) and I will humanize the piece a lot when I near completion of the piece. I also have not "master mixed" the piece. However, I think that this piece is coming along nicely. I intended for this piece to mix classical with electronic elements (there are two synths). Phantasy Star IV's music does this well so I wanted to also incorporate that into this remix. I also am mashing two pieces of music into one remix because the first song I chose was a bit thin on length (content). The two pieces have a similar vibe and they are Requiem for Lutz and The Age of Fables. I would consider this approximately 55% done but that's a rough estimate. I don't know how much more can be done exactly but there are a number of ideas floating around in my head (got a head ache). Any feedback would be greatly appreciated. Download of the remix in progress: http://www.tonalbliss.com/music/displays/truthbetold_4.mp3 The two original tunes I'm basing my mix on on YouTube: https://youtu.be/uH-4DZWv5fI?list=PLirSddeMOYZ5E_9xpoTRYi3ksQmlFPdFL and https://youtu.be/afEQQhQajLE?list=PLirSddeMOYZ5E_9xpoTRYi3ksQmlFPdFL
  19. I'm a big anime fan and fan of the classical scores used in the alot of anime. Gurren Lagann or Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagan is a pretty good short mech anime with decent scores. My favorite Gurren Lagann instrumental comes in the final battle between Genome and Simon as heard here (All of You, Get Fired Up!- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3X4_2...). This track samples from it and with some drums and piano to make chill Gurren Lagan Mashup. It's somewhat vanilla but it's chill Enjoy.
  20. I released my latest classical piece. This song accompanies a story that I created titled Remorse Nothing More. It is a full orchestration created in FL Studio. Please let me know what you think.
  21. Here is an acoustic/classical arrangement from dragon quest 7 "days of sadness" and "with sadness in heart" (composed by Koichi SUGIYAMA) For this arrangement, I wanted sthg minimalist in the building and in the instrumentation. I thank @Katamari (guitar), @Chris ~ Amaterasu (violin, viola & cello) and @Arvangath(bass) who have collaborated with me. Enjoy! https://soundcloud.com/bluelighter0085/dragon-quest-7-deeper-in-the-heartmp3
  22. Hey guys! I haven't posted here since 2006 and back then I was just browsing and not sharing much. Since then I've been practicing composing a bit of music myself. Mainly motifs for my original cartoon/puppet characters (yes, I build puppets now.) I consider myself a total novice as I can't play any actual instrument and cannot read sheet music for the life of me. I literally just plug notes into the FL studio piano roll until it sounds like music. I'm working with free sound fonts too. So my music is pretty much midi sounding. Anyways I figure I'd share my latest composition. It's a solo piano suite of my main character's motif/theme. The backstory is that my character spent 28 years composing it and considers it his masterpiece. He plays it when he's got free time or if he want's to creep out his guests. His theme is essentially an original russian/soviet sounding march, but in this I gave it many variations. From Bach, to Mozart to even a waltz. I tend to compose music in 3 genres: Russian military, German polka and evil circus music. I suck at mixing/mastering/ orchestrating so go easy on me. I'm trying to learn more. Music isn't my main focus but I figure it's a good skill to have. Let me know what you think. Also I'm open to collaboration too. I have a bunch of unused songs/lyrics and a few ideas for video game musical numbers. Mainly Rare ltd and donkey kong country inspired. Thanks EDIT: For the record I HAVE NO IDEA if this is actually in F minor. The only reason it's titled that is because he says the F word a lot. If anyone can tell me what key it's in I'm all ears.
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